So I’m back with another review, it’s been a while since I’ve actually reviewed anything here, sure I’ve posted links to my reviews on other sites, but now I have another review and I wasn’t sure of what title to use for it. The actual product name is a mouthful surely: Windproof Dragon Pattern Refillable Butane Cigarette Lighter Golden, so shortening that was something that needed done I think, so I’m just calling it the golden dragon butane lighter. I got it from a company called Tmart for only $3.99 with free shipping so I wasn’t expecting much, but it’s actually much better quality than you would think for such a low price.
Yes I’m a smoker, it’s the only real habit I’ve got, well except caffeine I guess, but I don’t drink or do drugs or any of that, and yes I’ve tried to quit. I tried the patch, a couple different brands, and they gave me an uncomfortable rash wherever I put them, so that didn’t quite work out for me.
So anyway, I’m accustomed to Zippos, I like my Zippo lighter, they last long and they work well, but I also like to try different ones, especially those jet flame or torch types, and that’s the type of flame in the dragon lighter. The flame on this lighter though starts out blue but then changes to green which I think is rather kinda cool, oh and the lighter actually has LEDs in that light up too! Anyway, read on to check out this lighter if you’re interested..
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