
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Long time to update

Been a while since I updated anything here I see… and I also see that the new version of WordPress broke my template… have to fix that this weekend I guess.

My kids Xbox360 RRoD’d on me. I bought it as a refurb from Tiger Direct for them, it died less that three months after getting it, sent it back and now it just died again about 4 months after getting it back, of course it was out of warranty. So I spent quite a few hours trying to fix it using information I found several places online, the interesting thing is that when I cracked it open i found that it was already fixed with one of those washer and screw kits you’d find on the internet to fix the RROD issue… I tried re-doing all of it, over heating it etc etc, but nothing worked, so I ended up having to buy them another one, they’re weren’t using mine that’s for sure.

I’m backed up on reviews quite a bit here… I had a guy, I won’t mention his name, but he reviewed for other sites in the past and he emailed me asking about getting back into it. I tried him out for a few reviews and he seemed to work out well, then I sent him a bunch of stuff to review about a month ago and he hasn’t reviewed any of it. I’ve got pissed off companies no asking where their reviews are.. This is quite annoying to say the least. He cited work issues as the reason not to have the reviews done, but why ask to do it, and then find out you can’t? Why commit to something that you’re not going to complete? So now I’m waiting for him to send me back all of the products so I can get them reviewed and maybe pass them off to another reviewer to help me out with them… just rather annoying…

I’ve also just started writing for another site, iGadgetLife, not a bad little site, mostly mobile related things there, but check it out:

I’ve got one thing up there so far:

Musicskins Pin-Up Toons Kimmy Bunny for iPod Nano (4th Gen) Gets Reviewed

So as of now I write for


Over on TestFreaks this past week I’ve checked out quite a few cool things:


Callpod Fueltank Portable Charging Unit

TrickleStar TV TrickleSaver

G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra Xbox360

MusicSkins Pantera Rattle Skull for Rock Band Guitar

ioSafe Solo 500GB Rugged USB External Hard Drive

Vizio 47" LCD 120Hz HDTV SV470XVT

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Xbox360

and there’s one more day to get in on this weeks contest:

Weekly Giveaway #13 –NZXT Cryo LX Notebook Cooler and two USB drives

over on DragonSteelMods I’ve taken a look at two Xclio cases recently and today I’ll be putting up a review of a new Ulti-mat mousepad, with a another from Zowie coming up along with some other stuff.

Xclio Blackhawk PC Case

Xclio Godspeed One Advanced PC Case

and I’ve decided that I’m moving into console related reviews over there as well, specifically games for the Wii and Xbox360. We’ve taken a look at a few small console related items, but never really go into it that much, but that’s about to change.

Stuffs for a Sunday….

Blah… non-stop work, but it’s fun…

Got me a new Netbook, a nice one, the OCZ Neutrino DIY 10" Netbook:


also TestFreaks is giving away a bunch of stuff:

A Thermaltake V9 Gaming Case and five 8gig USB Drives, along with a 2gig one just for people who tweet or blog about the contest…


and over at DragonSteelMods I’ve just checked out a simple, but useful little product from our friends at USBFever:

Title: Silicone Cap for iPhone, iPod Dock Connector Reviewed @ DragonSteelMods

Review Link:


That’s it…. Carry on..

Updates from me…


So what’s going on? Well the guy who was coming to kill me because he didn’t like my voice hasn’t showed up yet, even though he says he has my address etc… oh well… I hate people sometimes..

Anyway, over at TestFreaks this past week I’ve got:


UP The Video Game review for the Wii


NZXT Sentry 2 review


Acer Aspire One D250 review


Seagate Black Armor WS 110 review


be.ez LaRobe Netbook Case review


USB Novelty Flash drive roundup, 36 goofy drives tested and compared

There’s also the Seagate Black Armor PS 110 External HDD review and a little review of an HDMI cable as well…

and I’ve finally finished putting polyurethane on my kitchen floor… only started the project last year…

Oh well.. enough for today…

Got a record player!!

Woo-hoo I got me a record player… been a long time since I owned one, but one of the perks of being a reviewer is that you get all kinds of stuff..

So I now can play all of those records that i re-found at my mom’s house!


I just published a full review of it, I got it for review from, it’s the Grace Digital Audio Pico GDI-VW00 Compact USB Turntable/Vinyl Archiver and it allows you to record your records, but you can also hook up speakers as well to listen to them..

Not a bad little product, though I don’t like the fact that you can’t play the records through your PC speakers, you must use an external set… oh well it works and works well.

Check out the full review HERE

Buying Sudafed for the first time…

So, I’m sick.. my nose is all stuffed, my head feels like it’s going to pop from the sinus pressure..

I went to CVS the other day and got some regular decongestant, didn’t work well for me at all. I’ve had my nose broke a couple times and when I get colds or whatever my sinuses really bother me..

So I went this morning and decided to grab some nasal spray and actual Sudafed. This is the first time I’ve dealt with this new system where you can’t buy real Sudafed, you have to take a little card and present it to the cashier who then gives you the Sudafed…

Well CVS has the cards but it doesn’t say to pick up at pharmacy, it says to take to front cashier, I grab one take up front and stand in line. Only to find out that, no, the card is wrong and you have to get it at the pharmacy. So back I went, where I was originally basically, and wait in line yet again. So I hand the pharmacy person the card and she asks for id, she swiped my drivers license, inputted information in and then I had to sign this things stating I wasn’t using the stuff for illegal activities.

The whole thing just felt odd, I felt like I was doing something illegal, I was being carded and all my information being stored. I mean it was just an odd experience to go through, all this because I’ve got a stuffy nose.. I think it’s a bit much to go through just because I’ve got a cold… people are stupid, if they weren’t out there making drugs with the stuff us ‘regular’ people wouldn’t have to be inconvenienced so much