
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Why is Breaking Bad So Popular?


Seriously I’d like to know what makes Breaking Bad so popular?

I’ve tried to watch it, I think I watched three or four episodes on Netflix and I just couldn’t get into it at all.I like to watch all kinds of stuff, some stuff that I like even surprises me, so I’m not closed minded but I just don’t understand the appeal of this show.

I don’t understand why it’s so popular?!

It’s about a guy who makes and deals drugs to support his family. Why is that a good thing again?

I can walk outside and see lots of drug dealers who will say they do it to support their families.

There’s drug dealers all over the place who deal drugs to support their families and of course their lifestyles but yet this show is glorifying it it, at least it seems that way to me and I just don’t understand the appeal of it.

The show came out and sure people watched but all of the sudden it’s just this extremely popular show that everybody is talking about and it’s about a drug dealer selling drugs and ruining peoples lives and his own. Huh? I just don’t get it.

Is There Such a Thing as a Business Day Anymore?


This is the internet, we are connected 24/7 and/or 365 days per year so is there really such a thing as a business day anymore?

Sure banks and all still have business days and even those are coming to an end. I know some banks are open now seven days per week.

People work seven days per week. Who or what exactly defines a business day? Is it 9-5 Monday thru Friday? I don’t think so. The internet is always on, someone is always working so why is there still a business day when it comes to things on the internet?

Are Cellphone and Gadget Buy Back Sites Worth It?


So are those cellphone and gadget buy back sites worth it? Short answer is no. Long answer is no. It’s just no overall.

The idea for this little article popped into my head because of a persistent marketer. I got an email from a guy representing a company I won’t name, but it’s one of those cellphone and gadget buy back site where you can sell your old cellphone and other electronics for cash.

Why I Want a Google Nexus 7


I need a new tablet, I did have a rather nice Acer Iconia A500 but I dropped it and shattered the screen sadly. I do have a small 7” and a big 10” left, but they’re not exactly name brand. The 10” tablet did cost quite a bit though, and it’s not bad overall, but it’s dated and not updated so I use the newer 7” one now.

24 hours without a cigarette.. I can’t do it


Wow… I can’t do it… 24+ hours without a cigarette and I feel like crap.. like I’m crawling out of my skin, like I’m on an adrenaline rush, just shaky and I don’t feel like myself…

I can’t do it.. nope, not a chance.. feel like I’m going to explode really..

It’s hard to explain or maybe it isn’t, I don’t know I just feel weird, and off, and odd, time is like blurred.. just so weird..

Yeah I need a cigarette.. and I’m going to have one…


Google Play Needs Credit Card for Free Purchases Now?



So this is annoying, I went to get a FREE ebook last night on Google Play and it’s asking me for a credit card? What the hell is up with that? This is one of the big reasons I hate iTunes, Apple says you need a credit card for free apps and games, which makes no sense to me at all. Why do I need to have a credit card for a free item?

I guess I sort of can understand with apps or games as there could be in-app purchases etc, but an ebook has no such things. Even then I’m loathe to leave my credit card linked to anything I don’t have to.

Got my kids an iPod Touch long ago and I sure don’t want them accessing iTunes with my card linked to it, just can’t fathom why really Apple or Google needs a credit card for free items? It makes no sense to me at all. I’ve honestly never bought anything on iTunes, I get them the free games and then once a month or so I check and add more and delete some they didn’t like. There’s plenty of free games there to never really have to buy anything, but yet they want a credit card for the free stuff….

I like the free eBooks, I like to get in on those Humble Bundle and other ebooks deals when I see them, but sometimes Google Play has classics I’ve never read listed for free, or ones that I would like to read again. I take my tablet with me to kids karate class where I get to sit for 2.5 hours and do nothing, so reading is my way of doing something constructive with the time.

Oh well… whatever.. such is life…