Tag Archive for Games

Amazon Offering 1,000 Coins for Free



Here’s a quick and easy one for you, Amazon is giving away 1,000 coins or $10 worth for free. All you have to do is ‘buy’ five free apps and you’ll get 200 coins each for a total of 1,000. HERE is a direct link to the free apps to get the coins.

I used 699 of those 1,000 to get Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and I got 2,000 Amazon coins for free for doing that. So it’s basically 3,000 coins you’re getting for a few clicks, not bad.. not bad at all..

2K Holiday Mobile Games Sale Going on Now


Just a quick post about the 2K Mobile Games sale for you..

No Android games, just iOS stuff.. I want to get an iPad just to play games on really but I can’t justify the purchase for just games.. oh well..


2K Games is having a big mobile sale to celebrate the holidays! A handful of our iOS mobile titles are on sale now through January 2nd, 2013! The list of games and their prices during the sale are below, and for more info you can check out the 2K blog here: http://www.2kgames.com/blog/big-2k-holiday-sale-for-mobile-games

Borderlands Legends – $0.99 on iPhone and iPad
Carnival Games Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 – $.99 on iPhone
Civ Rev – $0.99 on iPhone and iPad
Pirates – $0.99 on iPhone and iPad
NBA 2K13 – $2.99 for iPhone and iPad
NHL 2K11 – $0.99 on iPhone and iPad

NCIS and Online Bingo?

When did it become so popular? I was watching the latest episode of NCIS, yes I watch NCIS and I like it, and with the picture of their suspect was a background picture of some online bingo thing. Doing a quick search I instantly came up with OnlineBingo.com as a popular one. That link there isn’t the one that was on NCIS of course, just an example that I found, the one on the show was just some generic graphic but the point is that if it’s on a prime time TV show it must be popular right? I believe it was the episode before this last one that NCIS had a reference to Skyrim in it, that was cool though as I like Skyrim. I think about things like this for some reason and I have to wonder why they picked bingo for the guy? Out of all the things they could have picked why that? You’re watching the show and it’s like bam

online bingo

just pops up on the screen big as day, sort of like that up there. Hard to miss isn’t it? It was like that on the show, just a huge point to be made for some reason.. What’s the point? They couldn’t have picked something else?  Why did they pick that? Yeah I think about weird things like that.

Apparently the guy on NCIS had a gambling problem and it was to online bingo of all things? I never gave much thought to it but how do you end up owning money to bingo? I could see poker or something sure, but not bingo, it’s more of a fun thing isn’t it? According to Wikipedia though playing bingo online is huge apparently, I didn’t know that. Then again it is Wikipedia so who knows how accurate they are?! I never would have thought bingo was as big as it is, and it’s all over the world thanks to the internet. Bingo is something I picture old ladies playing and not ‘regular’ folks, but I guess the internet has changed the way we do things these days and everyone has access to everything. (BingoVega.com does have great promotions though!)

I know online games are popular these days, especially ones like on Facebook, those I just can’t fathom nor do I play. Seriously I see people all day long playing those games on Facebook in the status updates on my phone. I thought people were supposed to be working and not playing games?! How do people get away with playing games all day long while they’re supposed to be working? How easy would it be to just look at your employees Facebook page and see what they’re actually doing on company time? I know some companies have a strict policy about social stuff while working, sadly from what I’ve seen not many of them do apparently. I honestly don’t care about your gaming really, I don’t want to see all of those status update when I check Facebook, it’s supposed to be social about people not about what game you’re playing. At least that’s what I thought it was supposed to be, but playing games has become an integral part of Facebook sadly.

I need to manage my time more efficiently I guess as I don’t even have time to play my console or PC games so I can’t figure out how people have the time to play online bingo or Facebook games. I don’t get it, where do you people find the time to do this stuff? It must be nice to be able to get paid to play games?!

Some Free Xbox Live and Windows Live Games

Here’s some free games I came across. The Xbox 360 sold great over the holidays so we’ve got a lot of new players out there that may not know about these..



Aegis Wing: An enjoyable side scroller space shooter. Enjoy playing online with friends, with the ability to attach space ships together and collect powerups.

Doritios Crash Course: An avatar side scroller that mimics the wipeout television show. The game is surprisingly fun, and it is always fun to race your friends over xbox live.

Harms Way- A game where one player is a shooter looking down over the raceway and one is a driver.

Hexic: A fun puzzle game that requires you to rotate pieces and plays like a bejewled game.

Free for Windows Live:
Tinker: Being a small robot isn’t always easy….So, imagine being a robot marooned in a surreal landscape of obscure mechanisms and brain-teasing puzzles. He’ll go where you tell him to go – but will your directions lead him home or leave him trapped?


Free Android Apps from GetJar for Thinksgiving



GetJar is giving away a ton of free apps and games for Thanksgiving! Here’s the news release with all the info:


Short on money this holiday season? Do not despair; our friends at GetJar, the world’s largest free app store, are giving away more than 75 premium titles absolutely free. Save big this holiday with this special offer.

Today is Appsgiving, so pop along to http://mktg.getjar.com/thanksgiving.html either online or on your mobile and you can download these apps now. These apps are the same full versions of great apps that cost between $0.99 up to $9.99 on other app stores and have no ads in them.

Some of the dozens of free apps for the taking this Appsgiving include popular titles like Beautiful Widgets, Deer Hunter African Safari, Freestyle Motocross IV, The Moron Test, Splashtop Remote Desktop and Backbreaker. Also included are addictive apps like They Must Be Fed, Grave Defense, Hockey Nations, Nano Panda, Quell and Mortal Skies.

To download free apps, go to http://mktg.getjar.com/thanksgiving.html. To sign up for alerts about new free apps going live on GetJar throughout the holiday season, like GetJar on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @getjar.