
Just general thoughts and outburts…

I got Mad Cow!!!!!


Heh.. it’s a joke… but really I did get Mad Cow, from over at

They had the Giant Microbes on sale and I couldn’t resist grabbing a couple of them for fun..

The kids love them, my three year old wants one but he says he doesn’t want Mad Cow he wants Happy Cow! Not sure if there’s a Happy Cow disease though…

anyway, they’re rather cool and fun little stuffed animals, they come in their own little Petri Dishes and on the back is the story or description of the included disease.. Fun-Fun, got some mad Cow!

So continue on for more pics of the Mad Cow organism…

BudgetGadgets Discount code!

One of the companies I work with for review gave me a discount code to share with our readers…. and no I don’t make a commission or anything like that off of it…

But it’s from and they’ve got all kinds of stuff at very low prices.

Ok, here’s the discount information:

Code: KM5OFF2

Code is good for 5% discount off anything on the Budget Gadgets site, and considering their prices are already very low, it’s a good deal.

Holiday Giveaway 2008

Holiday Giveaway 2008


So I ran across a great deal on iPod cases at my local store, so I decided to buy 12 assorted ones to give away for the holidays.

These are for older generation iPods and newer ones as well. So read on to learn about them and what you have to do to get one


Stop on over to DragonSteelMods and enter to win one…

So, I was just on the radio.. LIVE…. and it sucked

yeah so I just basically made a fool of myself in front of 300,000 people… yeah it sucked

I had a list of questions with my answers etc all ready that we were supposed to talk about and they decided that’s not what they were going to talk about…  totally caught me off guard with that.. I was like “what now?”

I was just like huh? what? when?

I mean I guess I can laugh about it now, but why would you have a set of questions then just not do them?

I didn’t even realize it was some Wall Street show either, they like wanted to talk business and how businesses and companies were doing this year during the holiday shopping season..

boy did that suck….


Oh well I figured this might make an interesting post… PIZZA! I ordered from Veltre’s Pizza in Pittsburgh a couple days ago, food is good but a bit on the expensive side when compared to the chain stores.. I got 3 small pizzas, 1 medium pizza and a large Calzone with meatballs and spinach, total was $70 with $5 tip.

The smalls were topped each with Black Olives, Pepperoni and one plain, the medium was topped with Black Olives and Mushrooms.

I prefer my pizza and calzone with a softer crust, so if you order from there you’ve got to specify that they don’t take them off of the cooking pan or screen, they normally take them off near the end of cooking to make the crust crispy.

here’s some pics of the food, the plain isn’t in there.. and yes that’s a stick of ram in the picture for comparison:

DSCF0203 DSCF0204 DSCF0205 DSCF0206 DSCF0207


Oh well.. more another day..

Christmas and the Holidays and death by shopper

I hate Christmas, but I didn’t always, when I was young it was this magical time of the year (that sounds cheesy I know) but Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Years were always a happy time.. then I guess that’s from a child’s perspective who didn’t see the stuff going on behind the scenes. What I do remember though were fun times, family gatherings, lots of food, and of course more family and presents.

I remember the shopping yes, it was fun trying to find that perfect gift for your friends and family, but I don’t ever remember people getting killed over a product on sale… where has the common sense in the world today gone? Since when is getting a few dollars off a product worth the life of an innocent person?

I look back and everything has changed, and sadly it’s not for the better, only worse, much worse.. I can remember a time when people left their doors open, their windows open and even their cars open, now though we’ve got security systems on everything, bars on the windows and even cameras monitoring our houses. When did society degrade to the point it has? When did people not care anymore about others? Now we have to worry about home invasions, car jackings, kidnappings, robberies and getting hit by a stray bulllet in a drive by, it’s to the point I don’t like my kids going out, I would be more than happy if they stayed at home and watched TV, played with their toys, or whatever, but just stayed home where they’re relatively safe.

We’ve evolved into a society where bad things are so common that we’ve become numb to them, so numb that a story like the guy getting killed by shoppers over a deal gets the second page of the paper and something about Brittany Spears (or fill in name here) gets the first page coverage. There was a time when we as a society would be outraged by something like this, but the majority out there aren’t. The person or persons out there who killed this guy know they did it, and those who walked over his body, and those that even stepped on the police and paramedics should be ashamed, and should take a step back and try and find their humanity again.

I’ve lost most of my faith in humanity long ago, I’ve seen too much and been a victim myself a couple times, that I’ve learned that there isn’t much hope left unless something drastic happens to change people and their attitudes towards their fellow humans. If we as a society don’t change soon, it’s going to get a lot worse…

I thought Christmas was a time for giving, but it’s turned into a time for greed, and not only by the companies that sell the products but by the consumers as well. Sure when I was younger Christmas was commercialized, but no where near the point it is today, Christmas has lost all of it’s meaning, the only thing there now is shopping, spending money, getting things, which is just greed.

I don’t quite understand why people who aren’t Catholic or Christian celebrate Christmas, sure there are those that are and do, but the meaning of Christmas has long since been forgotten and been replaced by a different meaning altogether…

I don’t know…