
Just general thoughts and outburts…

I Want the Samsung Galaxy S4


Wow, I want one of these so bad… my contract with AT&T expired way back in November and I was trying to wait for a deal on a new phone, the phone I wanted was the Nokia Lumia 920 but it was never in stock when I had the extra cash, or when it was in stock or on sale I didn’t have the money for it. Can’t win y’know, it’s just how it is. I’ve had two Windows Phones now and I like them, but I’ve decided to go back to Android. I used to have the original Samsung Galaxy S, the Captivate and I loved it, but I wanted to try something new so I got the HTC Surround and the HTC Titan, both of which are Windows Phones. After all this time I still just can’t get the same things and do the same things on Windows Phone that I can on Android, and I’m tired of waiting for more companies to support the platform. It’s sad as WinPho is decent, but it seems there just isn’t support from major companies with apps and stuff for it really. I get tons of press releases everyday and I rarely get any concerning Windows Phone. Sure I get tons for iOS and Android, but not much for WinPho sadly.

I’m glad I waited though as the new Samsung Galaxy S4 is just amazing, it’s the most powerful phone out there today and I’m sure it will remain at the top for sometime to come. The new Apple iPhone is due to come out shortly but unless Apple comes up with something amazing it won’t beat the S4. Apple is known for just little updates to their phones and it’s usually years between major updates so since the last one was a major update you can bet the next one won’t be.

So I want one now, too bad there’s no official announcement as to when it will be available on A&T, just sign up to be notified. I wonder what the chances are of getting one early for review and keeping it are? I want this phone!

After the break I’ve included the official Samsung press release on the S4 if you’re interested…


Twitch TV and Online Gaming

If you grew bored of your gaming console in 2012 then you might be picking it back up again in 2013 once you hear about some of the amazing gaming events taking place this year.

Twitch-TV is brilliant online resource for watching gaming related content. They have a bunch of brilliant contributors including IGN who broadcast the IGN pro league. This event takes place throughout the year resulting in an amazing final worth $22,000! If you’re sat there thinking how much you would love to take part in them, then maybe your next destination will be the Major league gaming website. It was founded in early 2002 and is essentially the NHL of gaming. As well as hosting some amazing live video game events throughout the year they also give you the chance to play against other people all over the world with a choice of game, console and play style. You can battle your way through the leagues and even get the chance to play in one of the live pro tours.

If you prefer online casinos to console gaming then luckily the online designers have got you covered, a huge variety of casino games are all available online. They also offer a similar system to Major league gaming, allowing you to earn your way in to pro leagues. Others like Jackpot city, who can be found at, allow you to simply play your favorite slots or games to be in with a chance of winning prizes like a VIP holiday, or luxury sports cars. You can practice at Jackpot City for free if you wish to get the hang of the games before depositing any money.

If you’re looking to put more excitement into your gaming then make sure you check out some of the leagues available to you, if not check out the IGN pro league on and watch some amazing gamers. Remember to always gamble responsibly and to bet within your means.

Product Ideas and Improvements and Inventions

Being in the tech industry for years now I’ve come across many, many products and owning and reviewing them I’ve come up with many ideas for new products and ways to improve other products. I’ve probably forgotten more than I can remember actually, but the point is what do you do with them?

Years ago I looked into the whole patent and invention thing for ideas but it’s just too damn expensive for the average person like me to afford.

I don’t know what to do with the ideas I have as I can’t afford to pursue them.

I wonder how many other people out there are in the same situation, they’ve got great ideas for new things or ways to improve others but just can’t do anything about it.

Sure I know the process, create the prototype etc and show it to companies to possibly get backers, but I can’t afford to even do that honestly. I just don’t have the disposable income needed.

Our patent system is horrible as I’m sure everyone knows, it needs fixed.

I have to wonder how many great ideas out there never come to fruition because people just can’t afford to pursue it?!

I know there are those ‘invention’ companies out there that promise to help you get your invention created, but they’re a scam as we all know. You end losing your rights to the product and someone else makes the money from your idea. So that’s not a way to go surely.

I could post my ideas here, but they would be stolen surely and someone would claim them to be their own. So they just stay in my head I guess. It’s sad but true, it’s the world we live in, someone is always out there just waiting to steal someone else’s ideas.

(Sort of off-topic but I would love to write a book or two, I’ve actually got ideas for a few of them, and I thought about posting them here, or at maybe even writing the book here on my site. Sadly I’d be afraid someone would take it, yes we live in that kind of world and it’s a shame really. It’s a place where nothing is really yours because someone can just steal it from you and say it’s theirs. It’s happened on Amazon already many, many times with their self-publishing system.)

Oh well, that’s just some random thoughts I had floating around in my head that I wanted to get out..

TestFreaks Site Re-Design Done!


I finally finished the re-design of TestFreaks site!

It was a pain in the ass as I had to re-do the entire thing from scratch after I re-designed it the first time.

I was using a free version of the template as I wasn’t sure if it was what I wanted so I did the work and liked it. I went and bought the full or pro version but I found that I just couldn’t transfer my changes over so I pretty much had to start from the beginning as the pro version is different than the free.

oh well, go check it out:

Landmark Poker Movies


Poker was often portrayed in the movies as a game involving hustlers and criminals. When gambling was prohibited in the United States during the great depression, many mobsters and gangland bosses made their money from illegal gambling, giving filmmakers a seedy but exciting backdrop to many early poker centric based movies.


Sick as Hell……

Wow… so I’ve had the worst week of my life this past week. I started getting sick like last Thursday/Friday like the 7th or 8th and then it really hit me Saturday. I didn’t even eat for three days, I just sort of slept and coughed and threw up and had a nasty fever and diarrhea and all that fun stuff . 

I’m not the type of person to throw up, I think the last time I threw yup was about15 years ago and that’s no exaggeration. So when I throw up I know there’s something really wrong, especially if it’s more than once.

I had a fever for days and I believe I was like having fever induced hallucinations because I distinctly remember talking to my cats and them talking back to me, yes we were having conversations. I don’t think my cats can talk so I think it was all in my head because of the fever…

I was freezing and yet I was sweating profusely, I mean I was sweating to the point I woke up and my clothes were soaked through like I took a shower in them. My pillow was soaked all the way through to the other side, so yeah I was a sweating a little bit apparently. It was amazing that I was freezing and shivering uncontrollably but yet I was dripping with sweat. The odd thing was that I would get goose bumps like when you’re cold, but these actually hurt, I’ve never experienced that before.

As far as sleeping, I really didn’t sleep at all from Sunday until Tuesday I believe, but a few minutes here and there it seemed to me. I would lie down and a few minutes later I would start coughing, so the cough just wouldn’t let me sleep. The odd thing was that I could only lay on my left side, when I tried my right side the coughing was 100 times worse, so for days I could only lay on my left side which that in itself hurt after a day or so.

So yeah I didn’t eat for days, then I ate soup on Tuesday which stayed but came out the other end rather quickly. Wednesday tried soup and crackers, which stayed down as well. Thursday I had the soup and crackers but I was actually hungry later and tried some scrambled eggs. So it was a good sign I was getting an appetite!!

I’m better now, for the most part, I really have no voice, and I’m still coughing, but nowhere near like I was, but I don’t have a fever and I can sleep more than a few minutes at a time. I’m still waking up in the middle of the night with a coughing fit but at least it’s not all of the time. My throat and lungs hurt from all of the coughing and nothing tastes right to me. I love my coffee in the mornings and I tried it yesterday and today and it just doesn’t taste right, then nothing does.

I have some antibiotics so that’s good.. last week has really been just a haze for me, I honestly can’t clearly remember much of it, and what I do remember I’m not sure it actually happened or not?!

I can’t recall ever being that sick, it’s not nice at all, and it wasn’t fun…..

I Work for AOL now?!?! What?!

So I like to search for myself online every once in a while and I just found out that this goofy site has me listed as working for America Online now?!


The site is called Zoom Info, and apparently it’s a wanna be LinkedIn type site… I thought maybe it was just something weird on the above page but I searched again and they have me listed as working for AOL… I don;’t work for AOL, I never have, I never would…. 


I’ve been thinking about just signing up for the site to look into it more, but I’m sure I’d get inundated with spam and crap from them so not sure how to proceed…. 

Oh well….