Daily Archives: November 3, 2008

IDE No More!

Oh Well.. so last night I officially went IDE no more.. no IDE conenctions at all in my computer, everything is SATA… woo-hoo… dunno why I feel excited about it though…

I got the new Samsung Super-Writemaster SATA burner with Lightscribe, and I ‘ve got a Qlfix enabled SATA dvdrw burner as well.. if you don’t know about Qflix it’s a rather cool service where you can buy and burn movies, so you download them and you’ve got a physical copy in your hands.. of course you’ve got to use special blank DVDs , but they aren’t really much mroe than others, it would be nice though if they were lightscribe capable as well to make your own labels…

anyway, I’m gong to have a full review of the Qflix burner and service and a review of the new Samsung as well coming up on TestFreaks soon..