5 Things to Look for in a Computer Programming Developer

Computer programming is technology that can be found in nearly every aspect of life; the academia industry, healthcare, security, automobile, commerce, entertainment, among others, all incorporate some aspects of computer programming in their day-to-day routines. Finding a programming professional who can deliver unparalleled results in these interesting career is therefore likely not to be an effortless affair for most employees. Below are some of the pivotal attributes that could land you the most proficient computer programming developer as an employer.  



  • 1) The willingness to learn



Technology is dynamic, whatever aspects of programming you utilize or need today might be overtaken by new or enhanced developments tomorrow, in a couple of months, or even years. As an employer, you, therefore, have to hire a developer not only for what he knows but also for what he can learn. The disposition to learn means that the developer is flexible enough to adjust to changes that might arise in the future. Surely, we never know exactly what technology will demand of us tomorrow, what we must certainly know is our inclination to adopt and leverage whatever advancements tagged along with it.



  • 2) Passion


It is commonly stated that the joy of any programmer is to finally see his or her code execute the intended commands and yield results. Bugs in code are the most frustrating experiences that a computer programming developer will always encounter in the course of his or her career. When everything seems impossible to work, when a project is tricky and demands extra hours from the developer, it is only passion that can motivate him or her to pace the extra miles required in achieving a milestone. A programmer who is over excited about past projects, hackathons, as well as, ambitiously looking forward to escalating your set projects to success is typical for the job.



  • 3) Practical programming experiences


Atop passion should be robust practical programming experiences. For how long has the candidate served in the capacity of a front end and back end developer? How many experiences has the developer garnered during the previous development years, in internships, or simply out of personal will as a self-education initiative? The more projects a developer lays his or her hands on, the better his or her adaptability to either creating new code or executing other lighter duties such as maintaining the already existing systems.



  • 4) Soft skills


A programmer should be at least versed with soft skills such as the ability to communicate. It is vital that he or she be in a position to outline the impact of whatever job is done to the overall growth of the organization. Furthermore, soft skills are what generally drive promotions, as they are essential for anyone holding a top position in an organization.



  • 5) Certifications


Finally, certifications are not as important as the ability of a programmer to find solutions to existing and potential problems. Apart from demonstrating that a developer can execute the intended tasks, they are all but meaningless. Experience, aptitude, and the ability to give solutions are far much valuable.