
Just general thoughts and outburts…

Seeing the Horses

So, I drove the family about 2 hours today to go visit some horses…

My wife’s friend’s girlfriend takes care of horses for a living so she invited us out to see them and ride them… Normally it’s $35 for each 1/2 hour of riding, but we got to do it for free of course… so that was cool.

The kids loved it and so did my wife, but I didn’t…

Honestly I’m like afraid of horses, I wasn’t always though, we would go riding all the time when I was younger but now for some reason I just don’t like them… but at least I’m not alone, I was chatting with the girl who works there and she said that’s actually a very common thing.. so go figure, as I got older I grew afraid of horses?!?! I dunno why, they seem ok, they’re friendly and all that, but they just creep me out for some reason… I think it’s the eyes… or maybe the fact they they could kill me with one swift kick…

I found that they’re easily spooked as well and that’s not a good thing, we were told no loud or sudden movements while we were there… as we were all walking the horse they were going to ride to the riding area one of the ‘farm’ dogs came running out and barked, the horse literally jumped.. it was interesting to say the least…

oh well…


Oh, I’ve just posted part 2 of DragonSteelMods coverage of the Pepcom Holiday Spectacular, so click HERE if you’re interested to learn a bit more about what Tom saw while he was there…

He’ll be at the Digital Experience this week as well to cover that, it’s a bit of a bigger event though..

Arrrrrrrr… Talk like a pirate!

Yeah if you haven’t already been reminded it’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day !!

Avast ye landlubbers, get off that 21st Century contraption that yer fingers are banging on and get outside and enjoy the salty sea air…

or if your not by the sea just get outside and enjoy the last few warm days we have left this year!

and go visit the pirate ship at Writenonsense if you want to walk the plank!

oh and on the technological side of things, Crucial, one of DSM’s sponsors is celebrating Talk Like  A Pirate Day by giving some stuff away!

Viagra traffic sign?!?

Ok,. I drive by this sign at least once every day, and have done so for years, I finally decided to grab my camera and take a picture of it….

This sign looks like the stages of an Erection…  we like to call it the ‘Erection Sign’ for obvious reasons.. but almost every time I see it I have to sort of giggle… (yeah I know childish and all that, but you gotta admit it’s funny!)

If you click the pics they will open to a very large resolution picture of 2272×1704 .. I thought maybe someone might like to use it for their desktop wallpaper! heh!

SO now we need to come up with a caption for it to make it more interesting….

Maybe Viagra should use this sign for a new advertisement for their wonder drug!

Some slogans for them possibly:

‘On the road of life there’s only one way to go : Viagra’

‘The way to get ‘ahead’  in life’

Dunno… come up with some others.. I know you can!

Those crazy Japanese!

Well I’ve just added another product to the list of things being given away at DragonSteelMods, actually 10 more things…

Ah yes, today we have another entry into the exciting and weird products category from our friends at Strapya World. A few days ago I took a look at some rather cool Anime related cellphone charms, today I’ve got another assortment of charms but these are a bit different and possibly risque, depending on your attitudes towards these things. Me, eh, I just thing they’re pretty cool, and of course I’m giving them all away as well. They are called Erokawa Lingerie, or for us we’ll just call them Sexy Underwear, so read on…

 Review and Giveaway: Sexy Underwear Cell Phone Strap Erokawa Lingerie @ DragonSteelMods

Contest again!

The winner of the R2-D2 contest has been emailed, but they haven’t got back to me yet, so check your spam boxes!!

And I think I’m going to do something a bit different now… I want to promote my big contest over at DSM, so I’m thinking of offering a couple prizes to bloggers to post about the contest on their blogs. Basically if you post about the contest for me and link to it, you’ll get an entry into the contest over here….

I’ve got a couple things in mind for prizes like:

X-Gene Biometric Keyboard -a little added security and of course the coolness factor

Thermaltake iXoft Notebook Cooling pad

Futura Laptop Desk from Lapworks

Slim Keyboard with Numpad

Retractable Fish Mouse

Apiotek InnerOne Shock-Proof, Waterproof Notebook bag

I’m thinking of just throwing this list out there and picking two winners to choose what prize they want from the list.

What ya think?

The Dark Side of us all

We all have a Dark Side, a side that we really don’t like to think about, the one that makes us slow down and look for blood, or look to see if someone is hurt in that crash alongside the road. While we won’t usually admit this is the real reason we are slowing down, it is, we all know it inside, humans are after all creatures and we have an interest in the macabre. We are just animals, we can rationalize it all we want but when it comes down to it we are just animals and we still have all of those primal instincts ingrained into our DNA. Those instincts are what keep us alive, if you strip humans of their ability to rationalize, our ability to think clearly, we still have our most basic instincts to fall back upon to keep us alive.

We as humans have a primal curiosity for things that are deemed illegal or considered the gray area of societal norms, we are curious creatures by nature and that will never change. That curiosity is what got man where he is today, if we didn’t have the urge to explore, create and discover we’d still be living in caves and hunting with sticks….

You might be wondering where I’m going with all this, well I’ve officially got my other site up and running, and on that site I intend to explore the gray or dark areas of society and attempt to satisfy curiosities of my own and others hopefully. On 666 I will be exploring a bit of everything I can and hopefully shed light on some of these things that are considered out of the societal norm.

The tagline is  ‘The Darker side of Computing..sort of’ but it’s going to be more than that, so drop by when you can and have a look, maybe you’ll come back again and maybe not. It won’t be updated everyday, but a few times per week with something I find to focus on that is not of the norm or is something that society deems undesirable  to discuss.

I’ve always liked the dark things in life and I have no shame in that…. so if you’re bored stop by

One thousand watts of power…

Looking back to not long ago I never really would have thought computer systems might need a 1000Watt Power Supply, I mean that’s a whole lot of power and we’re into the abbreviation range now, we’d call it 1kw instead of writing out 1000Watt!

The reason I was thinking of this is because I just finished up a review of an Ultra X3 1000Watt or 1Kw power supply and as I was testing it and even writing the review it dawned on me how fast things have changed in the PC world that we demand that much power.

And that’s nothing, Ultra just released the worlds first 16Kw power supply as well, that’s 1600Watts folks, I mean you need a dedicated breaker just for that in your house to run full tilt.  The boys over at HardOCP or actually Hard Enthusiast just reviewed it and found it to be excellent as well as a whole lotta power!

I mean think about it, I was curious so I checked out my fridge and it runs at 517.50 watts, it’s mid-range model, not cheap not fancy just the basic average fridge. So that 16Kw PSU is like running more than 3 refrigerators!! Of course that’s only if you are fully using the entire 1600Watts, and then in reality you are pulling more than that because it takes more watts than those 1600 to make that 1600. You’re converting your household AC into DC to power your computer… I mean wow, maybe buying stock in the electric company might help offset some of those electric bills eh?

Dunno just my thoughts for the day..