Tag Archive for att

For Sale: AT&T HTC Titan Windows Phone and Accessories

So I upgraded my phone to an HTC One and I now have my HTC Titan Windows Phone just sitting here.. So I’d like to get $195 the whole bundle. The phone alone is selling for $130+ on Amazon used and mine is basically new, I take very good care of my phones…


-AT&T of course, updated to latest firmware
-Got an HTC One, don’t need this phone now
-Comes with everything as new
-Comes with screen protector installed
-Mint condition, has had case and screen protector on it since about day one
-Official HTC Dock (never really used it)
-Official HTC Hard Case with Kickstand HC C652
-Carbon fiber style two piece plastic case (never really used it)
-Yellow/clear silicone case
-Just the phone is selling for $170 + ship on Amazon
Phone is in mint condition with the exception of a tiny 1-2mm scratch on back that was actually caused by the official HTC case.


HTC One – Another Botched Phone Launch by AT&T

Ah yes the HTC One.. there isn’t really anything wrong with the phone itself, but to celebrate the launch AT&T did a pre-order special where if you pre-ordered the HTC One you got the HTC Media Link HD for free. I wanted it and I did the pre-order, and I got the phone a day before launch and the Media Link HD just got here today… So it was late, that I can deal with, but it doesn’t quite work with the HTC One… grrr….


Anyway, the saga continues on over on TestFreaks where I wrote about it in depth: http://blog.testfreaks.com/news/att-htc-one-not-quite-compatible-with-htc-media-link-hd-yet/

HTC HC C652 Hard Case with Kickstand for HTC Titan Cellphone Review


Review Link: http://www.dragonsteelmods.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17363&Itemid=1

Review Snipit:
"I don’t know about you, but my phones and mostly all of my gadgets must have cases on them. I paid quite a bit of money for these things and as we all know, accidents happen. No matter how careful we are with our stuff, things can happen out of our control that can quickly turn our devices into useless junk. I’ve got an HTC Titan Windows Phone and it’s nice, and it’s expensive and it needs protection so today for review I’ve got the HTC HC C652 Hard Case with Kickstand for the Titan. This case is meant to protect the Titan from bumps and drops and scrapes but it also has a built-in kickstand for your viewing pleasures.

Mobility Digest Review: GTMax Black Rubberized Hard Cover Case for AT&T HTC Surround T8788





There’s no shortage of inexpensive accessories out there, and one great source for them is Amazon. You can get cases and accessories for your phone for a one dollar or even one penny, but at even that low price are they even worth it? I recently got the HTC Surround WP7 phone and I needed a case quickly and cheaply so I headed over to Amazon and found two, one of which I have for review today. It’s the GTMax brand, one that I never heard of, but I needed a case and $2 was an attractive price for it. I could have gotten a more expensive case yes, but I wanted to see if being cheap or frugal was worth it. So you could call this sort of an experiment as it were.

My AT&T Contract Expires in two weeks…

Hmm.. what to do, what to do…

My contract expires on the 27th actually, two weeks basically..

but their records are wrong on how long I’ve been with them, it says only since 2006, but I know it was before that.

I’ve been fighting with them for years about this literally.. I was with AT&T, they switched me to Cingular, and then they switched me back to AT&T. The 2006 date is from when I was switched to Cingular officially and apparently they count nothing before that and I don’t know why..

I’m loathe to re-up with them as they screwed me over the last time on my phone.. I got the AT&T Tilt when it was new, fine they gave me a $50 discount on a refurb one, but the week after I bought the phone they put it on sale for FREE with contract renewal  Of course I called them and complained but they said there was nothing they could do.. you mean to tell me that they honestly didn’t know they were going to run that special in a week?!

They did it to me on purpose obviously.. and of course they didn’t even want to give me a discount because they said I wasn’t with them that long, and then we’re back to the fact that yes I was with them years before that, but the records are lost apparently…  I don’t save my bills from that far back, maybe I should..

What other choice do I have though.. Verizon is the other option or maybe T-Mobile…  AT&T is the third company I’ve been with and it’s the first one that I can actually get a phone call in my house with, so that’s the main reason I’ve stuck with them this long…

I want the new AT&T Tilt2, but don’t want to pay $200 for it especially after the last time I dealt with them in getting a new phone..


iPhone.. GACK! Things it can’t do that my Tilt can!

OK, the new iPhone is out, but damn I’m already sick of hearing about it…

Go over to Digg and you’ll see several stories about the iPhone or something related to it, and htat’s not just Digg, pretty much everywhere..

I’m sick of hearing about it already, people are acting like it’s this wonderfully amazing thing that’s going to change the world, it’s not going to, it’s a phone for f*cks sake…

Hey I love my phone, an HTC TytnII or ATT Tilt, but I’m not gloating over it.. maybe it’s time I should though… It’s a vastly superior phone even though it’s a year old now

my phone can do pretty much everything the iPhone can and it can do everything the iPhone can’t, all those things that people are complaining about and much more!

Let’s see:

Copy and Paste – Check!

Real GPS -Check!

Turn by Turn GPS navigation – Check!

3 megapixel camera – Check!

Pop/Imap Email – Check!

Don’t have to have itunes account – Check!

Can surf and talk – Check!

Bluetooth Stereo – Check!

Customizable – Check!

Videos – Check!

and I can go on and on about what the Tilt can do that the iPhone can’t.. The Tilt is a far superior phone over all!

iPhone.. Blah, Gack… Go Away you bother me…

Krusell Touch Screen Pointer Review

So the other day I posted my first review for Tiltsite, the Triforce Stylus. It was sent from Krusell actually, but it’s a Triforce brand pointer. They sell them to other companies to brand and sell themselves.

It’s an interesting little device that works well, you can read my full review HERE about it if you wish to.

It’s nice as you won’t have to worry about losing your stylus since it’s built into the phone strap itself.