I’ve been around for while and I’ve noticed things in life that just aren’t right and shouldn’t be. So I was bored and compiled a little list of them…
-nothing seems to work as it should, nothing is easy-to-assemble really, that ‘some assembly required’ means you’ll be there all day
-nothing is ever as good as it sounds –Slushie Magic is a prime example, my kids just have to have it and it’s just horrible. I review product’s and oftentimes things just aren’t as good as they are hyped to be. I can recall numerous times I’ve went and bought something and it just wasn’t at all what I expected and it was nothing as good as the hype surrounding it.
-the doorbell always rings when you’re in the bathroom, doing dishes, taking a nap or any other time other than when you’re just sitting there doing nothing?! I don’t get it, I can sit here and know a delivery is coming and it won’t come until I decide to get in the shower.. it’s amazing really…
-every project that should be easy seems to end up taking more time than it should – seriously the simplest project always seems to take more time than it should. I usually end up having to do two or three other things to get the original thing done.
-no matter how prepared you think you are, you never have the right tool, size washer, nut etc or thing you need to get the job done. You always have to go looking for it?! I was working on my gate and fence, trying to fix it and I must have had to make twenty trips back into the house to get things, it always seemed like I just didn’t have what I needed.
-the phone will always ring when you walk away from it – this annoys me to no end, I’ll be waiting for a call and the phone won’t ring until I walk away from it, it makes no sense…
-you lose your cellphone signal just when you want to make a call – I have a cellphone of course, but I don’t use it often but it seems 9 out of 10 times when I do decide to actually need to use it the signal is horrible…
-parenting is not as easy as it seems – this one is just amazing, I never realized what my mother went through. No matter what I try with my kids nothing seems to work and they just don’t appreciate anything. No matter what they want more, they’re never satisfied with anything you do or give them, they always have to have more. The months preceding this past Christmas I watched for sales on video games and I ended up getting them 48 games for Christmas and that still wasn’t enough, they still wanted more a few days later. They still haven’t played all of them yet, and they want more games. They have a 3DS, DSi XL and DS Lite and an iPod Touch and an Android tablet for portable gaming but that’s not enough, no mater what they always want to use the same thing. they always end up fighting over one of them.
-life is nothing like that book or movie -people should really stop expecting it to be. I can’t stand this, all these movies and books about romance and life and it’s not like that in real life, I wish people would stop expecting it to be…
-you never have enough money no mater what you do - this is self-explanatory I think
-people have become horrible over the year- I remember when we could leave doors and windows open, and walk down the street safely, but you can’t do that anymore. You need bars on your windows, security systems, cameras and all that and it’s because people have become horrible. Society has just fallen from what it used to be, I’ve watched society just decay over the years… once great and friendly neighborhoods and now considered ghettos with gangs and drugs all of the place…
-people just don’t really seem to care about laws… right through red lights and stop signs – police are really good with this as well, no turn signals, don’t stop etc. We now have the no texting and driving law here and people don’t give a crap, I still see them doing it, weaving back and forth into the other lane while they’re texting. They just don’t care about anything but themselves…
-no matter what you have you always want more – I think this has always been true, no matter what you have you want more
-life in general just sucks overall – maybe it’s just me, but I think life just sucks in general overall. I’m sick of all the politically correct crap, I’m sick of having to watch everything I say and do because I might offend someone and be sued or put in jail for it. it’s just ridiculous….
-The nanny state – I’m so sick of the government sticking their noses into everything and every part of daily life. Prime example: If I want to buy a large drink then I should be allowed, its shouldn’t be a law and be illegal to buy a large drink… just goofy all of it…