
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Woohoo Got me a Quad Core

Yeppers it came in on Friday actually.. didn’t get it installed until late last night though…

Got the G0 revision as well, got the luck of the draw I guess, everyone seems to want the Q6600 with the G0 revision or stepping as some call it for it’s great overclocking abilities..

I’ve run a few benchmarks and already compared to my C2d6420 and the 6600 blows it away easily in most things…. Like I ran 3dMark06 without SLI enabled and got 6306 3dmarks compared to the 5543 3dMarks of the C2D6420.. I ran SiSoft Sandra CPU Arithmetic test and got 44449 MIPS, compared to the 19776 score of the C2D6420..

In time I’ll post up a brief comparison over at DSM, but for now I’ve got other work to do…

CatGenie Self-Washing Cat Box WTF?!

I have cats, and of course one of the pain in the arse things about them is cleaning the litter box and I’ve seen some interesting products to alleviate the chore of cleaning the litter box but this thing is about the oddest one yet…

It requires electricity, running water and a drain to use it… I think it’s much easier the old way eh?

On the website you can even find videos and such showing it in use, it’s interesting, it washes and dries the cat litter after your cat does its thing in the CatGenie… it seems like a lot of work and extra expense because you have to buy special ‘washable’ cat litter and these filter cartridges as well to be used with it, yeah I think I’ll stick to buying a $5 25lb bag of cat litter every month…

Here’s some info from the site:

Cat Genie
Self-Flushing, Self-Washing Cat Box

The only automatic cat box that flushes away waste
and, like a cat, washes itself clean.
-CatGenie uses permanent Washable Granules that never need changing
-For your cats, it’s like using a clean box of cat-comfy, normal-size cat box filler
-For you, CatGenie works like a modern washing-drying, cat toilet appliance
-After a one-time, simple DIY hook up to water, you’re set
-Push a button or preset CatGenie Cat Box to start automatically
-Used and recommended by veterinarians, nationwide

CatGenie Tabby Package
CatGenie Self-Washing Cat Box, Two Boxes of Washable Granules, Two SaniSolution Cartridges good for two months with two cats, T-Adapters for setup. Free Shipping. A $417 value for only $297.

CatGenie Tuxedo Package
CatGenie Self-Washing Cat Box,
5 SaniSolution Cartridges good for
5 months with two cats,
Two Boxes of Washable Granules,
GenieDome with SideWalls,
T-Adapters for setup.
Free Shipping.
A $512 value for only $359.

Payment Plan
Only $99 to Start

Try it Risk Free
90-day Money Back Guarantee

One-time, simple setup to cold water, a drain or toilet, and electric. CatGenie is 19″ wide in front, 16″ wide bottom back, 17″ top back, 21″ high, 24″ deep allowing for hoses. Water Supply Hose 8′ long, Drain Hose 10′ long. CatGenie Colors. Base: Pearl Gray, Top: Porcelain White. Assembled CatGenie weighs: 25 lbs.

Somehow I don’t think the setup is ‘simple’ as they say, anytime you’re mixing water and electricity it isn’t a ‘simple’ setup….

blah blah blah

Oh well… my quad core is delayed till the end of the week, or early next week.. so bummer there…

but I just got a Playstation 2 for free.. not bad, my wifes friend had two of them and gave us one to give to our kids for their birthday at the end of this month, so that was nice… I haven’t owned a console since the original playstation..

and I brought my mom home from the hospital on Saturday, just got home from visiting her… she’s got to go in and get a bunch of tests done and we found out that since now she is considered a ‘hardship’ case the hospital has a fund that helps to pay for her new medications which is very helpful considering she’s taking I think 10 of them now with more to come…

as I said I was just down there and we were discussing things and going over her paperwork, insurance policies and everything… it’s odd to be sitting there talking to your mother about how she wants to die, she wants to be cremated, with no ceremony, and she wants to get an official do not resuscitate letter drawn up as well in case something should go wrong she doesn’t want to be on life support etc… it’s depressing, all of it, really it is……

Scythe Ninja Copper Review posted!


So, I posted my review of the Scythe Ninja Copper today over at DragonSteelMods, (link HERE) and it’s the first official English language review of it… I guess that’s something special eh?

and next week I’m getting me a quad-core! a Q6660 Kentsfield to be exact.. not sure what the stepping will be, but I don’t really care as I don’t overclock as a habit, it’s more for reviewing things like ram that I OC, any other time I run at stock, I like things to be nice and stable at all time… something to look forward to anyway, a bright spot…

Happy New Year… I guess…

Umm.. Happy New Year I guess…

I still feel like blah, but not as bad as I was…

and my mom is now officially on the Liver Transplant waiting list and it’s going to be a while apparently before she gets out of the hospital..  so she now has an infection in her kidneys and her liver, and her spleen is enlarged as well… they are talking about putting a shunt? or stint? in place to help drain the fluid, supposedly it will go straight to her kidneys so she won’t have to keep coming back to the hospital to have it taken care of ‘manually’ this is of course just temporary while she awaits a transplant…

What a way to start the new year eh?


Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupon Program

If you’re not digital ready you can get a $40 off coupon from the Federal Government to help defer the cost of switching to digital.  There is a slight catch, the coupon is only valid for 90 days. Supposedly the boxes will run about $60, and most big name retailers will be carrying them.  For those who don’t know February 17th 2009 is the day that analog TVs will basically no longer work, and only digital signals will be transmitted…—

Starting January 1, 2008, all U.S. households will be eligible to request up to two coupons, worth $40 each, to be used toward the purchase of up to two, digital-to-analog converter boxes. For more details on the federal regulations, including the budget information, please see the DTV Converter Box Coupon Program Rules.

You need to go here to get your $40 off coupon starting tomorrow Jan 1st 2008.

There’s a brochure explaining the basics of the program HERE in PDF format.


as if anyone cares I just took my temperature and it’s 101.9F, from what I gather that’s not too good…but not that bad either… depends who you talk to

I’ve got chills that are actually painful, I’ve never experienced anything like that before, so this is a new experience for me.. and I think I’m dehydrated…hmm

and my mom, well she needs to have her gallbladder removed on top of all of this…

she does have an infection in her kidneys which they are giving her anti-biotics for, and she the Dr said she has two choices, either a liver transplant and deal with the anti-rejection drugs all her life or go back to hospital every few weeks to get the fluid drained for the next couple years and see what happens then…

hmm.. diary of a sick person?!

oh well… I need to pass out