Tag Archive for ipod

Why Won’t iTunes Just Work?


So I do own a few Apple devices but I hate them personally, and I do not understand how they are so popular?! I’ve learned to hate Apple and every time I try and use one of their devices that hate just grows and it’s turning into rage. Right now I just want to smash my iPod Touch into a million pieces.

Veho Pebble Smartstick Emergency Charger Review


Yep, new review by me on TestFreaks…


Link: http://blog.testfreaks.com/review/review-of-veho-pebble-smartstick-emergency-charger/

"Don’t you hate it when the battery on your mobile device dies during the course of the day and you realized you either forgot your charger or don’t have anywhere to charge it? Today for review I’ve got the Veho Pebble Smartstick Emergency Charger which is just like it sounds, a portable battery essentially to charge your devices in an emergency. That’s not exactly true I think as it doesn’t really have to be an emergency to use it, you can use it anytime you need to top off the battery in your device. The Pebble is very small and portable and comes with a few different tips allowing you to charge most devices on the market today. The Pebble is something that personally I need as my kids love using my iPod Touch 4th Gen but it’s aging and the battery only lasts for a little over an hour, and that isn’t much really. The Pebble allows my kids to keep using the iPod for more than what the battery normally allows. So read one to learn more.."

Arcadie Retro Gaming Console for iDevices Review


Another review by me on TestFreaks…

Link: http://blog.testfreaks.com/review/review-of-arcadie-retro-gaming-console-for-idevices/

" When I was young I remember actually going to the arcade where they had full sized arcade machines for you to play. These days they don’t exist anymore, except for limited places like Dave and Busters, and that’s really only for adults considering how much alcohol is consumed there. That’s here in the United States of course, I know in other countries arcades are still popular and going strong. For children there really aren’t arcades anymore and there really isn’t a need for them considering we have consoles in our homes and portable gaming everywhere which is a lot cheaper than pumping quarters into machines for hours per day. Today for review I’ve got something that will help bring back that arcade feel, at least in small scale. The product is the Arcadie Retro Gaming Console that can be used with your iPod Touch or iPhone turning it into basically an arcade machine. I’ve been playing with it for quite a while and thoroughly enjoying myself while doing it. So read on to learn more about it.."

PRIZM 2-Piece Aluminum Stand for Phones Review


Link: http://mobilitydigest.com/mobility-digest-review-prizm-2-piece-aluminum-stand-for-phones/

Quote: I’m back with another review, this time I’ve got the Prizm 2- Piece Aluminum stand from Hub Innovations. This stand is certainly unique in its appearance and it can be used with pretty much any phone or small device you own. It’s a very versatile and well made product to be sure. Read on….

Review of Griffin Helo TC at Mobility Digest




Today for review I’ve got the Griffin Helo TC which is a remote control helicopter with which you use your iPhone or iPod Touch to control it. Yes it’s novelty, but it is fun. You can control the Helo TC with touchscreen controls or just by moving your iPhone/iPod. The actual helicopter is very sturdy , I’ve crashed it plenty of times and it’s still going strong. Sturdy is a good thing as it can be difficult to control at times because of the lag between the iPod and the helicopter.

Mobility Digest Review: Universal Cradle for iPhone / iPod with USB Hub




Look around, you’ll find Apple devices are extremely popular and with that comes accessories for them. Today for review I’ve got a little universal cradle from our friends at USBFever. This cradle allows you to not only dock your iPod, iPad or iPhone but it has three USB ports to use as you see fit and an audio jack for headphones or external speakers.

Mobility Digest Review: Think Geek Joystick-It Arcade Stick for iPhone




I’ve been reviewing products for many years now and I’ve learned in that time that most products don’t meet the hype surrounding them. They seem so great, awesome, cool, whatever other adjective you could come up with, in the ads, but once you get them they’re just not all that. Take the product I have for review today from Think Geek called the Joystick-It that is a mini joystick for your iPhone, iPod or Android devices, pretty much anything that has a capacitive screen will work. In my time with it I found it’s just not all that, frankly it doesn’t work most of the time…