
Just general thoughts and outburts…

T.G.I. Friday’s Sizzling Fajitas are Pretty Good!



I’m not one for frozen dinner really. Yes I like them, but the ones I like are those rather expensive skillet or oven style meals. I recently came across some very good frozen dinners from T.G.I. Friday’s called Sizzling Fajitas. You can get them in beef or chicken, I like both but I prefer the beef. They come in sort of a two compartment bowl with beef and vegetables on one side and a been and rice mix on the other. I have to say I really like these. I’ve been getting them at my local Giant Eagle for 2 for $6 or $3 each, which isn’t bad for a meal really. Try them, I think you’ll like them…

I Don’t Like McDonalds Anymore

So yesterday I took my kids to get their physicals for school and they also get flu shots. They weren’t happy about the shots of course so I figured why not treat them when we were done. There’s a McDonalds in the same shopping center as the doctor’s office so I asked if they wanted to get a milkshake on the way home. I hadn’t at dinner yet, and I saw they had the McRib and thought that sounded good. Guess that’s the first thing I did wrong, thinking something from there would be good.

Anyway we go inside and the girl who’s supposed to be at the counter wasn’t there, they had to find her. Finally she comes and she’s rude as hell, I guess we disturbed her break of something. There was no one else waiting behind me but she acted like she was in a hurry. So fine whatever, deal with it I guess to make my kids happy.

The kids ordered their milkshakes and ended up getting fries as well and I ordered two McRibs. It took a while to get just these few things and we left.

I get home and opened the first McRib and it was fine, opened the second one and there was no sauce at all on it. What the hell is a McRib without the sauce, that’s what makes it right? So that was ruined, dry and rather nasty without the sauce on it.

Oh and I forgot to get a receipt, she didn’t give me one. I meant to ask but the girl was just so rude that I wanted to get my food and go home. The bill was $20 for two sandwiches, three milkshakes and three fries, it just sounds a bit high to me and I wanted to check the receipt. oh well, live and learn. Then again that might be the correct prices, it’s been a long time since I’ve been there.

Then the night and now morning today I’m paying for it. I have the worst case of heartburn and reflux I’ve had in a long time, nothing seems to be helping at all. Zantac and Prilosec don’t help, I’ve taken more than I’m supposed to at this point. I just want it to stop, the food is like sitting in my throat, at least that’s what it feels like to me, I know it can’t still be there.

That’s not all though, I’ve made five trips now to the bathroom since last night, and my stomach is rumbling still. I don’t know why I even try, it seems every time I have McDonalds it makes me sick this way. I try and stay away from there for that reason, but I was hungry and we were there. That was a mistake apparently, thinking that I could get away with eating their food. I’m just not happy right now at all.

Gack, I’m so nauseas I just feel like I’m going to throw up, which I think I’m going to go and do now…

Firmware Update Available for Le Pan TC 970 Android Tablet


I just got word that a new update is available for my favorite Android tablet, the Le Pan TC 970.

I’m not sure what’s in the update though, in a few minutes I’ll be updating my TC 970. The newest firmware though is 4431.

I also found out about a way to root the tablet as well, but sadly it costs $4.99…

If you want to root your tablet, see

(edit: I removed the live link up there because I read on XDA Forums that it really doesn’t work and it’s basically a scam. Don’t know how true it is, but you can never be too careful, so go there and try at your own risk)

Please be reminded, any modification or alteration of the tablet voids warranty.

You can check out my full review of the Le Pan TC 970 here:

DragonSteelMods Site Redesign



So I spent the last few days redesigning DragonSteelMods. I went with lighter colors this time, gone is the dark theme. I think it’s done now, maybe a few small tweaks yet, but nothing major.

I also added some more ads actually. I got an email from Google telling me I should put more ads on there basically. There was more than that in the email but that’s the gist of it..

So we’ll see how well that works.

Anyway, check it out when you get a minute: