So believe it or not I’ve never owned an ipod, I’ve got a few mp3 players that work fine for me, and even those have been sort of retired in favor of using my ATT Tilt as my media player, but I got the 4th Gen Ipod Nano, the Product Red color, and I really like it, especially the accelerometer feature, though they need to get more games for it to utilize it better for that… overall though I think it’s kinda cool, not sure how much use I’ll get out of it, but it’ll come in handy for reviewing ipod accessories, and we all know there’s tons of those out there..
Just general thoughts and outburts…
mSnack – a video snack for your mobile!
by Kristofer Brozio •
So I was bopping around the internet and ran across an interesting little site called mSnack, the ‘m’ in the title means mobile, as in cellphones.. The idea of the site is to send movie video clips to your cellphone in the form of text messages. I tried it out for a few of them and they’ve got a few different categories to pick from including hot girl videos, anime, movie previews, viral videos and a few more..
Here’s a screen shot of the site:
The site itself is kind of plain, and looks very empty, but when viewed from your mobile it’s much fuller.
How it works is you subscribe to what categories you want and they send you a text message with a link in to to download the video to your phone, I hooked my phone up via my WiFi and it worked fine and fast.
There are several categories as I said but I’m sure their most popular one is the hot girl video clips, but they aren’t really R or X rated or anything like that, it’s just a girl in a Bikini dancing around. Of course there’s a link attached to the video as well so you can view more if you wish.
I guess I’m considered Otaku, as I like my anime, all kinds of it and of course I had to try the Anime category as well to see what it was like, they sent me a little 30 second clip, kind of like a trailer or preview.
The quality is ok, on my Tilt I’ve got a 320×240 screen, so the res is a bit higher than say a flip phone, so the image was a big grainy, and pixellated, but I guess you can’t expected dvd quality from a download to your phone, it’s not like speeds are broadband like and the idea of course is to get the content to you fast.
Though it would be nice if they added an option for higher quality for those that wish to receive it…
Oh well, it’s neat, stop by and check them out at:
Zombies for Obama!
by Kristofer Brozio •
Normally I stay out of Politics, but this is just too damn cool to not pay attention… and it’s from Pittsburgh!!
Pittsburgh, PA (PRWEB) October 6, 2008 — The flesheating zombies first documented in the classic horror movie NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD have evolved into political junkies determined to have an impact on the 2008 elections. To channel their energy in a proper and hopefully harmless direction, producer Russ Streiner and screenwriter John Russo have helped them form their own dot-com advocacy group under the banner: Send a Zombie to Congress.
“These modern zombies aren’t as brain damaged as you might imagine,” Streiner enthused. “Indeed they have some very good ideas. They want to eliminate the fat cats in Washington and they want to help elect Barack Obama. You don’t have to be a zombie to believe as they do.”
Russo adds, “You also don’t have to be a zombie to join our PAC. Check out our website. There are lots of things zombies can’t do on their own. Their rotting hearts are in the right place, but they desperately need the help of average Americans.”
Asked exactly how their horde of zombies would seek to “eliminate the fat cats,” Russo and Streiner were evasive. Russo parried the question, stating only that the flesheaters were justifiably upset with the wrong-headed policies of the past eight years and wanted to do something about it “in their own way.”
“This time Washington REALLY needs a change,” Streiner said, “and even the brain-dead zombies know it.”
Russo and Streiner say that they expect millions of disgruntled Americans to join the zombies’ PAC.
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
Another one bites the dust!
by Kristofer Brozio •
So, yesterday my hard drive died one me.. yesterday morning actually, it was making loud noises like it was searching alot so I thought mayb disk cleanup and defrag would help things out.. ran all that, still no difference but the hdd was getting louder, making noises it shouldn’t make.. so I restarted my computer and that was that, wouldn’t boot anymore, no errors, no nothing.
Using vista ultimate 32bit, so I ran the repair disk thing and that did do anything for me…
I had just gotten Vista Ultimate 64bit last week, didn’t install it yet as I was waiting for my new 500gig hard drive to get here, it got here yesterday of course..
so I’ve had 6 drives die on me in less than a year, western digitals and seagates, and I’ve had a maxtor die in the past as well, so who does that leave for hdd manufacturers? Hitachi?
so I’m still recovering, luckily my data is still intact, at least what I needed to get at..
got Crysis Warhead for review, but it’s a download, in toal it’s a little over 13 gigs between Warhead and Wars, so I’m still re-downloading that as I type this, got warhead already though…
also I got a nice brand new Radeon 4870 vid card which I really didn’t get to play with, ran benchmarks but that’s about it…
I’m swamped with work, but I like being busy!
Articles/Editorials, Assorted Pictures
Praying Mantis pics..
by Kristofer Brozio •
So I was done shopping the other day at the grocery store and returned my buggy to the stall, on the ground in the parking lot was a praying mantis just sitting there, so I figured I’d take some pictures of him..
why.. I don’t know.. I think they’re rather cool little bugs… he watched me take pictures of him, and let me get pretty close before he got on the defensive.. just weird seeing one sitting in a parking lot..
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
DMCA Takedown Notice…
by Kristofer Brozio •
hmm.. so today I got to send my first DMCA Takedown Notice!
an obvious spam site copied and pasted one of my reviews that I did over at Tiltmobility, they couldn’t even host the pictures, they’re still linked to Tiltmobility..
the site, which I won’t link to, is hosted on, and they have a system for the takedown notices..
of course they ask for proof, well gee, I just sent them links to both pages to compare.. that’s more than enough proof there..
I hate spammers…
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
When everything goes wrong in life….
by Kristofer Brozio •
When everything just seems to go wrong in life how does one cope?
Especially when it seems to all happen at once…
Just when I think I’m geting ahead something comes along and takes it all away from me…
I don’t get it… I have to ask ‘why me?’
A few months ago my wife hit the curb and ripped a hole in one of my tires, I come to find that I had to replace two tires instead of just the one because it’s an all-wheel drive vehicle… so $350 later I’ve got two new tires..
fast forward a couple months, wife wrecks car again.. this time hits someone, does a bit of damage to the right side of car…
fast forward to this past friday, wife swerves because guy cuts her off, rips hole in relatively new tire again…
go to mechanic yesterday (monday) can’t have tire until today, fine…. leave busted tire, go home..
come tuesday (today) I go to get new tire put on, only to find that the rim is bent as well, so now I need a new rim also….
fine, come back home, leave again to go pick up kids from school…
on way home, school bus does a hit and run on my car… stupid lady cut the corner too sharp (I was behind the line where you’re supposed to stop at light) hits left front fender, I get out of car to inspect, see scratches, turn around and the bus is long gone, apparently she floored it when she saw me get out of car… I couldn’t back up to chase her, there were cars behind me, so I had to go around block, and of course after that she’s long gone… and OF COURSE no one saw anything at all including the crossing guard who saw her hit me…