Monthly Archives: December 2012

DarbeeVision Darblet HDMI Video Processor Review


New review by me on TestFreaks:


"Where do I start with this review? A post video processor is something that I’ve never had any experience with, it’s actually something that really never thought about honestly. I have an HDTV and Blu-ray and all that high-definition stuff that we’ve gotten accustomed to. I always thought high-def was good enough and didn’t need any improvement, but reviewing the product I have today I found I was wrong. What I have for review today is the Darblet, yes it’s kind of weird name, but the whole name is the DarbeeVision Darblet HDMI Video Processor, or Darblet for short! The Darblet sits between your HDTV and any HDMI type device like a Blu-ray player or PlayStation 3. You can put it between your HDTV and home theater system with many devices so you can utilize it with all of them. "

Stuck in Customer Service Hell!

So 11/19/12 I placed two orders.
The 27th I get two emails telling me products on both orders are out of stock. Apparently this is wrong, only one of my orders had products out of stock and the other order shipped. Fine.

Opened a ticket they say two products on order one are out of stock. Fine, I tell them to replace them with two others.

They email me back saying I owe $6.84 and to pay before they will ship.

Problem here is that the original two items cost $6.14 in total. The two items I replaced the out of stock items with only cost $5.10 in total.  How can I owe $6.84 when the items I picked are $1.04 cheaper?!?

Then I noticed I am now being charged $1.70 for shipping, should be free shipping, was originally when I placed the order.

I explain this to the rep about the cost difference but now he says I only owe $4.06. Where he got this number from I’m not sure. Some different sort of math I guess or he needs new batteries in his calculator.

My actual order right now has a total of $21.20. He says he added the order up and it actually totals $26.23.

I know my total is correct.
The products I ordered have prices of:
If you add those up that equals $21.20 NOT $26.23 like he says he got for a total.

Even if I add that mysterious $1.70 shipping charge to the $21.20 it still does not equal $26.23

My original order was $22.24 which I paid via $20 gift card and paypal for $2.24. So now the rep is saying I owe $4.06 based on the $26.23 – the $22.24 that I already paid. Where is the $26.23 number coming from when my order only totals $21.20 ?!?!

So as of now I paid $22.24 in total originally, but now my order is only $21.20 in total, but my account and cart say I have to pay $6.84 for them to ship my order. The ticket rep says I owe $4.06.
Then I now have a mysterious $1.70 shipping charge now for an order that is supposed to ship free.

Somebody’s math is way off, and it’s not mine.

The way it’s going I’m never going to get this order before Christmas as some of the stuff was for gifts for my kids. Little stocking stuffers.

My first order probably isn’t going to make it here before Christmas either and it had one gift on it. That order was placed the 11/19/12 and finally shipped the 26th but as of right now it’s still in Hong Kong and hasn’t moved. But I direct you back to the top of this post, yes the order shipped the 26th, but the 27th I got an email saying products were out of stock on the order that shipped.  I don’t understand the process going on here at all.

I’m just soooo angry right now over this all…

Religion and War, I Don’t Get it

It’s that time of the year, it’s Christmas, the holidays whatever.

I went to Catholic school, raised Italian Catholic, but when my Grandmas died I pretty much stopped going to church and I lost my beliefs at that point I think. Then again I’m not sure I ever believed in an all powerful, all knowing invisible being up there. It would be nice I guess to think that there really is a heaven or at least there’s something after all of this thing we call life. it’s hard to believe that it just ends in nothingness, at least I hope not.

Anyway, the point of this post is I don’t get it, all the wars going on right now over who’s god is better basically.

They’re killing people over who has the better god. Last I checked, in all religions murder was a bad thing, and you’re supposed to preserve life. At least I think so, I’m no expert on religions, but I thought that was a common theme amongst them anyway. So I have to ask why go against the major rule of your god and murder people in his name?

People are being killed, innocent women and children and babies over some invisible being that’s just floating around up there.

That just makes no damn sense to me at all.

They’re killing people over something they don’t even know exists for sure. Yes they believe it does, but they have no real proof, they haven’t met this being, they haven’t seen this being but yet they kill people if they don’t believe in this being. Correction, actually people are getting killed because they don’t believe in the SAME god. Yes they have to believe in this god and not that god, you can’t believe in your god, you have to believe in my god or I’ll kill you. That last sentence about sums up all of the wars going on right now, or at least 99% of them I think.

Again, makes no sense to me.

It all reminds me of children fighting over toys and who’s toy is better. My god is better than your god, na na na na na

With kids and toys sure it escalates but kids figure it out and it usually doesn’t turn violent, or lead to murder and genocide. Kids have a little spat and then a little bit later they’re with each other just fine. We’ve got countries and peoples at war for decades even centuries now over who’s god is better.

If there really is a god, I wish he or she or it would just come down here and tell them to cut it the fuck out already, seriously here, just cut it out. If there is that being out there, give them a sign and tell them to just stop killing in your name already.

We as a species are never going to achieve or reach our full potential until stupid stuff like this stops. Millions of people have died in name of who’s god is better. How many of those dead could have been the next Einstein or Mozart or had the ability to change the world as we know it?! We’ll never know because they never had the chance to realize they’re potential because they were murdered over who’s god is better.

It just makes no sense to me at all, it’s senseless killing plain and simple. If little kids can figure it out, why can’t so-called grownups do it?

Why can’t we just believe in what we want to believe or not believe and not be killed for believing in it or not?

Yeah, it just makes no damn sense to me at all.

Energizer XP4001 4000 mAh Universal Portable Charger Review



"Today I have a review for you, but I also have a great deal on said product. What I have for review today is the Energizer XP4001 4000 mAh Universal Portable Charger which normally sells for $49.99, but it’s on sale for $29.99 but to sweeten the deal I’ve got a code that gives you $20 off bring the price to only $9.99. I added to my cart, using the code and with shipping it was only $15.99 shipped. So it’s obviously a universal charger, but it’s one of the better ones I’ve seen and as a bonus when you register your product you’ll be eligible for two free tips per year for life! Yes that’s for life, forever, every year you can get two tips. So read on to learn more about the XP4001 and see the very end of the review for the code so you can get that $20 discount. "

Energizer XP4001 Universal External Battery for $15.99 Shipped!


I’ve got an awesome deal for you on just an excellent product, you can get the Energizer XP4001 Universal External Battery for $15.99 Shipped! The regular price is $49.99, but it’s on sale for $29.99 and I’ve got a code that gives you $20 off! Cheapest shipping is $5.99 so the price shipped to you is basically $15.99! I think it’s well worth it, go grab one because you never know when you might need some extra power!

To get one go here to the XP4001 product page—4000-mah.htm   and just add it to your cart and checkout. On the checkout page you’ll see a space to enter a coupon or discount code, put this in ‘20energi’ and hit Apply, you’ll then see the price discounted in your cart.

News and Reviews for December 1st 2012

So it’s December already! Christmas is almost here and it’s just not the same since my Mom died, none of the holidays are really but I guess that’s just how it is and how it’s going to be from now on..

Oh well, here’s the news and be sure to check out the many contests and giveaways going on down in the Assorted section..