My wife requested door stops for doors at work and I 3d printed feet shaped ones for her…
Tag Archive for 3d print
3D Printing
3D Printed Whirlpool Washing Machine Motor Coupling
by Kristofer Brozio •
The motor coupling recently broke on my Whirlpool washing machine and we do lots of laundry in our house so I thought I’d try printing the part, it worked sort of. I printed it in PETG as it better than PLA or ABS and it worked but only for 2 loads of laundry. I’m thinking maybe nylon filament would be better…
3D Printing
3D Printed Customized Logo Pens
by Kristofer Brozio •
3D Printing
3D Printed Hexagonal Pen
by Kristofer Brozio •
3D Printing
3D Printed Bathroom Faucet Handles
by Kristofer Brozio •
3D Printing
3d Printed Unicorn Cookie Cutter
by Kristofer Brozio •
3D Printing
3D Printed Kitchen Sponge Holder
by Kristofer Brozio •
I’ve seen a lot of different sponge holders to print over on Thingiverse but this one just popped up and I liked it so I printed it. I love printing useful things. The holder is in 3 parts and it’s easy to print and fairly fast.
Here’s the Thingiverse link: