Yep, it’s time for the reviews and news once again.. so read on and be sure to check for some great giveaways and contests down in the assorted section..
Yep, it’s time for the reviews and news once again.. so read on and be sure to check for some great giveaways and contests down in the assorted section..
Hello all, time for the news again, so read on for the news and reviews from sites around the world! There’s a few contests in there too down in the Assorted section, so you might be able to win something!
It’s sad that ATI or AMD still hasn’t fixed the pointer corruption issue with their video cards. It’s still there even in my 7850, and it was there years ago. I don’t understand why they can’t just fix it? They can make the fastest video cards on the market but can’t fix a tiny cursor issue?!
There is a quick and dirty fix for it though, add pointer trails to your cursor.
Yes I know they’re annoying so set them to the shortest and they really can’t be seen. Ever since I turned them on I’ve had no more corruption with my cursor.
It’s time for the news yet again!