
Just general thoughts and outburts…

PGH Cyberconxion and the 3rd Space Vest

So.. as my luck would have it my plans for last night were a bit altered by the wonderful weather we have in Pittsburgh, of course we got all kinds of snow, freezing rain and ice everywhere… at one point it looked like a blizzard last night.

I still went to Cyberconxion to test the vest out and still got quite a few people to try it out and we had fun actually…I was expecting more people as they did have a party scheduled for 16 people but they never showed because of the weather.. we’ll see what happens now… I’ve got to edit videos and get them uploaded to YouTube

Pittsburgh Cyberconxion



If any of you are from Pittsburgh, or close to Pittsburgh… I’ll be at the Pittsburgh Cyberconxion tomorrow (Saturday December 15th) from 4pm to 8pm demonstrating and letting people try out the TNGames 3rd Space Vest. I’ve got it for review and I thought what better way to test it out than let gamers use it. I’ll be recording their experiences and reactions to be used for part of the actual review to be posted over at DSM.



Of course I’ve got a bunch of stuff to give away while I’m there as well to random people who help me out to test the vest.

Busy,busy a new site…

Wow.. I’m a just so busy lately, I’ve just got a ton of new products in, an MP3 player, another USB drive, keyboards, USB stuff…  I didn’t realize it’s been so long since I updated this site..

anyway, I’ve got a new site launched on BlueFur called dsmTechNews is a sister site to

Tech News from around the world the way you want it, the way it should be!

There are many, many news sites out there but none quite like this, the majority of them are great sites but they usually only focus on one thing.

The aim of this site to to promote product reviews from sites around the world to let people easily find them for their reference.

On dsmTechNews you’ll also find Press Releases from companies as well, and news about new gadgets.

I’ve also created a category just for contests that other sites are having so you can easily find them and maybe win something cool.

I visit quite a few tech news sites, but that’s just it, I have to visit quite a few of them to get the latest news and especially reviews of new products from popular sites. It’s easy to find tech news, but that’s usually all you’ll find is news on new products coming out, I wanted to create a site where you can find not only news about upcoming products but also find reviews as well.

The site will be updated at least twice per day, but probably more depending on how busy we are

Hershey’s Organic Chocolate

I love chocolate and always have, but of course as I grew up I became a bit more sensitive to ‘good’ chocolate and was always willing to try something new.  Pretty much every kid likes chocolate and knows the name Hershey and has their fair share of Hershey Chocolate Bars.

Personally the original Hershey bar isn’t my thing, it’s ok, but I’d rather not eat one… but ever since I can remember I’ve loved the Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Bars and I remember as a kid eating all of the miniature Special  Dark bars out of the assortment bags my Grandma would buy.

So I went shopping at Toy ‘R Us last week to get stuff for my kids for Christmas and I looked around for something for myself also and really couldn’t find anything I wanted.. imagine that, out of all those toys I couldn’t find something for me!

Anyway on my way to check out I came across a candy display and the Hershey’s Organic Chocolate bars caught my eye, of course being something new I had to grab them both, the Dark and Milk Chocolate varieties.


Oddly though when I went to look these up on the Hershey’s website they aren’t there anywhere… and I searched quite a bit more and really found nothing listed about them really anywhere, just a gift basket with mini Organic Chocolate bars in it on the Hershey’s site.

In my research though I found that Hershey’s recently purchased  Dagoba Organic Chocolate (press release here) and my guess is that these bars I picked up are somehow related to that. On the packaged it says they are made in Germany, but that’s about it.

The chocolate comes wrapped in thick paper, almost cardboard covering with the actual chocolate wrapped in foil inside.


The Milk chocolate bar was a bit beaten up, but the Dark chocolate was in perfect shape:


As I said I like Dark chocolate very much, but not this one… it’s very acidic and leaves a nasty aftertaste in your mouth, unlike other dark chocolate bars I’ve tried. I’ve tried many, many types of chocolate with varying degrees of cacao percentages, I think 80% was the highest I’ve tried so far. This bar does not mention the percentage of cacao, but it can’t be that much if it’s not mentioned right? Overall I’d stay away from this bar of chocolate even if you’re curious as I was…

The Milk chocolate Organic bar on the other hand though was very, very good, making me wish I had bought two of those. It has a nice creamy texture with hints of fruit and a slight coffee taste as well, but not very sweet either, it’s as close to a perfect Milk Chocolate bar as I’ve tried in a long time.

GoDaddy Sucks!

So, I decided to give it a few days and see what was going on with this GoDaddy hosting problem I’ve been having, and it hasn’t gone away… it is just stupid slow.

Using FTP or just http into the back-end of my site is just entirely much slower than it used to be and I’ve also noticed a major drop in traffic as well since this has all happened.

I’ll tell you what though I can’t say too many good things about BlueFur though, FTP’ing into it is like blazing fast, it’s just amazing, and the entire site is just so snappy and quick to load, I love this host, I need to move all of my sites to BlueFur like now I think…  but that’s for something after Christmas… get all my ducks in a row as it were and move everything over then! Sounds like a plan!

Hosting Companies, I don’t like GoDaddy anymore and shopping for a new webhost

So Bluefur was offering a special this month for 1year of hosting for $10, I figured why not go for it, I’ve been meaning to set up another site for sometime now and I thought that would be perfect for it… it’s another techie blog, not quite finished yet though… not sure if I’m happy with it.

I found the special over at his post about the special is HERE and I see there are only 63 packages left as of writing this post.

But I just wanted to say that Bluefur is really cool, especially compared to GoDaddy… obviously I transfer all the information via FTP, pictures etc to my DragonSteelMods and this account. If you have a WordPress or any website you do this as well most likely.

Transferring stuff to my new site via FTP on Bluefur was amazingly fast, I was shocked by how fast it was, the site itself is very snappy and fast also. My GoDaddy accounts are slow to do this, originally I just though it was my internet service that was slow for uploading, but as I can see now that’s not the case it’s GoDaddy that is slow.

Bluefur also has some great customer support as well, I was thinking of just migrating this blog over to them before I decided to create the new site and I had numerous questions about the migration process and other questions as well. They answered all of my questions quickly and actually answered them.

I’ve been thinking about moving DragonSteelMods for some time now to a new hosting service and I’ve been looking into many of them, emailing my questions and seeing what kind of support I can get.

Some companies haven’t even responded yet! How can you not respond to an email from a prospective new client or customer?

I had another company (media temple) who just quoted my the things that were on there website and never really answered my questions. I even went so far as to point this out to them, that they didn’t answer my questions and they just quoted me from their website, I got back a response that was yet another quote from their website…

If you can’t answer simple questions for a prospective customer then how can you expect that customer to give you their business? If that’s what I can expect from support there is no way I’ll be working with them…

Another reason I need to leave GoDaddy is that they recently migrated my website to god know where, and now it’s much slower than it was before, and I’ve noticed a drop in traffic as well since this migration occurred.

This is the reason my account was migrated:

Your hosting account,, is being migrated to
a new server within the next 24 hours.

So that we may continue providing the highest quality of service
to all of our customers, we are working to reduce the Java server
capacity being used by hosting accounts that are not utilizing
JSP/Servlets functionality.

I’m not by any means an expert or even a knowledgeable person when it come so to the hosting end of websites so I have no clue what that means exactly… Can anyone tell me?

but since the site has become slower that means it really is time to move on to a new webhost, and that isn’t going to be easy at all with my site. At the moment it takes about 6 hours to download for backup, my site via FTP, I’ve got some 19 thousand pages, and thousands and thousands of pictures stored there. It’s gonna be fun but I do believe that I’ll be moving to Bluefur!

Tis the season- Buying Guides!

It seems like everyone puts out some sort of buying guide this time of the year, so we decided to do a short one as well over at DragonSteelMods.

Tom wrote up a nice selection of things he’d like to see under his tree this year, and I think a lot of other people would too!

Tom wrote it up, but I searched around for the lowest prices I could find on the things he choose, so if you’re looking for that perfect gift for the Techie in your life drop by and give it a look. You could always forward it to other people as well who might be wondering what to get you this holiday season!

Click HERE to check out our picks for this holiday season!