I have cats, and of course one of the pain in the arse things about them is cleaning the litter box and I’ve seen some interesting products to alleviate the chore of cleaning the litter box but this thing is about the oddest one yet…
It requires electricity, running water and a drain to use it… I think it’s much easier the old way eh?

On the website you can even find videos and such showing it in use, it’s interesting, it washes and dries the cat litter after your cat does its thing in the CatGenie… it seems like a lot of work and extra expense because you have to buy special ‘washable’ cat litter and these filter cartridges as well to be used with it, yeah I think I’ll stick to buying a $5 25lb bag of cat litter every month…
Here’s some info from the site:
Cat Genie
Self-Flushing, Self-Washing Cat Box
The only automatic cat box that flushes away waste
and, like a cat, washes itself clean.
-CatGenie uses permanent Washable Granules that never need changing
-For your cats, it’s like using a clean box of cat-comfy, normal-size cat box filler
-For you, CatGenie works like a modern washing-drying, cat toilet appliance
-After a one-time, simple DIY hook up to water, you’re set
-Push a button or preset CatGenie Cat Box to start automatically
-Used and recommended by veterinarians, nationwide

CatGenie Tabby Package
CatGenie Self-Washing Cat Box, Two Boxes of Washable Granules, Two SaniSolution Cartridges good for two months with two cats, T-Adapters for setup. Free Shipping. A $417 value for only $297.
CatGenie Tuxedo Package
CatGenie Self-Washing Cat Box,
5 SaniSolution Cartridges good for
5 months with two cats,
Two Boxes of Washable Granules,
GenieDome with SideWalls,
T-Adapters for setup.
Free Shipping.
A $512 value for only $359.
Payment Plan
Only $99 to Start
Try it Risk Free
90-day Money Back Guarantee
One-time, simple setup to cold water, a drain or toilet, and electric. CatGenie is 19″ wide in front, 16″ wide bottom back, 17″ top back, 21″ high, 24″ deep allowing for hoses. Water Supply Hose 8′ long, Drain Hose 10′ long. CatGenie Colors. Base: Pearl Gray, Top: Porcelain White. Assembled CatGenie weighs: 25 lbs.
Somehow I don’t think the setup is ‘simple’ as they say, anytime you’re mixing water and electricity it isn’t a ‘simple’ setup….