Tag Archive for Free

Weekly Steam Game Giveaway Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet @ TestFreaks


New week, new Steam game giveaway..

Link: http://blog.testfreaks.com/contest/weekly-steam-game-giveaway-insanely-twisted-shadow-planet/

"Another week has begun so that means we have another Steam game giveaway for you and this week it is an award winning and great looking game called Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. ITSP is a 2D style action adventure game where you have to save your planet by using your ship to explore and complete puzzles. It’s an interesting game with most certainly a unique look to it."

Samuel L. Jackson’s Go the F**k to Sleep Now Available for Free at Audible


Ok… I had to share this one…


Audible, Inc., the world’s largest seller and producer of downloadable audiobooks and other spoken-word content, today announced that Academy Award nominee Samuel L. Jackson’s famous performance of Adam Mansbach’s Go the F**k to Sleep will be available as a free download at Audible through Father’s Day, June 15. First released by Audible Studios in 2011, Jackson’s recording became a viral phenomenon and the most downloaded Audible Studios title of all time. The audio edition is available at www.audible.com/sleep.

“At Audible, our efforts to propel literate listening into the mainstream have continuously emphasized the performance of artfully composed words as theater for the ears. To us, books can be the greatest scripts ever written,” said Audible founder and CEO Donald Katz. “Sam Jackson’s phenomenally hilarious performance of this modern classic is the very embodiment of this philosophy—the perfect marriage of actor and material. Whether or not you’ve ever been a tired out, pushed-to-the-limit parent, if you haven’t heard Sam read this story yet, you’re in for a treat. And if you have, I promise it’s just as funny the second time around.”

Jackson’s performance of Go the F**k to Sleep was an Audie finalist for Audiobook of the Year in 2012.

Among the acclaimed actors who have performed works of literature for Audible are Annette Bening, Ben Stiller, Bryan Cranston, Colin Firth, Dan Stevens, Dustin Hoffman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Kate Winslet and Susan Sarandon. In 2013, Audible Studios won its first Grammy Award, for its production of Janis Ian’s memoir Society’s Child, and also won the Audie Award for Audiobook of the Year, for Firth’s performance of Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair.

Audible invented and commercialized the first digital audio player in 1997, and has since been at the forefront of the explosively growing audiobook download segment. In 2013, Audible members downloaded an average of more than 17 books over the course of a year, the equivalent of close to 600 million listening hours.

Amazon Offering 1,000 Coins for Free



Here’s a quick and easy one for you, Amazon is giving away 1,000 coins or $10 worth for free. All you have to do is ‘buy’ five free apps and you’ll get 200 coins each for a total of 1,000. HERE is a direct link to the free apps to get the coins.

I used 699 of those 1,000 to get Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and I got 2,000 Amazon coins for free for doing that. So it’s basically 3,000 coins you’re getting for a few clicks, not bad.. not bad at all..

Freebie: Amigabit PowerBooster PC Tune-up Software


Ok, so I’ve never used this or tried it but I thought I’d share it with you as it’s free.

Amigabit is giving away their PC tune up software called PowerBooster until may 15th.


Giveaway: Amigabit PowerBooster
Help fix system errors, and tune up computer with only one click; mothers can handle computer problems easily by themselves.
– Fix frustrating errors, crashes and freezes in minutes
– Protect your personal data from Internet thieves smartly
– Analyze and defragment hard disk automatically
– Eradicate registry errors and clean up inconsistencies

Link: http://www.amigabit.com/promotion/

Crucial SSDs on Sale for Black Friday and Get Free USB Drive


Good time to buy an SSD…


Black Friday Sale — Save on SSDs and Get a 32GB Flash Drive for free!

It’s Black Friday and that means it’s time for one of our best sales of the year!* Here are the deals:

What’s more, buy ANY DRAM or SSD upgrade and get a 32GB Crucial® USB flash drive for free!** The flash drive will pop up at the checkout, so simply add it there. All sales are for a limited time only — what are you waiting for?


*Quantity is limited to 3 per order. Offer good while supplies last and for a limited time only. No back orders or rain checks. Valid for consumers/home users only and cannot be used in conjunction with orders that have special commercial pricing – businesses, government agencies, VARs, VADs, or others.
**Limit one free USB flash drive per customer. Offer good while supplies last and limited to stock on hand. Valid for consumers/home users only.