Yep, another fucking birthday…. just another day….
Been a while since I posted anything here, I’ve got a lot on my mind and a lot going on in my life and I’m really depressed honestly but whatever.
I’ve got a birthday coming up in a week actually and I’m getting older and it makes me think of things I’ve missed in my life and one of them is revenge on those who have wronged me.
There are so many people that have screwed me over in my life and it’s my fault I know it, I’m what you would call a ‘nice guy’ so there are people who happily took advantage of that and then there are those who did things to me that were out of my control just because they could.
I want revenge, I want them to suffer, sadly a few of them have already died and all I can do is hope they are suffering and burning in the fires of hell for what they’ve done and how they’ve lived their pathetic lives, because I wasn’t the only one they hurt.
There’s a special place in hell for people who take advantage of other people I’m sure of that, endless suffering I would hope.
With all I’ve been through I’ve learned to hate people and not trust people anymore and it seems every time I try to open up and make friends I get let down and disappointed yet again.
Such is life I guess.
So I’ve had carpal tunnel syndrome for years in left and right wrists, had symptoms etc but it finally got really bad late last year I guess on the right. I was in so much pain that I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night, no joke here, no exaggeration, I had to find funky sleeping positions just to be able to get a couple to maybe a few hours sleep because of the pain and sometimes I wouldn’t sleep at all.
It’s only been not quite a month since I found out my wife was cheating on me and that she was engaged to another man but I miss her and I miss my life with her. I think maybe it’s I miss the future; I’m thinking about what would or could have been as I never thought of this ever happening. This totally blindsided me honestly, I did not expect this at all, I think I might still be in shock.
Fuck Christmas this year!
I’m not doing Christmas this year, I sure as hell don’t feel like it, no joy in my holidays just depression.
Nothing to celebrate. Kids are grown up, don’t they care either, I’m sure they get it. Makes things easier I think, no mess, fuss, none of that crap. Christmas isn’t the same anymore anyway, it’s now all about spending money, it’s not about Jesus and Religion anymore and actually giving, it’s all about getting.
Fuck it. Merry Christmas!
Bah Humbug!
So today is Thanksgiving and I’ve not got a fucking thing to be thankful for.
Honestly I’m kinda pissed that I even woke up today, but I’m here, so I have to do this.
When your wife cheats on you and gets engaged to another man it kind of takes the joy out of things and doesn’t leave much to be thankful for!?
Yeah making food, but nothing I want. Wife and kids (well they’re adults now, but I still call them kids) live in the house and were supposed to put stuff on grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner and me being the chef am going to make it of course. I went shopping, got the stuff, I didn’t put anything on the list at all, I don’t want anything, I don’t have much of an appetite really, haven’t been eating much.
Anyway yeah making Thanksgiving dinner, fun-fun but nothing to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
So I’ve feeling depressed lately, well a lot more depressed than usual anyway, wonder why huh?!