Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

3 Reasons Most Players Cheat When Playing World at War


Cheats in video games have been around since video games were developed. Most hardcore and casual gamers are even familiar with traditional cheat codes like “Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start” or also known as the Konami Code. Whether it’s Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo consoles, or even PC, cheat codes are not at all uncommon for video games. These cheats usually provide players invulnerability, unlimited supplies, complete weapons, and even unlock most stages and characters available in the game. Players in offline games have different reasons to use cheat codes, such as to explore the different features of the game, to get past a difficult level, or even just to have fun. But these cheats are sometimes considered to be unethical in massively multiplayer online (MMO) games such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, and Call of Duty: World at War.

Z-X Axis Stabilizer Bar for Monoprice MP Select Mini


So I made something else for my wonderful little printer. Well I made an existing thing better I should say, it’s a remix of another part, but it’s really a new part altogether now. It’s a stabilizer bar for the Z and X axis of the Mp Select Mini but only if you’ve upgraded the bed which I’ve done.

Here’s some more pics of the parts and it installed:

zx1 zx2 

zx3 zx4

I very much liked the original stabilizer bar design but I didn’t need space for LEDs and I found the bar a bit too thin and flexible for my liking so I decided to beef it up a bit as I didn’t fell it really added any real support.
I thickened up the bar first but then decided to do the same with the small bracket as well to make it match.
It was labeled as an x-axis stabilizer bar but now it’s more for both Z and X but you need to use other parts to be printed and bought, like LM6UU bearings.
Please note this bar can really only be printed on the 4DM Brutus bed and it has to be positioned diagonally on the bed, but it fits fine that way.

You can find it here over on Thingiverse, the STL files to print and more details:

Deal: Paypal Members Can Get 2 Years ShopRunner for Free


Here’s an excellent deal that I signed up for myself, if you’re a Paypal member you can get ShopRunner free for 2 years which gives you free 2 day shipping and other things. Personally I only care about the free 2 day shipping on NewEgg especially but I will check out the other stores now that I can get the free 2 day shipping….

Here’s the link to the deal, and no it has nothing to do with me so I get nothing out of it, I’m just sharing the deal:

4 Impressive Garden Improvements that Men will Appreciate


Gardening can be a good pastime for those who are looking for a new hobby to take up. It is not only good for exercise but also reconnects you to nature.

Aside from that, gardens are also a great way to make your house and lot look more attractive. Unfortunately, not a lot of men enjoy tending to a garden. But there are ways to get them interested, such as doing some projects in your garden that you know the men in your household will appreciate.