So back in July I reviewed the VF-803 LED flashlight from Victagen and liked it a lot, I actually still use it, it’s sitting here near my desk right now, it’s well made, very bright and durable. Anyway, they’re offering 40% off of it for a limited time and I thought I’d share with you, so if you need a flashlight go buy this one…
Deal: E-Win Racing Gaming Chairs Up to 30% Off for Black Friday
by Kristofer Brozio •
I’m very happy with my E-Win Racing gaming chair and you can get one as well at a decent discount at up to 30% off this week for Black Friday, but not just black Friday it’s all week. Check them out here to see all of the deals and discounts they have going on right now, make a great gift for the gamer in your life!
Deal: SANSI BR30 200W Equivalent Ceramic LED Bulb for Only $11.99
by Kristofer Brozio •
Here’s a deal on a Sansi LED floodlight that would work great in a basement or warehouse or similar, I think it would be great for my basement as it’s just too dark down there…
SANSI BR30 200W Equivalent Ceramic LED Bulb
Code: DELLDELL for 40% OFF Final Price is $11.99
This SANSI BR30 200W Equivalent Ceramic LED Bulb is SUPER BRIGHT with 2400LM, much more energy efficient than average BR30 bulbs.
Deals/Freebies, Giveaways
ieGeek Electronics Cleaning Gel Slime Giveaway Contest
by Kristofer Brozio •
I just reviewed the ieGeek cleaning slime and I love it really, but here’s your chance to win some for yourself so you can try it out….
Deals/Freebies, Giveaways
Butfulake SL-100 Gaming Headset Giveaway Contest
by Kristofer Brozio •
I’ve got a contest or giveaway for you for a chance to win a Butfulake SL-100 gaming headset that can work with Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It’s simple to enter, just head on over here for you chance to win.
Deal: Save 15% on an EWin Racing Gaming Chair
by Kristofer Brozio •
I have my very own Labor Day deal for you: You can get 15% off an Ewin Racing gaming chair if you use the code ‘technogog’ at
Deal: Paypal Members Can Get 2 Years ShopRunner for Free
by Kristofer Brozio •
Here’s an excellent deal that I signed up for myself, if you’re a Paypal member you can get ShopRunner free for 2 years which gives you free 2 day shipping and other things. Personally I only care about the free 2 day shipping on NewEgg especially but I will check out the other stores now that I can get the free 2 day shipping….
Here’s the link to the deal, and no it has nothing to do with me so I get nothing out of it, I’m just sharing the deal: