Assorted Pictures

Just assorted pictures taken wit camera and cellphone

Chipmunk in My Yard

So it seems a chipmunk has made himself a home in the hole at the bottom of the wall in my backyard.


I have bird feeders back there and I guess he realized he can get a quick meal now of seeds from what the birds drop. He’s a brave little chipmunk.. I have a sliding glass door back there actually and he comes right up to it and eats even if I’m standing right there. There are a few squirrels around but they run as soon as they see me, this chipmunk stayed there until I opened the door and then he ran to the hole and stopped and turned around and just sat there. I went and got my camera and he was still sitting there just staring at me.. Cute little guy…

Deer in My Yard

So I have woods and a hill behind my house and there are several deer that live there and I see them all the time. They’ve never come into the yard because it’s about a five foot drop and I have a fence but they do come right down. I like to throw scraps up to them, old apple, carrots and carrot shavings which they seem to really like.


One is right there looking at me, and the other is off to the right and up a bit, it was starting to walk away when I snapped the picture.

I named them ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’….  ‘dinner’ is a rather large buck who wasn’t around, or he was up on the hill and I didn’t see him. They blend in so well with the woods.

Hawk in My Yard

Just random nature picture…


So I went outside the other day to take the dog out and there was a rather large Hawk in my backyard. He was actually sitting about 15 feet from the back door on the hill, I didn’t even notice him until he flew off and startled me. He went right up into the tree and I tried to get a good picture of him, but he really just blends in.

He’s right there in the center of the picture..

Funeral Costs and Debt Collectors etc..

If you’ve paid attention you’d know my Mother died in February, and then my Grandma died in April.. yeah it’s been a rough year so far, and there’s a whole lot of other extraneous stuff going on as well, but that’s for another day…

The costs for a funeral are ludicrous really… My mom didn’t want much of anything for her funeral, her last wishes were to be cremated and just a viewing for one day only, so that’s what we did. The cost for the funeral, cremation and burial was over $5,000 in total. The viewing was only two hours at the funeral home and a very small service at the chapel at the cemetery.

Praying Mantis pics..

So I was done shopping the other day at the grocery store and returned my buggy to the stall, on the ground in the parking lot was a praying mantis just sitting there, so I figured I’d take some pictures of him..


IMAGE_003  IMAGE_005



why.. I don’t know.. I think they’re rather cool little bugs…  he watched me take pictures of him, and let me get pretty close before he got on the defensive.. just weird seeing one sitting in a parking lot..

Kennywood Park.. blah

So we went to Kennywood park on friday, it was blah, not really fun, I guess the main reason it wasn’t fun is because I’m broke and basically have no money to spend on things like fun, I have bills to pay and they are what’s important in life, not having fun…

but anyway, it was my 2yr olds first time there and he really had a blast, he loved it, he wanted to ride the rides and play games, it was like he’d been there before, he’s a little pro at it now it seems…IMAGE_154

but I didn’t take a digital camera with me since I have my phone, I figured that would be my camera.. so here’s a few pics:


I really didn’t take that many, it was just a bit much with the kids to keep track of everything, but the pics are pretty good for a cellphone

Edit: oh and this is my first post to this blog using Windows Live Writer, for whatever reason I see one of the thumbnails lnks to teh same picture.. oh well, it’s late.. I’m going to be

The Elusive Black Squirrel

So last week I was helping a friend of mine out with one of his apartments, working on re-painting the porch roof, and of course he was running late, so while I was waiting I snapped some pictures with my phone of a Black Squirrel that was running about looking for food… you don’t see many black colored Squirrels so I thought it was rather interesting and worth noting…

Here’s the pics I took, you can click them to open to larger (1024×768) size: