Blog updates and life in general

I know I should be updating this blog more often, but I’m just too busy right now with more important things in life.

Work is busy, that’s fine, that’s really good actually…

…but my Mom is getting worse, she was in hospital last week again, had to give her blood transfusions, and her kidneys are failing. Of course she still needs a new liver, but she has to get better before that can happen. So now they’re got her on dialysis three times per week, on top of draining the fluid from her abdomen that builds up because of the liver. They moved her to a long term care facility to help take care of her as she doesn’t have the strength to walk, she weighs all of about 80lbs now. And of course she needs 24 hour care at the moment. They’re trying to get her strength back up but it’s going to be quite a while..

I was out to visit this morning and she was sitting up, but her mind isn’t all there it seems anymore. Since she’s in this care facility it’s not very secure, so I decided to grab a few of her more important personal belonging that she really wouldn’t need while she’s there. I went to take her car keys, she told me no that she was going for a ride later in her car… her car is parked at home, and she can’t even walk let alone drive a car. So she basically didn’t know here she was at that time.. she goes in and out of it though, one minute she’s fine the next she’s off somewhere else..

don’t know, it sucks really…