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Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio
Tech News
Tech News for Saturday April 29th 2017
by Kristofer Brozio •
I Hate People
by Kristofer Brozio •
Some say that ‘hate’ is a strong word, but that’s how I feel really. I was told by someone I know that I’m a misanthrope and the dictionary says that is: “a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society” and yeah that’s me for sure. I wasn’t always like that but I’ve been fucked over so many times by people I trusted and thought were friends that I’m just done.
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
Why Do Doctors and Insurance Companies Lie?
by Kristofer Brozio •
So I’ve got health issues and that means dealing with insurance companies and doctors. My current doctors are great, he’s fine, so this isn’t about them.