Well I decided to do a bit of cleaning up in my attic and came across quite a few things I had long forgotten about, namely my grandfathers postcard collection… It’s not really a collection, but it’s from his time in the Army during World War II, he collected quite a few postcards from the states and in Europe. So I figured I’d scan then in and share them with people…
The first set is sort of not postcards, I think they were used to put into a letter as a funny type thing, not sure exactly what they might be called.. anyone know? but there are 18 total of them here for you to check out. According to the Copyright they were made by Curt Teich and Co. I did a bit of research and found they are very popular for making postcards…
Anyway, here they are… The thumbnails open to a new window which the picture will be 1024×768 resolution.. I scanned these in high resolution and brought them down to size to be a bit more internet bandwidth friendly. Oh, they were scanned in with a Planon Docupen RC800 portable color scanner if you’re curious…
I think my favorite one is number six actually.. the one about the nice ass…
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-On a side note… I was just checking my stats and on Google I’m ranked #5 for searching for my first name… interesting, and a bit odd