
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Radiohead – In Rainbows

I totally forgot about this album actually, when I first heard it was going to be available for free download I wanted to try and remember to go and get it.. today of course with all the headlines it reminded me to go and download it…

Now I’ve never really listened to Radiohead, but I thought this might be a chance to hear their stuff.. so actually it just finished downloading right now, and I still have yet to listen to it…

All these goofy articles and people saying that their ‘experiment’ failed are a bit off base really I think, think about it, 1.2 million people downloaded the album, and only about 38% paid for it at an average of $6. 38% of 1.2Million x $6 is still quite a hunk of change, that I think all goes to the band and not into the hands of the record companies or the RIAA, so I think it’s really a winning experiment, especially for the group.

You have to think though that out the remaining people who downloaded and didn’t pay for it, how many actually even listened to the album? I think it was mostly a ‘try-before-you-buy’ type of thing for most people, like myself- no I didn’t pay for it, I put $0 for the amount and I downloaded it. Now, I’ll listen to it, if I like it, sure I’ll go back to the site and pay for it, depending on how many of the songs I like etc, but if I don’t like the album I’ll delete it and that’s that. Nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess…

I think Radiohead should have offered the album for free at the start and then suggested if you like it to ‘donate’ money to them for making a good album, not the way they have it where you are asked how much you want to pay first before you download it. I haven’t heard the album, so I don’t have a clue if I’m going to like it or if it will be worth what I’m paying…

Most people, myself included, by cds just or one or two songs, if another song or two are to my liking on the album then that’s all the better, but usually it’s just those one of two songs that I like off the whole album, and I think most people are the same way as well…

I’ll edit this or add another post about the album later after I get a chance to listen to the whole thing..

EDIT: Well that was easy… I sampled all the tracks and it’s not my type of music at all, so to the trash it goes!  

Now see if I would have actually bought that cd I’d be really pissed that I (in my opinion) would have wasted the money on it… The cd would have likely been tossed or just given away to someone who might like it…

Vote for Me!!!

Hey if you get a chance vote for me at The Modshop!

I put my Mystery Machine case mod up there just for the fun of it and it got nominated to battle another case mod.

The ModShop showcases case mods and put them against each other in elimination type contests where users vote for them to win prizes! They’ve got a lot of great prizes as well, even the lowest prize is a copy of Vista Ultimate so that’s not to shabby..

The prize list is as follows:

  • Winner – $1200 + a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Second Place – $400 + a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Runners-Up (3rd and 4th place) – $200 + a copy of Windows Vista
  • Honorable Mention (5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th place) – a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate

Anyway click HERE to vote for The Mystery Machine to win it’s battle and then move on to the next round… Yes you’ll have to register, but it’s though Maximum PC magazine so I would think they won’t be spamming anyone.. and thanks to anyone who does vote for me!


Y’know I’ve never used CraigsList before, I know a lot of people that do use it and do very well with it renting apartments and selling things they no longer need.

A friend of mine recently asked me to list a few of his things on there for him as he just didn’t have time to clean it up, take pictures and post the listings….

So I went and did this, and I also posted a message as well under their gigs section looking for a blogger to help with another project, now mind you CraigsList is essentially anonymous unless you put contact info directly into your post, any replies are relayed through them to your specified email account.

So for my first adventure with CraigsList I got replies, one of them was critiquing my ads.. yeah whatever, if I wanted to know what they thought… but anyway, the best is the death threats I received.  Why would someone who has no clue who you are send threatening emails to someone? I don’t understand it at all….

Now I’ve never been on CraigsList, as I said this was my first  experience and well, it’s not a good one so far…

Of course since I was new I had to explore a bit… what’s up with the ‘legal’ prostitution on there? They offer services for 100 roses for an hour or 100 handshakes for an hour… umm, yeah ok….

and I’ve found that people are extremely rude and ignorant to other people on there…

Oh well….

What’s for dinner?

So Sundays are rather lazy days, my two oldest boys get to go to Grandmas, but my 2yr old gets to stay home and hang out with me. My Mom is sick and she can’t really handle a 2yr old running around, and her house isn’t quite child proof…

but anyway, on Sundays I never expect to get much real work done, so I usually try and make something good for dinner.

So I decided to make some rigatoni and meatballs.. I had a pound of bacon as well so I threw that in there too.

I had two pounds of ground beef, to which I added about 3/4 of the pound of bacon, (raw-uncooked), to that I added the usual suspects, basil, oregano, salt,pepper, eggs, breadcrumbs, garlic and some Parmesan cheese. Let them cook till done, ended up with about 30 nice sized meatballs. When finished I like to throw them in a bowl and coat them lightly with sauce as well… Nicely browned meatballs are nice, but I like a hint of red coloring on them, and it does add a bit of flavoring as well.

For the Rigatoni, just boiled as usual with a little salt and olive oil in the water. I really didn’t have time to make homemade sauce, but the stuff in jars isn’t too bad with some help. So I got two jars of Del Grosso pasta sauce, 1 was Tomato-Basil and the other was Three Cheese (Parm,Romano and Asiago). I cooked the remaining bacon and diced it up added that to the two jars of sauce along with basil, oregano, salt, fresh pepper, garlic (a lot) and half of a stick of butter, tossed the hot rigatoni in and it was pretty much ready. I like to coat my pasta with about 3/4 of the sauce and reserve the rest for serving.

Pasta should always be served in a bowl, preferably a shallow type bowl, I like to put a bit of sauce in the bottom of the bowl, then the sauce coated pasta, a few meatballs and a bit more sauce. Of course we’ll need a bit of grated parm and romano cheeses and a bit of parsley for color…

It came out very good, you might think a pound of bacon might be a bit overwhelming, but it’s not really, it just adds a nice hint of the smoky flavoring to it all.

Now tomorrow, once everything has sat and all the flavors have had a chance to really meld together it will be extra delicious, I can’t wait… Yum-Yum

The Mystery Machine Case Mod -Now What?!

Well about two years ago now I created a case mod for my kids, I made The Mystery machine from Scooby Doo for them out of a computer case… As they’ve gotten older I’ve found that the computer inside was just a bit lacking and Windows 98 wasn’t what they were using in school and such and what they sort of know how to use, or at least is familiar to them. They’re 5 and 6 so they don’t know that much but they do know it’s different than what they have in school and they know about the internet and sites like Nickeldeon and others like it, and of course they want to get on there and play those games… The system that is in there doesn’t have ethernet and it’s not really capable of running Windows XP, so I had to upgrade, which meant everything got upgraded, CPU, mobo etc.

So now I’m wondering what am I supposed to do with their old computer/case mod … I was thinking to donate it to my youngest sons daycare for them to let the smaller children use, or I could possibly sell it (but is it even worth anything? other than maybe a pop art type collectible?!?!) or maybe just give it away to someone who might need it for their children…

Dunno… any advice for me?!

Click HERE to read the full worklog and details of the mod, and here’s a few pictures as well:

(Thumbs open in new window to 1024×786 size approximately)






Postcards from WWII – part 2

I’ve got 19 more scanned in, these are the only real ‘War’ related postcards that he had.

Clicking the thumbnails will open them in a new window, sized 1024×768 approx

I like this one quite a bit, if you look closely at the blonde girl on the right side of the picture she just looks so pissed off.. Like ‘why are they taking my picture?’

The next eight postcards are self-explanatory… They are marked on the back with the Grogan Photo Company, Danville, ILL. I like these a lot as well, it’s amazing to see the ‘technology’ they had back then to fight wars with.

These are all scenes from the war, photographed by the U.S. Army Signal Corps:

These last ten depict the Liberation of Paris (Liberation de Paris), as for any identifying marks, they say ‘real-photo’ C.A.P.-Paris and each has a description of the scene which I have under each one for you.

Taking of Military School American Flags at Military Parade

The F.F.I. parade Place de la Concorde (left)

The Official Procession Rue de Rivoli (right picture)

General Eisenhower at the Unknown Soldier’s Tomb (left picture)

Official Platform Place de le Concorde (right picture)

left to right in photo:

General Koenig

General de Gaulle

General Bradley

Welcome to the ‘Jeeps’ General de Gaulle with the tanks.

The tanks pass in the Champs-Elysses (left picture)

General de Gaulle (right picture)

Well that’s it till I scan more in…. Enjoy!