
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Bloggers Showroom

A couple days ago I was browsing around a bit and ran across a very interesting site called Bloggers Showroom, the idea of the site is to showcase blogs essentially, but it’s more than that really…

One of the more interesting parts of Bloggers Showroom is that it can actually help to make your blog or website a better one. The owner, Vince Enzo, takes a nice large screenshot of your site and posts it, under that are several questions about the appearance, feel and style of your site so others can vote on it and you can see what people think of your site.

To submit a site you’ll have to join the site, free of  course, and then vote and comment on two other sites he has listed, then he puts your site on the front page just like the others.

It’s a great idea really, and it can help bring traffic to you as well by allowing people to ‘discover’ your site through Bloggers Showroom.

I submitted DragonSteelMods to Bloggers Showroom, and I’ll be submitting this site as well soon..

You can see the page about DragonSteelMods HERE and vote on it as well.

So hop on over and join, vote/comment on a few sites and submit your own to the Bloggers Showroom! I like the idea a lot, it’s a really cool concept!

I’ve had four people vote for me already and I can see that someone voted the worst for me for every question.. That’s nice of them wasn’t it? Thanks!

Click HERE to go there About page to learn more about them.


Well I’ve just ran across rssHugger and I thought I’d give it a try to see what’s it’s all about.

To join rssHugger you need to do a review of them or pay $20 if you don’t want to do the review…

I’m curious as to how you’re supposed to do a review when you aren’t really using their service yet though, I’m not quite sure how I can review something if I really have no experience with it. I don’t think they want a review of their service as much as they just want the exposure for rssHugger through a post on your blog.

But from their site:

rssHugger is a unique website that aims to bring bloggers and readers together. rssHugger aims to provide blog owners with a unique easy-to-use way to promote their blogs by sending them traffic, building backlinks for search engine optimization, as well as attracting new rss subscribers if the content is interesting to the reader. rssHugger aims to help visitors be able to easily find blogs that write about subjects they are interested in. These subjects include: internet marketing, making money online, charity, sports, gambling, and many more. If the visitors find a blog that they had not previously heard about, they can easily add it to their RSS readers or bookmark it.

To get your blog listed, you must make a blog post/review about rssHugger on your blog and submit the link. All you have to do is register your blog. Your blog will not be listed until an admin manually approves of your post (FREE).

Of course I’ll give anything a try to get some more traffic, and I’ll update this post and maybe just make a new post as to how rssHugger works out for me. It all sounds interesting and it would be nice if it worked out as well as it is suggested it will.

EDIT: and HERE is my rssHugger page… I ran into a  snag that Collin (the owner) personally fixed when trying to submit my site, now that’s service!

Noctua NF-P12 fan and a nice surprise!

So I got the new Noctua NF-P12 120mm fan today for review, and I got a very nice surprise with it as well..

Two surprises actually, they sent me a nice Noctua branded pen, which is ok, but the real surprise is the recognition that DragonSteelMods got from Noctua…

I almost missed it actually, there is a fold out section on the box that displays the technology involved in the design on the NF-P12, but at the bottom is a little section about awards their previous fans have received.. and DragonSteelMods is listed!!! WooHoo…

Some real recognition for all my hard work! It feels very good to see that, it’s actually very exciting, especially since it’s from one of my favorite companies, I love Noctua products and always have..

Check out the pics:

It might not mean much to most people but it makes me feel really good.. a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside!!!

and heres’ the links for the reviews of those fans



So Thanks Noctua for the recognition!

I don’t get it…

So yesterday I posted on here and DSM about the sale that USBFever was having, the MicroSD reader for 1 penny plus $3 shipping…

“Ultra Slim T-Flash (Micro SD) Card Reader for 1 Penny!

original price US$11.99/pc
sales price US$0.01/pc-Can’t beat that deal… but I believe there is a $3 shipping charge, still though it’s a very good deal..”

Well I thought it was a great deal so I posted it on a couple forums I frequent thinking other people might like to have one for basically $3.. it’s a great deal and most think it is… but today I get a PM from one of the mods on a forum that I won’t name, telling me that they deleted my post about the deal… telling me something along the lines of since they are a sponsor of mine I shouldn’t be posting things like this… essentially saying, (without actually saying-reading between the lines here…) that I was getting some sort of kickback for the deal… how much of a kickback could I possibly get when the thing sells for ONE PENNY?!?!?

I mean, I could be off base here, but that’s what I read into it, that it was being deleted because they thought I was getting something in return…

I thought I was being nice by sharing a great deal with others….

no good deed goes unpunished eh…

oh well..whatever

Bad Luck and DSM is on Facebook now

So I had some bad luck the end of last month with an SATA hard drive enclosure I got for review, it fried two of my SATA hard drives… They were extras that I use for backup and for testing things like the HDD enclosure but still that’s 160gigs of space that I lost now.. so yesterday I decided to switch my main system back to my Antec P182 case , the case I was using was just a bit too loud for my tastes and it’s open on the side so a bit of dust was collecting, and in the process I busted the data connection off of one of my 200gig SATA drives, I just got it last month.. So int he last month and a half I’ve basically lost 360gigs of data and storage, thankfully I do backups now all the time, every since my Maxtor hard drive caught fire last year.. I learned my lesson about doing regular backups… I actually backup my backup now!

and I’ve created a Facebook page for DragonSteelMods as well, just did it the other day, but if you are on Facebook, stop by HERE and become a fan!

I have my personal Facebook page HERE, but I haven’t really done much with it… I only joined because I found someone with my last name, which is odd… I thought I and my immediate family were the only ones with that last name… and he thought the same thing as well…

and here’s deal, one of DragonSteelMods sponsors is having a great sale:

Ultra Slim T-Flash (Micro SD) Card Reader for 1 Penny!

original price US$11.99/pc
sales price US$0.01/pc-Can’t beat that deal… but I believe there is a $3 shipping charge, still though it’s a very good deal..

Get your very own Flux Capacitor!

Now this is cool.. Diamond Select is taking pre-orders for a replica Flux Capacitor, you know the ‘heart’ of the infamous De Lorean Time Machine from Back to the Future…

From the site:

Today Diamond Select Toys is ready to reveal its first prop replica from the smash-hit Back to the Future film franchise!  The central heart of the De Lorean time machine, the powerful Flux Capacitor will soon be available to fans and amateur time travelers alike! 

Thirty years after meeting a time-traveling Marty McFly, Doc Emmett Brown perfected the device that had made that meeting possible – the awe-inspiring Flux Capacitor!  Capable of controlling the 1.21 jigowatts necessary to power the time-traveling De Lorean, this replica flux capacitor features movie-accurate light effects designed to recreate Marty McFly’s voyage through time in the celebrated 1985 film, Back to the Future.  Measuring over sixteen inches tall, twelve inches wide and six inches deep, this life-size replica features an adjustable power setting for all your time travel needs!

Each Flux Capacitor replica features hand-numbering with a matching box and Certificate of Authenticity.  Look for pre-orders on this item to begin this December and keep coming back to Diamond Select Toys for more updates and sneak peeks at upcoming products!


They’ve got a bunch of other cool stuff too, like assorted things from Buffy, Battlestar Galactica, Hellboy, Stargate, Star Trek and lot more…   So stop by and check them out HERE

Xbox Handheld game from Kellogg’s

I remember when I was a kid begging my mom and grandma to get me the cereal with the toy in it, I just had to have it, now that I have kids they do the same thing of course.

Well grandma spoils my kids of course, buying them their favorite sweetened cereals and usually it comes with a toy. So yesterday she gave me a box go Kellogg’s Cocoa Krispies and it says on the box that there is an Xbox Mini Game Inside.

Naturally I’m a bit curious as to the quality of this so called game.. Looking at the back of the box there are pictures and descriptions of the many possible ‘games’ that you can get for free. In the center is a huge ‘Turn On The Fun!’ announcement surrounding a graphic of the Xbox power button. Inside the box I found the Car Racing game, the description makes it sound so cool and exciting, but in reality it’s pretty bad…

The graphic on the back of the box actually looks better than the actual thing.. now that’s bad…

Here’s some shots of it playing and a brief movie as well after them:

Check out that “Heart-Pounding Excitement” we have going on here… bah.. junk

Online shopping websites sell wedding rings jewelry ranging from imitation jewelry to diamonds. You can buy pearl earrings that might be interested for people looking for wedding rings. It’s just like buying dvd players from stores selling cheap dvds.