
Just general thoughts and outburts…

5 Tips to Operating a Skid Steer


Canadians are taking on construction tasks around their properties by themselves. A few are finding that wheelbarrows and simple shovels are not sufficient for the job. Skid steers are the ideal tools for this daunting property undertaking, but most find the machine quite cumbersome to operate safely. For Canadians looking for skid steers for sale in BC, our specialists will guide you on how to operate these machines.

5 Tips to Selecting the Best Professional Karaoke Machine for Your Home


Once you decide to buy a karaoke machine for your home, the next thing you need to do is select the right one. You might feel overwhelmed when it comes to picking one because of the massive array of karaoke machines you find on the market. The task of selecting one that will meet your needs could end up being tough and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be that way. To help you choose the right karaoke machine for your home, you could probably read the karaoke machine review for professional players available online. The tips below should make the process of buying a karaoke machine a walk in the park.

Threatened with Violence for Not Saying ‘Thank You’ Loud Enough


I hate going out and dealing with people anymore, most everyone I meet is rude and ignorant and just doesn’t care about anyone but themselves and they feel entitled to just whatever and everything.

I went to Dollar Tree the other day to pick up a few things and I use a cane to walk, it sucks, but I have to and this guy held the door open for me and I said thanks, didn’t yell it or anything but apparently it wasn’t loud enough for him.

He followed me into the store and got behind when I was getting a cart and he was mumbling about how I was rude and how I could have at least said thank you to him for holding the door open for me. I did say thanks, guess he didn’t hear me, guess it wasn’t loud enough. Not sure what exactly he wanted from me, to yell it out so everyone heard that he was this wonderful person for holding the door open for me?!

I said ‘excuse me, but I did say thank you, I guess you didn’t hear me say it, and I’m sorry it wasn’t loud enough for you’

He proceeds to threaten to punch me in the head because I was being rude to him and that I should have said it louder so he heard it.

Since when do people have to be praised loudly for doing something decent for a fellow human being?

What kind of society have we become that I’m going to get threatened with physical violence for not saying thank you loud enough?

I hate going out, I hate people more and more everyday…..

3 Reasons Most Players Cheat When Playing World at War


Cheats in video games have been around since video games were developed. Most hardcore and casual gamers are even familiar with traditional cheat codes like “Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start” or also known as the Konami Code. Whether it’s Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo consoles, or even PC, cheat codes are not at all uncommon for video games. These cheats usually provide players invulnerability, unlimited supplies, complete weapons, and even unlock most stages and characters available in the game. Players in offline games have different reasons to use cheat codes, such as to explore the different features of the game, to get past a difficult level, or even just to have fun. But these cheats are sometimes considered to be unethical in massively multiplayer online (MMO) games such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, and Call of Duty: World at War.

4 Impressive Garden Improvements that Men will Appreciate


Gardening can be a good pastime for those who are looking for a new hobby to take up. It is not only good for exercise but also reconnects you to nature.

Aside from that, gardens are also a great way to make your house and lot look more attractive. Unfortunately, not a lot of men enjoy tending to a garden. But there are ways to get them interested, such as doing some projects in your garden that you know the men in your household will appreciate.