Just because….
Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio
I Hate People, Especially My Neighbor Now
by Kristofer Brozio •
I hate people, especially my neighbor, he egged my van.
This morning I took my son to school and noticed someone egged his car, whatever not my problem. We live on a main avenue and our vehicles have been egged, hit, hit with paintballs, flat tires, mirrors knocked off, keyed and my favorite was when someone loosened all the lug nuts on my front passenger tire and I almost wrecked.His car being egged, well, I didn’t think anything of it at all and went about my business.
A few hours later he gets company and they tell him his car got egged. I know this because our houses are only about 10 feet apart and the windows were open, I could hear everything plain and clear. The whole conversation. He proceeds to automatically blame me and he also has a truck that apparently had gotten flat tires and other damage done to it, and he blames me for that too it seems.
I don’t know the guy, don’t know his name, he’s rarely home. Spoke to him once this summer and asked him to keep the noise down as he had people over and was outside with them and it was about 12:30am and my wife gets up at 5am and I do to as my son was going to summer camp early in the morning. I asked him to keep it down and they got quiet and that was the end of it, it was all good or so I thought.
Apparently this guy blames me for all this shit going on. he’s not worth my time or energy, and why the hell am I getting blamed?
Seriously, I must attract assholes for whatever reason. I don’t bother anyone, I try not to even leave the damn house unless I absolutely have to.
So I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do now. I did go to the police and they said there’s nothing they can do as there’s no proof, just a REALLY big coincidence that my van gets egged right after he blames me for his car getting egged.The officer understood and yeah he thinks the guy egged my van, but there’s nothing he can do about it without proof.
Life sucks, I just want to be left alone really….
Tech News
Tech News for Saturday September 30th 2017
by Kristofer Brozio •
Been sick this past week, still sick actually, just not as bad, some upper respiratory infection thing going on, sucks, but I have work to do, here’s the tech news…
Tech News
Tech News for Saturday September 16th 2017
by Kristofer Brozio •
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
Threatened with Violence for Not Saying ‘Thank You’ Loud Enough
by Kristofer Brozio •
I hate going out and dealing with people anymore, most everyone I meet is rude and ignorant and just doesn’t care about anyone but themselves and they feel entitled to just whatever and everything.
I went to Dollar Tree the other day to pick up a few things and I use a cane to walk, it sucks, but I have to and this guy held the door open for me and I said thanks, didn’t yell it or anything but apparently it wasn’t loud enough for him.
He followed me into the store and got behind when I was getting a cart and he was mumbling about how I was rude and how I could have at least said thank you to him for holding the door open for me. I did say thanks, guess he didn’t hear me, guess it wasn’t loud enough. Not sure what exactly he wanted from me, to yell it out so everyone heard that he was this wonderful person for holding the door open for me?!
I said ‘excuse me, but I did say thank you, I guess you didn’t hear me say it, and I’m sorry it wasn’t loud enough for you’
He proceeds to threaten to punch me in the head because I was being rude to him and that I should have said it louder so he heard it.
Since when do people have to be praised loudly for doing something decent for a fellow human being?
What kind of society have we become that I’m going to get threatened with physical violence for not saying thank you loud enough?
I hate going out, I hate people more and more everyday…..
Articles/Editorials, Tech News
Infographic: Data Loss & Recovery : Statistic and Solutions
by Kristofer Brozio •
If you’ve ever had a hard drive fail then you know the importance of regular backups. Here’s a neat infographic about data loss and recovery and solutions for it:
Data Loss and Recovery. An infographic by the team at Secure Data Recovery Services
Tech News
Tech News for Saturday September 9th 2017
by Kristofer Brozio •
Yeah it’s time for the news. I think I need to post some more rants on here, lots of things pissing me off lately….so look for those…