Tag Archive for Disabled

I Need a New Car…


So I just took my car, or actually mini-van to get inspected as we have to do here in PA every year. Well he just called me and it’s going to cost a little over $800 to get it to pass inspection. The inspection itself is $70 and the rest is to fix the things wrong with it to get it to pass inspection. Yes it’s older, a 2002 model, so I guess I should have expected some issues, but I just wasn’t expecting those issues to be that costly. I don’t even really drive it much, I only put about 2,000 miles on it since last inspection so that’s like about 170 miles per month which is nothing really when compared to how much everyone else drives especially.

It’s getting older so I see more and more issues arising as tends to happen, so I need to figure out a way to get something newer for sure but I don’t know how to do that right now. How do you make money when you can barely walk or have issues using your hands most of the time?

Oh well, my rant for the week I guess…

GoDaddy Has Disabled XMLRPC Remote Posting and Decided NOT to Tell Anyone

This is a bunch of BS. I haven’t been able to post remotely since Sunday to any of my GoDaddy hosted sites and I thought maybe it was something I did, nope it’s not.

I used Windows Live Writer for all my sites, on GoDaddy and not on GoDaddy, it works great and it’s just much easier to use than the WP back end.

I’ve been trying to figure out the problem since Monday as to why I couldn’t post, I’ve probably spent at least 15 hours of my time trying to figure it out and it had nothing to do with me at all.

GoDaddy has disabled XMLRPC remote posting on their hosting accounts and just decided NOT to tell any of their customers.

What pisses me off the most is that the support rep told me that they don’t have an automated system in place to let their customers know of important issues like this, but yet they do have an automated system that sends me 1-2 emails everyday with offers and trying to get me to spend more money with them. That makes no sense at all. They can send out all these spammy offers but they can’t send out something that’s actually important and affects their customers?

I’ve been with them for almost 10 years now I believe, January 2005 was when my first site went up with them if I recall correctly and it’s time to go. This is not how you treat your customers. You do not make significant changes and NOT tell them about it, that’s just wrong. So I’m in process of backing up all my sites now and I guess I’m going to spend the day researching hosting companies.

I’m so infuriated right now at them. I don’t understand how they can NOT tell their customers about something that’s actually important. I have to wonder how many others out there are like me and have been spending hours trying to figure out what was wrong with their sites on their own and just wasting their time.

Oh any they have no idea when it might be enabled again.

On a side note, here’s another thing that GoDaddy did and didn’t tell anyone, there’s now no way to email GoDaddy support. The support rep told me they got rid of it because phone and chat support were ‘better’ for their customers. Really I had to sit and wait with the chat window open for about 15 minutes before someone finally came on to help me. I could have just typed an email and send it along in under a minute probably. If you’re going do do something like that then why not have a toll free number at least?