
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Subaru Forester Blinking Check Engine Light Rapidly

SO here’s something goofy…

A couple weeks ago I was cleaning my car, on the passenger side, beneath the dash I saw to wires hanging with green connectors on them. They were obviously made for each other, male and female. I thought hmm, this shouldn’t be unconnected right? So I connected them, that was a mistake.

The next day I turned my car on and the check engine light was blinking quickly and I thought wow, now what’s the problem. I just hit 1,000 miles on my car so I couldn’t figure out what could possibly be wrong.

I called the dealership to set up maintenance appointment and told them what I did and the problem. They set me up with the appt and I figured that was that.

Being the resource guy that I am I did some searching and found that they’re actually supposed to be unconnected.

I found the cause and what they’re for on the Subaru Legacy Forums actually. The plugs are for a few thing like re-flashing the computer.


So I went and unplugged them and the light stopped flashing.

I called to tell them I fixed it and cancel my service appointment and I ended up speaking to another tech. I explained it to him and he said yes that’s common and he didn’t know why the other tech didn’t know this or why he made an appointment for me foe something so trivial..


Live and learn I guess…

At this point I jammed the wires back up into the console, never to be seen again.

A Book

I’ve always wanted to write a book. I’ve got all of these sci-fi fantasies floating around in my head with nowhere to go. I thought about doing it here. A page every so many days or something along those lines but I would be afraid someone would steal it and the idea. Copyrights and all that don’t mean much on the internet, at least not for other countries. In the US it’s one thing, but how would I stop someone in another country from copying my work and saying it was theirs? 

Oh well.. maybe I’ll just write it myself in Word…

Why I don’t like Apple.

One reason I don’t like Apple is that most everyone I’ve ever met who has an Apple product acts like they are better than everyone else. They act like because they have this device with a fruit on it they’re better than someone who doesn’t, like myself. Don’t get me wrong, I have two iPod nanos actually, the 4th and 5th generations of them, so it’s not like I don’t own any. I’ve actually known people who own Apple products who actually thought less of me when they found out I own and use PCs. Those are the kinds of people I don’t need in my life obviously. To each his own though, use whatever makes you happy.

The next reason I don’t care for Apple is the closed ecosystem they run, which seems to have gotten better actually with jail breaking etc. So that’s not too bad I guess, things can get better I hope.

The main reason I don’t care for them is that I can’t get their products for review. I’ve been doing this for years. The ones I have reviewed were purchased myself. I’ve emailed them over and over again, and not once have I ever gotten an email response from them. I did get a call from them, twice actually. Two responses over how many years isn’t that great in my book.

The first call I got they promised they’d send me something to review, this was when the 3rd gen iPod Touch came out, I was on the list and it was on the way. Never got it, never heard anything more about it. Never heard anything from them at all when the iPad 1 came out.

The next call I got was about the iPad 2, I was surprised they called, but of course they couldn’t provide me with one for review. Reviews were everywhere, and they were still appearing after the call, but they didn’t have any for review for me. The kicker is that I didn’t even want one for free, I wanted to ask about seeing if there might have been some ‘reviewer’ discount on one as some companies do that if you want to keep the product, but the call ended before I could even ask.

I’ve got three kids, it’s not like I’ve got an extra $500+ floating around to play with at the moment so buying one to review myself isn’t something I can do right now, or most times actually. Having one would open up quite a bit of other review options as well of course like apps and accessories.

Oh well… maybe I’ll hit the lottery.. but then I’d have to actually play it to win right?!

The computer is your friend. Trust the computer




“The computer is your friend. Trust the computer”

So my NAS box ran out of room and I’m xferring everything via FTP to couple 1tb hard drives and I just happened to glace over at the FTP log and saw the message: “The computer is your friend. Trust the computer” 

I was like “WTF?!?!”  Apparently it’s an Easter Egg put in by the creators, it’s in many FTP programs from what I’ve seen. It was just really weird, a WTF moment for sure..