Does anyone know about AT&Ts retention program at all?
I’ve tried to find others out there with experiences with leaving AT&T and what they did to keep them but it’s few and far between, there’s quite a few for Cingular out there, which I guess is the same now…
any, so after I emailed them again with a few more questions they decided NOT to email me back and actually call me about this so I can’t copy and paste their responses..
but they told me that NO they do not normally tell people their contract is expired, they mentioned that users can easily find their contract information on the website where their account info is… I still think that’s wrong not to tell people about it, kind of cheating people that might want to leave…
and as for my upgrading the phone even though I never got one from them, they said oh well, if I want a new phone I have to pay the online prices with no special discounts… even though as I said I never got a phone from them in the first place, obviously they don’t care about keeping customers too much eh…
and they still couldn’t find my information and insist that I’ve only been a customer for the last 2 years since I became a Cingular customer, my time with AT&T before Cingular apparently doesn’t exist anymore..
hrmmm.. oh well, guess I’ll be checking out T-Mobile or Verizon now, wonder what specials they have over there?! Most of the people I deal with have Verizon so that’s sort of a good reason to switch to them, mobile-to-mobile would be free..
So I have AT&T wireless for my cellphone service and as of now my contract is up with them.
It should be as easy as just re-upping right? Well for me it’s not, while I’m happy with the service I don’t like how they do business overall and especially their customer service practices.
Most likely I’ll stay with them as I can get a phone call in my house so that makes me happy. I’ve tried Sprint and Cricket and about 75% of my calls were missed using their services.
Now I signed up with AT&T originally over three years ago, it’ll be four coming up, but in the middle there they switched to Cingular as everyone knows and now they switched back to ATT. The point is that I signed up for a 2yr contract originally with ATT, but the changeover to Cingular made things weird and I was told that I would have to switch over full time to Cingular, so of course I did and they told me that I would be out of my contract with ATT and start a new one with Cingular. So that’s fine I guess, I like the idea of rollover a lot, as of now I have a little over 2,000 minutes in my rollover, but what bugs me is that according to ATT I didn’t exist, or I didn’t have an account with them until this past two year contract. What happened to the time I was with ATT before the merger? I don’t understand that at all, it’s as if I didn’t exist to them, I only had about 4 months left on my original contract but switched because they told me that I had to, so where did the 20 months go?
The main reason I question all of this is because about 5 months ago my phone started acting up and I remembered that if you’re with ATT for a period of time you are eligible for a new phone, so I figured hey I should be fine right? Wrong apparently, because of this little thing were I didn’t exist, and they have no records of me being an ATT/Cingular customer before this current 2yr contract. So I was screwed there, no matter what I did, no matter what proof I had, original contracts etc, they said I wasn’t in their system so I wasn’t their customer… dunno.
Anyway, I have three phones, one is a smartphone that I rarely use anymore because it keeps locking up, and two others that are exactly the same, just basic cheapie flip phones that I don’t care if anything happens to. The point being is that those were my phones, and not something I got from ATT, I brought my own unlocked phones with me, so really shouldn’t I be entitled to a phone to begin with since I never got one from them?
The next gripe would have to be thatย I was never told my contract was up now with ATT, I had to ask them when it was up and they said ‘now’. They text me, email me, snail-mail me all kinds of stupid offers and junk but yet they can’t notify me of something important like my contract being up with them? Why?
I don’t know.. actually I totally lost my train of thought towards the end there, my friend called me needing help with his computer and he’s one of those people that literally is lucky he can even find the power button, he’s just amazingly frustrating to try and explain things to. He doesn’t know what I mean when I ask him if he can see his desktop? I have to explain to him that it’s the screen where all the icons are… it’s just like WOW! I just want to scream right now from talking to him. He was here not more than two hours ago and I walked him through step by step on my computer and even wrote down instructions for him, which he didn’t follow and totally forgot what I showed him to do… sigh
I’m just looking at this site and why are my blog posts running together like that?
The last few posts are just jumbled together!
The entire Digg post is gone from the front page but yet still there listed on the side, and still accessible.. and the hackers post is jumbled into my other… grrrrrr
uhhh.. duh.. inside my post about working from home was some interesting code linking to a casino site… I know damn well I didn’t put it there………….. blah
Most people think that it’s great to be self-employed and working for yourself, but it isn’t all that great really…
Sure, for the most part I don’t answer to anyone really (my wife maybe..) but there are deadlines to meet from jobs that you acquire and commit to. So yeah you do answer to the people who contract out your services, and essentially they are your boss, after all they’re the ones paying your bills.
One thing I’ve learned about working for myself is that time is really at a minimum, people, especially your family think that since you’re self-employed, work from home, that you have all this free-time, that’s the farthest from the truth there could be in reality.
I’ll get phones calls from my family asking me what I’m doing, and if I’m home, they assume that since I’m home I can drop everything I’m doing and run to fulfill their needs no matter how petty or small they may be, it’s amazing the demands that people can come up with when they think that since you are not at a ‘real’ job you really aren’t working…
Prime example would be when my mom was in the hospital for a week right after Christmas, my Aunt (mom’s sister) felt that I had become her slave for whatever reason and that whatever she wanted was more important than what I was doing. She called me up one day and demanded that I come down to my moms and take down her Christmas tree, and the amazing part was that she actually demanded it, it had to be done right then, right now, I had to stop everything and go do this for her. It couldn’t wait until the next day, and she just could not grasp the fact that when she called I was on my way to pick up my children from school and the fact that my wife had class that night so there was no way I could come down in the evening either and do it.
It seems to me that most people out there don’t view being self-employed as a real job, they think that if you spend most of your time home that you’re not really working at all.
I do quite a bit of things, I make barely any money from my websites, not even enough to pay my hosting and internet expenses every month, so of course I have to supplement my income. Obviously having knowledge about computers is helpful in getting work, and does provide a bit of income.
I do other work as well like I help a friend out who has quite a few upscale apartments in the Pittsburgh area, and a few are rented out to college kids, so sometimes they need a bit of repair work, painting etc. I also find it amazing that even adults can leave a place in a mess, it’s amazing how some people really don’t seem to care about things like that.
So I’m not always home, it depends on what I’m doing at the time, sure I might be home working on my website, but I also might be home remotely accessing one of the security computers that I installed and performing maintenance on it. Yeah I do that as well, PC based security systems, and trust me it’s not as fun as it sounds, sure the computer part is but running wires etc through dirty attics and climbing up on the roof isn’t my idea of fun when it’s 90 degrees outside.
Oh well, I just think that people need to understand that just because someone you know is self-employed and/or works from home they don’t have always have all this free time that you think they do.
Digg is a great site overall, and I visit it quite a few times during the day to check out what’s going on and there’s usually something I find interesting on the front page.
This recent little debacle, revolt, or whatever the hell you want to call got me to thinking, how do these ‘Top Diggers’ get to those top spots?
I mean they’re the so-called Elite of Digg right? This essentially means that they submit the most stories right? The most stories that hit the front page etc… but how?
Don’t they have jobs? Don’t they have families? How do you just spend all of your time searching through stuff to find things to submit to Digg? I mean they’re not getting paid for it right? So, I have to guess that they are independently wealthy and I guess have nothing better to do with their time than find things to submit to Digg?
What did they do B.D. ? Before Digg? Seriously though, what did these guys do before Digg came around?
Don’t they have lives? Especially since it seems they hold so much weight on Digg, they’ve got to have money or something?! This latest little ‘revolt’ or ‘bunch of immature geeks crying because they didn’t get their way’ just proves that the power is not with the people… it’s with a select few that have nothing else to do in the world except try and find things to submit to Digg…
Then of course there’s the bury squad.. which I don’t even want to get into…
and of course all the other trends that we see on Digg like linking to blogs that link to three or four other places before they get to the actual story… Why do I have to wade through all of that just to read the story that interests me?
lately I’ve seen a lot of Engadget and Gizmodo appearing on the front page, don’t get me wrong, it’s not getting on them, I visit them often as well, but they’re a prime example of Diggs that take you to five other places to get to the original story… I’m guessing it’s because they are popular so that when someone sees the name Engadget or Gizmodo they blindly Digg it and it hits the front page shortly thereafter…
Prime example is something I submitted, this was a while ago, but I linked to the original story, 4 days later it’s on the front page but linked to Engadget and they linked to another, and they linked to another and they linked to yet another to finally get to the story… it’s goofy. They complain about Blogspam all the time on there but yet it’s there all the time on the front page, I see people all the time complaining about the same thing, why don’t you link to the original story instead of linking to a blog that then links to other blogs…
and as for the users on Digg, well most of them need to grow up, I don’t comment often because its pointless, immediately you’ll have someone flaming you and then burying you because they agree with the flamer, even though the flamer has no clue as to what was actually meant by the comment and just doesn’t plain understand it..
Since I have Counterize enabled on my blogs it’s always interesting to see what’s going on, and it’s kinda cool that the blogs will email me if there’s an error somewhere like someone trying to go somewhere on my site and not being able to access it…
Lately I’ve come across quite a few ‘hacker’ entries, and actually backtracked them to the originating server, and even went so far as to explore the stuff they’ve got in there, all of there hacking tools, like scanners etc. It’s really interesting because they like have their names right in there, or at least their aliases, they sign their programs and work, leave email addresses and IRC channel addresses to contact them with…
I also found it interesting that most of the hackers use PocketPCs to do this stuff…
Here’s a screencap from Counterize showing what I mean:
You can click the tiny one for it to open full screen to 1137×153 size…
anyway, I even went through their directories and downloaded the tools they use just to check them out and get some more info about them.. why, curiosity I guess…
as for Spammers, I was thinking, they are a real PITA, I get quite a bit of spam, thank God for Akismet really, but wouldn’t it be cool if those spammers would at least click on one of our ads? I mean they make use go through these junk messages/comments, couldn’t they at least make it worth our while to do so?
Back to the hackers… these guys are a trip, here’s an excerpt from their code:
# Release Name : XxX-SuperScan-XxX
# RFi Scanner Christmas Release ! ๐
# ————- [% Notes %] ————-
# This rfi scanner contains piece of code from; PitBull CreW, Mic22, Inphex.
# And also lets just say more version wil come ๐
# With this release you must be happy since its the best RFi Scanner around.
# And its even public, happy x-mas ! ๐
# You can also PM the bot with your scan, this is handy when you have loaded multiple scanners.
and here’s another that I found rather funny as well:
# Mafia_KB, i hope i pretty fucked up your sell
# asking 2000 fucking euros for a crappy scan ?
# this one is 1000 times better so i hope
# it affects your sell even more lol.
Oh well.. tis life I guess
350-018 is related to AES and EAP wireless protocols that maintain safe wireless access to devices across the branch networks. 70-297 is related to devising an Active Directory in addition to network infrastructure. 640-816 explains how VLANs produce logically detached networks and the requirement for routing between them. 156-215 generate rules and adapt a Security Policy’s properties. Candidates for 70-528 should have a functioning knowledge of Visual Studio 2005 and a solid knowledge of the latest features of ASP.NET 2.0.