
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Kennywood Park.. blah

So we went to Kennywood park on friday, it was blah, not really fun, I guess the main reason it wasn’t fun is because I’m broke and basically have no money to spend on things like fun, I have bills to pay and they are what’s important in life, not having fun…

but anyway, it was my 2yr olds first time there and he really had a blast, he loved it, he wanted to ride the rides and play games, it was like he’d been there before, he’s a little pro at it now it seems…IMAGE_154

but I didn’t take a digital camera with me since I have my phone, I figured that would be my camera.. so here’s a few pics:


I really didn’t take that many, it was just a bit much with the kids to keep track of everything, but the pics are pretty good for a cellphone

Edit: oh and this is my first post to this blog using Windows Live Writer, for whatever reason I see one of the thumbnails lnks to teh same picture.. oh well, it’s late.. I’m going to be

GoDaddy Sucks.. and I need a new host.. Part two?!

Apparently someone at GoDaddy reads my blog, I got a call this afternoon from the ‘office of the president’ of GoDaddy and he referenced this blog posting.. that’s a trip isn’t it?

Well he was nice, but didn’t solve my problem, from what we gathered it could be a couple things, one is that there is a limit of 50 connections at one time to the database pulling data, there could be 200+ people on my site looking at it but only 50 can actually access the database…

Related to the DB, I also learned that there is no limit on the size of the database, I read somewhere a while ago that there was a 200mb limit on databases on GoDaddy shared hosting, but that limit was changed, too bad that they don’t mention this size anywhere on their site, maybe they should list that somewhere…

another problem could be the database itself, it was locking up for some reason, he recommended I optimize it… well I went into the backend of my site and deleted 4853 database entries, and then another 582 on top of that, I deleted old stuff from years ago, when you delete things in mambo it goes into the trash bin just like Windows, you have to go in and empty it just like Windows, well obviously I haven’t done that in a while, and considering you can only select 50 items at one time it took me a while…

so we’ll see if that lightened the DB any, going to do a backup shortly, and I know there is some other old entries in there that can be deleted as well…

but I think the real problem presently is the connections limitation and there is no way around that other than upgrading my hosting to a virtual dedicated server.. which is cost prohibitive right now..

hmm.. Hey GoDaddy.. Wanna be the official sponsor of DragonSteelMods?

hehe.. had to try..

GoDaddy Sucks.. and I need a new host..

It’s that time again for me to rant about my webhost…

This has been going on for quite some time now where my site, is just not there, or it displays an error page where the site cannot be displayed..

how can they offer 1 terabyte of bandwidth per month but not let you use it? most I’ve hit is like 50gigs per month..

I’ve emailed them numerous times and they keep telling me that nothing is wrong with my site, if it’s supposed to show an error page then yeah nothing is wrong with it…

they tell me that they can see it just fine, how is that possible if I can’t?

My site hit digg and I had over 1000 people online at the same time with just it slowing down, now I’ve got a little over 200 people online and it has crashed, how is that possible?

Well I guess it’s possible because I’m using GoDaddy as my host right? That’s what I get for using a shared hosting account, but then again I make no money from the site so hosting is paid out of my pocket for my sites…

I’m looking into Media Temple grid hosting now to see what they can offer me instead of GoDaddy…

I got into an argument on the phone the other day with one of the GoDaddy reps who called me to ‘thank me’, I answered the phone and he asked to speak to me and I said yes that’s me and who’s this? He says it’s so and so from GoDaddy, and I immediately cut him off and said I don’t want to buy anything, he says ‘oh no, I’m not trying to sell you something, I just called to say Thank You for being a GoDaddy customer, then in the next breath he asks me if I know that I could save money by paying for my hosting yearly, and that I’ve got a couple domains that are expiring and would I like to renew them now over the phone’

Ummm.. that sure sounds like he’s trying to get my money to me…

anyway, I’m wondering if I could actually get donations to get the hosting upgraded? I’ve seen many sites out there that have Paypal donation buttons, but I wonder if they work? I tried selling advertising but noboday want it.. I dunno, it sucks being broke..


I meant to post about this a couple days ago but just basically didn’t want to a the time…

July 5th was the 2nd anniversary of my cousins suicide and to this day, and probably never will I be able to figure out why he did it…

not only did he leave behind questions unanswered but he left guilt as well with most of his family and friends, I personally have to ask is there something I could have done?  is there something I missed?

We were cousins but we were friends as well, the closest thing to a best friend I’ve ever had really…

I look back and well I wasn’t always there, I mean I think I should have been there, but as we got older our interests differed and we grew apart, we went our separate ways with our familes and friends, and things we liked to do, I guess I can’t blame myself or feel guilty about it but I can’t help it really… I just think back and have to wonder what more could I have done?

The last communication I had with him was an argument, and well there’s guilt there as well, but we’ve fought many times before and always ‘made up’, time went by and things cooled off and things were back to normal, but not this time…

He ended it with a bullet to his head, he left behind three small children and a wife, well the wife really wasn’t a wife at that point, she was cheating on him at the time, and I’m sure that was a big part of why he did it, but it’s not worth taking your life over something like that, so obviously there had to be more to it that that, then again we all handle things differently and that could have been his reason, but I find it hard to believe as I know he loved his children and would do anything for them that he could…

I don’t know, and I guess I never will…

Freelancing and writing

So I’m trying to keep busy, trying to make money basically, I mean that’s all we are all trying to do really right? We all need money to pay our bills, buy the things we need to surive and support our families.

So I’m thinking of trying freelance writing.. even if it’s not getting paid, I’m thinking that the more I get my name out there the better off I’ll be right?

I’m doing a bit of writing over ar it’s not paid of course, but I like my phone and I’m interested in it, it’s not a major commitment or anything just something part time.

I’m also writing for as well, I’m writing their buyting guides, they’re not really buying guides per se, but more of tips and information about helping to decide on the products you might be buying.

I’ve completed two of them so far, the first one is a Memory Card Buying Guide, it came out to be close to 1500 words and I could’ve kept on writing actually, I hadn’t realized that there was so much to say about little old memory cards…

You can find it here:

at the top of the page is the title Memory Card Buying Guide and below that is the ‘read more’ button to continue reading the entire article..

it’s fun actually and they’re happy with it, they’ve asked me to do more for them as well… so I’m more than happy to help out as it’s fun and it’s get me more exposure as well..

I just finished up the Keyboard Buying Guide also, but it’s not live yet, should be in a few days..

I really like reviewing products though, I’m wondering how much freelance work there is in that, I’ve got quite a bit of experience at it after all, so I know what I’m doing…

Krusell Touch Screen Pointer Review

So the other day I posted my first review for Tiltsite, the Triforce Stylus. It was sent from Krusell actually, but it’s a Triforce brand pointer. They sell them to other companies to brand and sell themselves.

It’s an interesting little device that works well, you can read my full review HERE about it if you wish to.

It’s nice as you won’t have to worry about losing your stylus since it’s built into the phone strap itself.


So if you’ve paid any atention I’ve got me an AT&T Tilt cellphone, or an HTC 8925, or you might call it an HTC TyTn II.

Anyway, i was chatting back and forth with Doug who runs it and he asked if I wanted to do some writing over there about things Tilt and HTC related, so of course I said yes..

I heven’t done much over there yet, so my name doesn’t appear often, but it will…

anyway, stop by and visit Tiltsite

Check them out..