
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Le Pan TC 970 Android Tablet Not Getting Update


So, sadly it’s official the Le Pan TC 970 is NOT getting any Android version past 2.2. ‘

When I first got the tablet I asked about the updated and they told me it would be getting Ice Cream Sandwich in the 4th quarter 2011, which of course we’re in right now. I had forgot about it and just remembered so I sent them off an email and this was the response I got:


The original Le Pan won’t be getting any Android OS upgrades but will receive firmware updates when needed. The TC970 does not meet the minimal specifications needed to run the new OS. It is capable of running 2.3 however the entire software of the tablet would have to be rewritten.
We really apologize that the tablet cannot be upgradable to anything past 2.2 at this point.


So no Gingerbread or anything new for the TC 970, but at least they’re still going to support it.

Le Pan TC 970 Firmware Update Information

Ok, it looks as though Le pan has made it much easier to update your TC 970. I love mine and still use it often, it’s once of the best Android tablets out there and best of all it’s inexpensive. Get one, you won’t be sorry!


Anyway, to get the update you need to go to the Support page


Then click the ‘Latest Firmware for LePan TC 970 Tablet Computer’

which would be here:


Then you’ll see links to download the three files, Firmware, Applications and Instructions.

It’s very simple to do but follow the instructions and make sure you UNPLUG the USB/charger cable before powering-on the tablet or the upgrade process will not start.!!


Here are the links for you:





Right now Amazon has the Le Pan TC 970 for $229.99, which isn’t bad at all.

if you get the tablet I can highly recommend getting the POSRUS Antiglare screen protector as well. The TC 970 is great but the screen is super glossy and it’s annoying, the screen protector works perfectly to reduce glare by about 90-95%

Skyrim PS3 Freezing Issue Fix



So I’ve been enjoying Skyrim on the PS3 in small doses. I say small doses because of the lag it has even after the latest patch. I can play for an hour or two and then have to turn it off because the lag is so bad it’s worse that moving in slow motion.

Now after the patch I’ve got a freezing issue! The game never froze before the patch, but now it is freezing whenever it feels like. I had it recently freeze three time in less than ten minutes. The only cure is turn off the PS3, but then it complains that you didn’t shut it down properly.

So I did as bit of research and found a fix for the freezing issue, to bad it doesn’t fix the lag though.

I turned off all of the autosave features and it hasn’t frozen since. Of course now I have to manually remember to save the game every so often.

So just thought I’d share that with you..

Spam Commenting is on the Rise!


Y’know I checked my comments four days ago and cleared them out. Since then I’ve got 1,008 spam comments, and four real comments, that’s just out of hand.

I’m not going to approve your spam comments so stop trying. If you want me to post a link to your site, if you want to advertise your site then hit the Contact button up top and maybe we can work something out. So you might as well just stop trying as they’re never going to get posted live, they’ll just keep getting deleted. That little sign up there says it all, No Spam, Today, Tomorrow, Ever!

On my other sites I’ve put capthcas on the comments, I guess I have to do that here as well. It worked very well and cut comment spam by about 95%, which is pretty good.

SB 314 Bans Texting and Driving in Pennsylvania!



I’m so happy right now. I hate you fucking assholes that text and drive. Yes I rarely swear on this blog, but sometimes I just have to.

What makes you think you’re so damn special that you can text and drive and put the lives others in danger?

What’s so important that it can’t wait until you get where you’re going?

You’re not that important, and your text message certainly isn’t that important either.

I can’t wait to see you people pulled over and fined for texting and driving!

It’s a great day to be a resident in PA!!!!!!