
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Skipping a Beat

So for the last few weeks I’ve been skipping beats. Well not me exactly, my heart has been and it’s weird to say the least. Weird isn’t the right word, more like ‘scary’ is a better word for it.

All my life I’ve noticed skipped beats, talked to my doctor about it years ago and she said not to really worry about it. It did it every once in a while, not a big thing, but now it’s all the time.

I’m sitting here and it’s doing it now, just timed it and it was eight times in the last minute alone. So yeah it’s got me a little worried.

My heart just stops for what seems like a second and then beats once and then continues on, but then it will do it again and sometimes in succession. I don’t know how to describe it other than that really..

It makes it really hard to sleep, or to fall asleep I should say. Lying there at night and feeling your heart stop is weird, very weird and doing it over and over again is just unsettling.

It’s also a constant tightness in my chest it seems to feel like to me, especially when it skips.

It’s been doing this for the last three weeks or so, and it’s non-stop, not like before where maybe it was just a few times a day, now it’s a few times per minute.

It’s weird, and it’s weird writing about it but I just felt the need to, not sure why, but it’s out there now.

It certainly has been making me think of my own mortality that’s for sure, I’m only 40 but still..

Nothing like this runs in my family as far as I know, so I’m not sure what to make of it.

I guess I need to make a doctor appointment after the holidays, that would be a good idea.

DragonSteelMods is Back Online


So after a few months of trial and error and trying to figure things out I finally got imported over to WordPress. I had to move from Mambo CMS that I was using as it just wasn’t supported anymore. I love Mambo, nothing wrong with it, but no updates, no nothing so I had to do something. The task wasn’t easy that’s for sure, and really it’s not even done yet. I got the site back online and live, with new updates and reviews coming soon. I still have some thing to deal with regarding back reviews like formatting and missing pictures, but nothing major. Going from Mambo to WordPress was not and easy task, but I guess it’s worth it in the end as life is easier and I can depend on security updates and regular updates now.

I tried to get the template similar to the original one, but couldn’t do it perfectly as WordPress isn’t set up that way and while I have some knowledge or CSS and PHP, it’s not that extensive to do what I needed to do.

Oh well, I think it look good, and I put a lot of work into it, so when you get the chance stop on over and check it out:

Are Cheap Android Tablets Worth it?


Just posted a new article over on DragonSteelMods:



Quote: “Are cheap or inexpensive Android tablets really worth it? I think so and you could call this an article or you could say it’s a rant, but with the latest announcements of these tablets that cost hundreds of dollars it got me thinking a bit. I’ve got inexpensive tablets and I like them very much, I don’t see anything wrong with them as long as you’re informed and buy a decent inexpensive tablet. Just like anything its buyer beware especially when you’ve got many manufacturers making the same thing and competing for your hard earned money.”

Dear Netflix

I guess you could call this an open letter to Netflix or a list of my gripes and complaints, questions and suggestions.

The service which supposedly would make viewers want to trade in their old DVDs at musicMagpie and take to online movie watching every time. It would do if these points were addressed first

1. I still hate the new user interface, the scrolling just annoys me, can I get the old one back please?

2. What the hell is with the new ‘feature’ of ‘Continue Watching’ at the top of the page now? I didn’t ask for that, nor do I want it! Can I make it go away? How can I continue watching something that I already watched? I finished the movie, but yet it’s there in my ‘Continue Watching’ section. I really HATE this new ‘feature’ and I want it to go away. I’m an adult so I watch R rated movies, (especially the horror movies, love them), but I have kids and I don’t want to see naked boobs or similar on the top of my screen when my kids are around. Many times your continue watching screen grabs aren’t the most flattering. Something needs fixed there as I do let my kids watch Netflix at times and they don’t need to see that just yet as they’re rather young.


3. What is the deal with the Top 10 for me? It’s a list of things I’ve watched and haven’t watched. I could see if it was a top 10 list of things I’ve watched, my top rated stuff, but it isn’t. I could see if it was a top 10 list of suggestion for me, but it isn’t. I don’t know what the hell it is but I don’t think I’ve ever picked anything from the list.


4. What the hell is the ‘Based on your search’ thing? I was searching for a movie, I was only searching for that movie because I wanted to watch it. I didn’t want suggestions based on my search, I wanted to watch that particular movie only. I searched for it to see if I could watch it on Instant. If I wanted to find things like what I was searching for then I would search for things like that. I was looking for one particular movie only. Can we make this go away?  Oftentimes you’ll show a ‘based on your search’ for something that I don’t even remember searching for or something that I searched for last year!? What good does that do me?


5.The whole ‘More Like’ thing? if you’re going to suggest things, please make them at least CLOSE to what it’s supposed to be more like. ‘Analyze That’ is NOTHING AT ALL like River Monsters. How the hell is ‘Eddie and The Cruisers II’ more Like ‘The Philadelphia Experiment’? Sure it stars the same person but it’s nothing ‘like’ it at all.

6. TV Shows out of order, I like TV Shows, many times I’ll find something I’ve never seen and watch it and enjoy it very much. I’ll go and watch TV shows that I missed when they aired.  So why is it so hard to put the TV shows in the order they aired? I’ve run across it several times now with TV shows episodes just totally random ordered. Seriously, it’s not that hard to put them in the order they aired. if you’re not sure go stop over at IMDB and you can get the order they aired in, really simple to do.

7. Missing episodes? Here’s another one about TV Shows. Why put incomplete seasons up? That’s just pointless really it is and all it does is piss people off.

8. FIX your errors! The dumbass recurring n8156-6013 error is still not fixed. Also I don’t like being blamed for the error, you’re little error message sometimes blames me saying it could be my internet connection or something else I did wrong like the time on my computer. My question is how can my internet be down if I’m browsing the Netflix site and seeing the error? The time is correct on my computer, maybe the time on your computer is wrong?! We all know it’s a problem with Netflix and Silverlight, so why don’t you get together with Microsoft and fix the errors once and for all? Netflix blames Microsoft and Microsoft blames Netflix, it’s ridiculous.

9.Speaking of errors and blaming. When you’ve got a problem, don’t blame the customer. The similar error message comes up blaming my internet connection or the time on MY computer when you’ve got an issue with your system. If Netflix is having problems I’ll check Twitter and see many other people are having outages, but yet your error message blames me for the problem. If you’ve got a problem own up to it and don’t blame us.


10. What happened to the ratings? Yes they’re there on the movie page, but not on the pop out. It just gives Netflix’s best guess for me. What good does that do me? I want to know what other people might think of the movie, I don’t want to know what you think I might think of the movie. FYI: You’re wrong 90% or more of the time anyway as to what you think I’ll rate something, so it really does me no good at all.


11.Another one about TV Shows for you, what the hell is this new ‘feature’ about automatically starting the next episode? It’s annoying, please make it stop or give us the option to use it or not. If I’m watching TV shows I’ll use the time between them to go to the bathroom, get a drink or snack. The first time this happened it was rather annoying as I come back and the show is just playing away and I had to restart it. What’s the point of that? This is not what I would consider a ‘feature’ or an improvement at all.

12. Here’s a suggestion for you, how about searching by actor? Yes there is the option but it doesn’t exactly work all the time the way it should. Many times I’ll want to see something and forgot the name of the movie or show but I know who starred in it and it would be really nice to be able to search by actor. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it gives me a nice grid of the movies they starred in, other times it gives me a list of a few movies and then a bunch of others that they weren’t in. I don’t care about the movies they weren’t in.


Well that’s just a few things off the top of my head….

Don’t get me wrong, I love you Netflix but you really piss me off at times, especially the stupid ass things you do to supposedly ‘improve’ our viewing experience.

50% Off Electronic Cigarette Starter Kits


I’ve never hear of this company but they’re offering 50% off their e-cig starter kits, which isn’t bad for those that want to give them a try…

Automatic Cigarettes is offering its best deal ever on electronic cigarette starter kits. All starter kits offered on the company’s website can be purchased at ½ price during a 2 day sale beginning July 31st. Just enter the code “50off” when checking out at the company’s website. Both the Standard Starter Kit and the Deluxe Starter Kit are included in this amazing offer. The coupon code can be redeemed at checkout for half off of either of the company’s two starter kits.

The Standard Kit is a portable charger, battery, and six cartridges. This is comparable to 9 packs of cigarettes. The equivalent to almost a carton of cigarettes can be purchased for only $15! To take advantage of this offer, one just has to go to the electronic cigarette company’s website and enter the code “50off” for the next two days.

The Deluxe Kit does not come with the portable charging case, but the kit does include two batteries. The advantage of the Deluxe Kit is that it has two batteries. The kit comes with a gift box, wall charger, usb charger, 2 batteries and five cartridges. While this kit is normally $50, by entering the coupon code, the kit only costs $25.

“This is $25 off. I was told I’d be crazy to do this deal, but I wanted to really give smokers a chance to try a top of the line starter kit,” said Brent Duke, President of Automatic Cigarettes. Our electronic cigarettes are some of the best in the industry and we are giving customers two days to purchase kits at the cheapest prices ever. With a deal like this the quantity is obviously limited, however. This is a ¼ the price of what our competitors are charging for the exact same thing.”

Netflix More Like WTF?

So I sometimes watch nature shows, a lot of them are goofy, but some of them I enjoy especially River Monsters. Sure it’s long and dragged out but I like the whole finding out about the creatures and then actually seeing it. For example sometimes there’s a myth behind what it is and how Jeremy Wade will actually explore the myth behind the creature. Sure it’s not award winning TV and all but I like learning about these creatures that exist out there.

Anyway Netflix has it’s so-called feature where when you watch something they’ll suggest others to you with it added to the main page with ‘More Like’. After I was done watching the latest few episodes of River Monsters I was back scrolling though the main page and saw the Netflix recommendation for More Like River Monsters and started scrolling. I saw the usual nature stuff there and then in the list was Analyze That with Billy Crystal and Robert DeNiro ? Just how the hell is Analyze That like River Monsters and other nature shows? I think something might be wrong with the Netflix system there….


Battlefield 3 Plus Premium, Pay More for the Bundle on Amazon!

Here’s another Amazon pricing snafu..

Battlefield 3 Plus Premium Bundles is on sale for $109.94 which seems like a good deal until you look closer..



Yep, if you want the bundle you’ll have to pay about $20 more for the privilege of bundling the games together..


I love Amazon game deals, but you really need to watch them… I see a bunch that are also listed as deals but they’re actually 0% off.. they’re just regular priced games listed as deals..