
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Found something rather large in my food!

I’ve read all of the stories about people finding stuff in their food, but in my 37 years I’ve never found anything or at least that I noticed until the other day.

I like food, but many times I don’t like to cook so I’ll grab a frozen dinner to make something quick. Bertolli has this line of frozen food called Oven Bake Meals, and they’re not too bad.. They’re not fine dining or anything but they’re better then some other frozen dinners out there.  I’ve tried a couple others they’ve got and they weren’t bad, so I grabbed another one.

So I came home from the store with my groceries thinking I was going to be enjoying some Roasted Chicken Cannelloni, it sounded good until I opened the bag and found this rather large sharp and deadly looking piece of plastic mixed in with my food.

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Not one to miss a photo op, and considering nothing like this has ever happen to me I grabbed my camera and and ruler to show the size of this thing..

it looks to be a piece of a mold maybe that was used to make the Cannelloni.. or maybe not.DSCF9896 DSCF9899 DSCF9902 DSCF9904 DSCF9901

Not sure what it is, but there’s a chance it would have melted in my food as I cooked it had I not noticed it, and even it it didn’t melt I think I might have noticed it in my mouth!! But I’m sure biting down on it would have hurt quite a bit…

I have to ask how does something this large get missed? Well I guess I know how, it’s probably just an assembly line that’s not even monitored so it just fell in and the bag was sealed and shipped off..

I did email Bertolli and tell them about a few days ago, I also asked if they wanted it back! Haven’t got a response yet though…  not that I expect to really.

Does it put me off from eating frozen dinner or the Bertolli brand? No, not really… it happens, and I’m just surprised it’s never happened to me before this..

Snow… gack


So we people here in Pittsburgh got hammered with snow. In one day we got over 21 inches of snow. My power went out from 9am Saturday until 2:30am Sunday.. No Power of course equals no heat, no fun at all. I’m thinking I need to buy a generator, not to power the house, but at least to power the furnace for such occasions…

And the best part about all of this is that someone stole my snow shovel…. and no one has any for sale.. I’ve spent hours digging my way out with a little flat shovel… grrrrr.. I hate people sometimes..

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Wow… Long time no posting and some links

Wow.. I‘ve just been so busy with work I kinda forgot about this blog of mine… but really didn’t, I mean I think about posting to it all of time, but just have no time..

I’ve got a ton of cool stuff though for review with more on the way..

The Epson MovieMate 60 Projector is just awesome… I love it, too bad it has to go back.. darn…


I’m trying to find more writers and reviewers for all of the sites, I think I found a couple, but we’ll see..

I need techie articles more than anything, even little ones would be fine, like tips and tricks or even top ten lists..

Wanna write? hit me up at the Contact me…


oh and I ruined my hat… I washed it, now it’s this flat scrunchy looking thing… it didn’t say NOT to wash it, and I mean it’s a hat, you’ll wash it eventually. For that matter I wash anything new before I wear it, who knows where it’s been or who else may have been wearing it right?

Got my first review up on Wii Digest on January 2nd.. also added more box shots to the gallery as well, with more coming.. and I’ve got more games to review there and i may have a couple people to write over there as well..

The review is Ju-on The Grudge Haunted House Simulator

I thought it was going to be a good game, but the controls are just terrible..


Stuff from TestFreaks:

Review of Verizon Wireless DROID Eris

Verizon Wireless Gateway LT 2016u Netbook

The Biggest Loser Nintendo Wii

World of Zoo Nintendo Wii

Cars Race-O-Rama Nintendo Wii

Kingston HyperX DDR3 4gig Memory Kit 1600Mhz KHX1600C8D3K2/4GX 1.65V

booq Taipan Shadow XS Slim Laptop Messenger Bag

Verizon HP Mini 311-1037NR Netbook

Epson WorkForce 1100 Wide-format Printer

Noctua NH-U12P SE2 CPU Cooler


There’s others on TestFreaks as well, but those are mine..


Here’s a few from DragonSteelmods as well, mine and Toms..

Noctua NH-D14 CPU Cooler

GlideTV Navigator Review

Xclio Nighthawk PC Case Review


and here’s some from iGadgetLife:

NetSecure SmartSwipe Review

Thermaltake T3000 Fanless Notebook Cooler

Thermaltake Massive23 CS Notebook Cooler

Be.ez LA robe Netbook 10.2 Sleeve Review


and here’s two from MobilityDigest:

Advent ADV800XM 4" Touchscreen Portable GPS Navigation System

TomTom One XL-S 4.3" Touchscreen Portable Bluetooth GPS Navigation System Reviewed


and one from Xbox360Dgiest also:

Review: Xbox 360 Starter Pack


Yeah.. I’m rather busy..


I did also post some stuff over at Bona Fide Reviews as well, but the site is under maintenance right now so I can’t link to it just this minute..

Got me a new hat!

So I got myself a new hat..

a nice plain one, it’s dark blue, almost black’s a very well made hat really.

It’s the one that Jax wears in Sons of Anarchy… no writing expect for the back that says ‘Reaper Crew’

soa1 soa2

Bah Humbug, No HFCS and some links for you…

Been a while since I’ve updated yet again… life is just busy with lots to do, and honestly I’m in like a depressed funk with these holidays…

With my Mom and Grandma dying this year I just don’t feel festive at all, it just won’t be the same. usually at Thanksgiving we all went to my Grandmas for dinner and here an my Mom cooked, this year I spent it at home. I do have other family nearby, but I don’t speak to them since the funerals, let’s just say that they did something unforgiveable to me and my brother concerning my Mom and Grandma, and leave it at that…

and of course Christmas won’t be the same as well, no gifts from Grandma for my kids, no cookies, no sweets, none of that made by Grandma for them… and well I won’t have my Mom or Grandma this year..

…but with me being basically the only one working really it’s hard to pay the bills.

Every bill I have is late, and it’s not because I’m buying things I don’t need, it’s because I don’t make enough money to cover them so Christmas isn’t going to be very nice for my kids, and I feel really bad I can’t get them the things they want… They’re too young to understand about money really.. they’re young so they expect Santa Claus to take care of them really, but Santa is broke this year apparently…

So I’m pretty much very depressed, I can’t sleep and honestly I don’t feel like doing anything at all, and I just can’t wait until the holidays are over with… I hate them more now than ever…  there supposed to be this wonderful time of the year, but that’s for people that have money apparently, and have their families still around..


Anyway, I found my local super market Giant Eagle now carries good Iced Tea, and it’s HFCS free!

They carry several flavors, but I only tried the regular tea and the southern style, I like the southern style the best. I love it actually, I’ve given up Coca-Cola in favor of this tea…

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and to end this here’s some links to the latest reviews and articles from me:


SpongeBob Truth or Square for Nintendo Wii

MusicSkins Custom Netbook Skin

Epson WorkForce 610 All-in-One Printer Review

Verbatim 500GB InSight USB Portable Hard Drive with "Always On" Display

SSD vs HDD on a Netbook – OCZ Neutrino

Thrustmaster T-Fitness Pro Pack NW for Nintendo Wii


TomTom One XL-S 4.3" Touchscreen Portable Bluetooth GPS Navigation System Reviewed


NZXT GAMMA Classic Series PC Case

i-Tech SIMDrive

TrickleStar PC TrickleSaver and PC TrickleSwitch


Oh well… till next time… and I hope your holidays are better than mine…

FREE: WinX HD Video Converter

box sre

WinX just came out with a new product and are giving it away for free until the 15th of December!! Go Grab it!

WinX HD Video Converter is a professional video converter specially designed for HD video conversion. The friendly interface can assist you to effortlessly convert HD videos mutually with no loss of image & sound quality, like MTS, M2TS, TS, HD MP4, MKV, HD WMV, and HD MOV, etc. Besides, it also lets you convert between HD videos and regular AVI, MP4, MOV, WMV, etc.

To get the full version for free, please download the program and register with the following Information.

Reg Name: HDgiveaway
Reg Code: WINXHVC-5230-1898-1278

Got Help?

I do!

When my cat Hokey feels the need for yet another nap, it doesn’t matter what’s going on, he’s going to lie down wherever he feels like. I also have the brother of Hokey as well who’s name is Pokey, get it? Hokey-Pokey !

The other day I was taking picture of a Noctua CPU Cooler for review, I use the couch for smaller items, the light comes in from out side and makes for decent pictures, but Hokey likes to sleep on the couch, he didn’t care what I was doing, he said it was time for a nap.

