Ok… this has annoyed me to no end.. I pay for Netflix but I can’t use it now that SilverLight 4 has been installed..
I’ve read several things about this problem.. Netflix blames Microsoft, and Microsoft in turn blames Netflix.
I read about deleting the PlayReady folder, don’t do that then you’ll get the DRM error.. uninstalling PlayReady doesn’t work either so don’t try that either.
I’ve read that it’s because I’m running Windows 7 64bit… we’ll never know what the problem is and frankly I don’t care I just want it fixed, but for now I’ve got a fix..
The ONLY fix right now is to run an older SilverLight or SillverLight 3… Netflix has updated their site so you can’t get it from them now, they have only version 4…
I’ve just spent the last hour or trying to find SilverLight 3 and it’s nowhere to be found for download so I did something a bit sneaky and right now as I type this I’ve got Full Metal Jacket playing in the FireFox in the Netflix player on my other monitor.. SUCCESS!
I bet you’re wondering what I did..
Well go to the Microsoft SilverLight 3 SDK page here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=1ea49236-0de7-41b1-81c8-a126ff39975b
but you won’t be downloading the SDK.. you’ll scroll down the page to Instructions and find the link for this:
“To build Silverlight 3 applications, you can install Silverlight 3 for Developers here.”
Here’s a screen capture, it’s the last line..

That will let you download essentially what is Silverlight 3 or to be exact it’s version#: 3.0.50106.0
and voila you now have Netflix that works!
If I were you I would make a backup of that file you downloaded somewhere as I have done myself..
Enjoy your movies!!
UPDATED: another part of the fix here: https://www.kristoferbrozio.com/2011/03/07/fix-for-netflix-error-code-n8156-6013-updated/