
Just general thoughts and outburts…

The Elusive Black Squirrel

So last week I was helping a friend of mine out with one of his apartments, working on re-painting the porch roof, and of course he was running late, so while I was waiting I snapped some pictures with my phone of a Black Squirrel that was running about looking for food… you don’t see many black colored Squirrels so I thought it was rather interesting and worth noting…

Here’s the pics I took, you can click them to open to larger (1024×768) size:

Childrens Hospital…

So, my son was admitted into hospital, he’s only 2 years old and doesn’t understand what’s going on, all these people coming in and poking and prodding him, he’s got an IV stuck in his arm.. and he’ll be there 3-4 days at least and maybe longer depending on how he reacts to anti-biotics

this sucks

Father’s Day…. Blah

So it’s Father’s Day.. and it’s blah…

The baby (2 yr old) was up and down most of the night, when he finally woke up this morning I found him miserable and his face and neck are swollen to three times their normal size and he’s talking funny.

He says his ear hurts, so obviously it’s an ear infection and it can’t wait until tomorrow to see doctor so I had to call mom to come back home from work.

She just got to work and had to turn back around to come back home.

So she just took baby to Children’s Hospital emergency room a few minutes ago…

so much for Father’s Day… it makes me sad to see him in pain and miserable, I feel so useless that I can’t help him to make it stop hurting, but he’s on the way with mom to see doctor so he’ll get medicine to make him better and help him

a bit hasty..

So I’m a bit hasty maybe in my decision to just quit this site… it was posted out of anger, and like anything you should always be thinking clearly…

anyway, I need a new template now I guess as this one appears to be vulnerable in some way.. and I’ve got to re-upload all of the images as well as I essentially went in via FTP and hit delete to make sure everything was gone.. fun-fun

better yet.. c’ya

I’ve been a target a hackers too many times now, so I give up, they win.. happy now? I know some of you out here are..

screw it all… I’m canceling the hosting, and this site will be gone by months end when what I paid for already expires..

I don’t think it matters really though as no one ever visited here…

hacked yet again, the template this time!

this sucks… I hate you prick hackers out there

I did everything possible to protect this site, changed all of my passwords, deleted all users, changed the login stuff.. re-installed WP and it was still hacked

what I can’t figure out is why can’t the WordPress people do something about the site where it’s coming from, I mean it’s well documented all over the place, but yet no one has the balls to shut the site down?!?!? truly WTF?!?!?!

oh and apparently it’s somewhere in the template I was using as it’s not here, but I went through all fo the code for the template and can’t find it

replaced the template with the original version and the problem is gone.. but now my site is all screwed up… I can’t access any of the old content.. this sucks


Global Warming is a bunch of BS!!

Exactly what I just said, it’s all a bunch of bull-poop!!

It’s May 28th and I’ve got to have my furnace on, it’s going to be in the 30s tonight.. the Fracking 30’s!!! That’s just a few degrees above freezing and it’s a few days before JUNE!!!!!!!

I thought Global Warming meant that it was getting warmer not COLDER!

But wait I could bet that if you mentioned something like this to one of those experts they’d tell you it’s cold BECAUSE of Global Warming, and I could also bet that if it was going to be 100 degrees tonight they would also say it’s because of global warming….

the average low according to the almanac is 53F, and the record low was 35F in 1971

May 28th and the upper 30’s for tonight… there’s something wrong with the science there, if it’s actually getting warmer then it shouldn’t be in the 30’s a few days before June

This sucks, yesterday I was sweating, today I’m freezing.. let me guess, that’s because of global warming right?