Well I just got finished posting review number 300 over at DragonSteelMods, should I be excited? Yeah I guess I should be.. Am I? Not really…
I’ve got great sponsors, and many more products up on the review bench with more coming in, but yet I just don’t really feel excited about this ‘milestone’ in my sites history… It doesn’t seem like that long ago I hit number 200, and why I keep track I’m not sure…
For me personally I think this marks somewhere over the 600 mark if you count articles as well that I’ve had published on the web, but is it doing me any good? It doesn’t seem to be… Oh well, maybe I’m just depressed is all.. who knows..
anyway, drop on over and check out my review of the new OCZ ATV Turbo 4GB USB Flash Drive, it really is a great device, it’s now my personal favorite that will be used all the time for any types of data transfers.
Click HERE or click the picture to go to the review..