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Monthly Archives: August 2012
Android Innovation, Fragmentation and Demise @ Mobility Digest
by Kristofer Brozio •
Over at Mobility Digest I posted and article entitled ‘Android Innovation, Fragmentation and Demise’. Which I guess you could call a rant or not…
Here’s a quote: “I just posted about the news of the Galaxy Tab 7 coming to Verizon and in there I ranted a bit, thinking about it more I want to rant some more, or extend my thoughts on all of that. When it comes to Android tablets there’s no doubt we’ve got tons of choices, but the ones from big name companies are very expensive. You can get a similar specd no name tablet for a fraction of the cost of a big name brand but then you run across compatibility issues that really aren’t there but they just appear to be there. The Kocaso 7” Android tablet I recently reviewed here is an example of that, the specs are fairly decent and the tablet itself is nicely made but yet I’ve run across more and more things on Google Play that aren’t compatible with it. They just appear to be incompatible though, I can go over to the Amazon marketplace and get the same thing and it works fine. Who knows why this is exactly?! “
and here’s the link:
GoDaddy Crashed My Website and Won’t Admit it!
by Kristofer Brozio •
So I went to bed last night with a fully functioning website, I woke up this morning with one that looked like this:
Yeah I think there is something wrong there.
I spent hours trying to figure it out, I thought maybe I was hacked. I know I didn’t do anything to it to make this happen. So after hours searching I find that it’s a PHP problem and these errors only show up with Mambo CMS when you try and use PHP 5.3.6 with it as it’s not compatible.
I knew I didn’t change the PHP version so I emailed GoDaddy support and they told me no we didn’t do anything it must be something you did.
So after some time messing with the code I got access to the backend of the site and did some snooping around and I found my site is using PHP 5.3.6 !!!
Here’s a screenshot:
I’ve sent GoDaddy support this screenshot five times now and they still keep telling my that no I’m not running that version of PHP and they keep sending me some copy and paste response. They will not acknowledge the fact that they update the PHP without my knowledge, they should have told me they were going to do this.
Here’s the PHP info where you can plainly see I’m running PHP 5.3.6:
I have numerous emails where they insist that I’m NOT running PHP 5.3.6! Really? Then how the fuck do you explain that what I have above?
I mean seriously I get tons of spam email crap from GoDaddy about all kinds of offers, they couldn’t have let me know about something important like this?!
What pisses me off the most is that I lost $100 in advertising income because of this, I was planning on putting that aside and buying my kids their school supplies with it.
Not to mention of course the other income I am losing as well because the site isn’t exactly in working order.
GoDaddy will not admit they did anything wrong, when it plainly shows right there that I’m running PHP 5.3.6. I did not upgrade it to that, so someone else did. I highly doubt that someone hacked into my account and changed the PHP version so that leads me to they did something on their end.
Are Cheap Android Tablets Worth it?
by Kristofer Brozio •
Just posted a new article over on DragonSteelMods:
Quote: “Are cheap or inexpensive Android tablets really worth it? I think so and you could call this an article or you could say it’s a rant, but with the latest announcements of these tablets that cost hundreds of dollars it got me thinking a bit. I’ve got inexpensive tablets and I like them very much, I don’t see anything wrong with them as long as you’re informed and buy a decent inexpensive tablet. Just like anything its buyer beware especially when you’ve got many manufacturers making the same thing and competing for your hard earned money.”
Product Previews/Reviews
Xoopar Robo Power Bank 2000mA External Battery Review
by Kristofer Brozio •
Another review by me…
Quote: "Most external batteries on the market only come with one type of connection for devices or you have to change the tips. Some companies charge you extra for other tips that you may need further adding to the overall cost of the external battery. Today for review I’ve got an external battery that can charge any and all USB devices without having to buy tips for it as they’re all included for you. The device is called the Xoopar Robo Power Bank and it comes complete with mini and micro USB connection, an Apple style connector and a standard female USB connection so you can connect any USB enabled device to it for charging. It truly is an all-in-one device that I find very useful and rather neat…"
How To Fix AMD Cursor Corruption
by Kristofer Brozio •
It’s sad that ATI or AMD still hasn’t fixed the pointer corruption issue with their video cards. It’s still there even in my 7850, and it was there years ago. I don’t understand why they can’t just fix it? They can make the fastest video cards on the market but can’t fix a tiny cursor issue?!
There is a quick and dirty fix for it though, add pointer trails to your cursor.
Yes I know they’re annoying so set them to the shortest and they really can’t be seen. Ever since I turned them on I’ve had no more corruption with my cursor.