Radiohead – In Rainbows

I totally forgot about this album actually, when I first heard it was going to be available for free download I wanted to try and remember to go and get it.. today of course with all the headlines it reminded me to go and download it…

Now I’ve never really listened to Radiohead, but I thought this might be a chance to hear their stuff.. so actually it just finished downloading right now, and I still have yet to listen to it…

All these goofy articles and people saying that their ‘experiment’ failed are a bit off base really I think, think about it, 1.2 million people downloaded the album, and only about 38% paid for it at an average of $6. 38% of 1.2Million x $6 is still quite a hunk of change, that I think all goes to the band and not into the hands of the record companies or the RIAA, so I think it’s really a winning experiment, especially for the group.

You have to think though that out the remaining people who downloaded and didn’t pay for it, how many actually even listened to the album? I think it was mostly a ‘try-before-you-buy’ type of thing for most people, like myself- no I didn’t pay for it, I put $0 for the amount and I downloaded it. Now, I’ll listen to it, if I like it, sure I’ll go back to the site and pay for it, depending on how many of the songs I like etc, but if I don’t like the album I’ll delete it and that’s that. Nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess…

I think Radiohead should have offered the album for free at the start and then suggested if you like it to ‘donate’ money to them for making a good album, not the way they have it where you are asked how much you want to pay first before you download it. I haven’t heard the album, so I don’t have a clue if I’m going to like it or if it will be worth what I’m paying…

Most people, myself included, by cds just or one or two songs, if another song or two are to my liking on the album then that’s all the better, but usually it’s just those one of two songs that I like off the whole album, and I think most people are the same way as well…

I’ll edit this or add another post about the album later after I get a chance to listen to the whole thing..

EDIT: Well that was easy… I sampled all the tracks and it’s not my type of music at all, so to the trash it goes!  

Now see if I would have actually bought that cd I’d be really pissed that I (in my opinion) would have wasted the money on it… The cd would have likely been tossed or just given away to someone who might like it…