Monthly Archives: June 2011

Thecus N2200XXX NAS Server Review




One of my favorite products are NAS boxes, I’m not sure exactly why. I think it’s the fact that they’re just so useful. NAS boxes are much better than just an external hard drive ever could be that’s for sure. Thecus is a company that’s well known for their NAS systems, they make some of the best on the market. They’ve recently introduced a new line of NAS servers called XXX, the X’s stand for Xtreme Power, Xtreme Function and Xtreme Value. Today for review I’ve got the latest NAS server from Thecus called the N2200XXX, so let’s just get into it as we’ve got a lot to cover.

NZXT H2 Silent Classic Mid-Tower PC Chassis Review





NZXT’s latest PC case is called the NZXT H2 Silent Classic Mid-Tower PC Chassis which is designed to run whisper quiet. It runs so quiet that it’s too bad NZXT already used the Whisper name for another one of its case models. NZXT employs noise dampening foam to help keep the noise inside the case and not out in the user’s environment.

High Capacity External Portable Battery for iPhone / iPod Review





Power, it seems we always need more power for our gadgets. There’s nothing worse than being out somewhere only to run out of juice is there? You could carry extra cables with you and spare adapters but then you’ll need to spend more money for those sorts of things. Is it worth it? Maybe, but the product I have today is better and easier than carrying all those extra things. If you’ve got an iDevice then this product will charge it without the need for cables. It’s called the Mobile power Station and our friends and USBFever provided it to us for review. This external portable battery will charge most all iDevices quickly and easily and best of all it will do it many times before you actually have to recharge it.

CrystalView E-Pad Touch 7” 720MHz Android Tablet Review




Android tablets have become kind of joke really there are many cheap ones out there and they’re giving the decent ones a bad name. I feel if you’re going to devote time and resources to something, then your should build a quality product, get the correct licensing etc and make it something that people will actually want to own. The inexpensive on the market today are more just toys, they’re running old versions of Android and have limited functionality. Are the cheap ones even worth it? They can be worthwhile I think, something for kids to play with and enjoy. They’re basically just something to browse the internet and play games with. Today for review I’ve got the Crystalview E-Pad Touch 7” Android tablet. This tablet has a 720Mhz CPU in it and is running Android 2.1. Honestly it’s pretty bad, even for the low price that it’s selling for.

Do Not Use Sergeant’s Evolve Flea and Tick Drops on Your Dogs!



I applied Sergeants evolve flea and tick drops last night to my dogs. I have two Pitbulls who are 5 months old. I bought it because the store didn’t have our normal Frontline and I thought the company name and products were reputable. Within an hour of applying the product both of my dogs were acting weird and whining. This got worse as the night progressed, they didn’t sleep and neither did I. They whined, cried, scratched and twitched all night long and into the morning. When I let them out of their pens they ran around the house rolling around on the floor whining and crying, rubbing up against anything they could find, knocking over chairs and just being very odd. I did some research and found that there are thousands of complaints about this product, I wish I had knew this before the purchase as I would never have bought it. I bathed the dogs immediately first thing in the morning after reading about the deaths of other dogs. They only have it on for about 7 hours total, and they seem a little better. The scratching has subsided and they’re actually asleep now. As they’re sleeping they’re twitching though. I’m hoping I got to them early enough that no severe damage has occurred to them. I will never buy another Sergeant’s product for my pets again, and I will gladly tell others to stay away. I also bought the Sergeant’s gold for my cats, but I’m afraid to use it on them. I already opened the box so I can’t return it to the store. So basically I’m out the cost of both boxes now, what a waste. Why won’t they take these products off of the shelves if they know of these problems?!

So far no damage to my pets. It’s early though, and I hope they’re going to be ok. I think I got it all washed off early enough that it won’t cause any damage to them, but only time will tell really. My smaller dog does seem to have an irritation on her back, it feels matted and hard. The only economic damage is that I’m out the cost of two boxes of their product since I’m not going to use it on my cats now after reading about and then seeing the reactions in my dogs.

I filed a complaint already at Consumer Affairs, not that it’s actually going to do much good I’m sure. I’m amazed that they are selling this product, there are thousands of complaints about this and their other products out there. Dogs and cats are dying and getting sick because of them, but they don’t seem to care. The ones who survive are only doing so after costly vet bills…

So stay away from this product please…


EDIT – UPDATE:  Well it’s the same day, just late afternoon. The smallest dog, Samantha, has developed two of what look like chemical burns on her back. They’re seeping and rather nasty.. fun-fun, we’ll see what happens here.

EDIT: 6-23-11 – UPDATE

So things have gotten worse with Samantha.

Here’s a couple pictures of what this stuff did to my dog, warning they are a bit graphic:




Screen Protector for iPod Touch 4G Review





Hello all, I’m back with a quick review for you of something that I think is a must have product for anyone who owns an iPod Touch 4G. It’s one of the most simplest products on the market but yet one of the most valuable I think, it’s a screen protector. USBFever sent it over for review and it’s actually branded by a company called Tunerwear and it’s called the Tunefilm.