Tag Archive for Kingston

News for December 19th 2012

Yeah whatever…

Ever notice that when you’re waiting for a delivery it won’t come until you’re in the bathroom or have to leave the house? it happens all the time to me, I wait here for my deliveries and they won’t come unless I decide to get in the shower and then the doorbell will ring. Or they’ll come right after I leave to pick up my kids from school. They have hours and and hours to deliver but yet they won’t come except for that 30 minute windows that I’m not here. I don’t get it….

Anyway, read the news…


News and Reviews for December 1st 2012

So it’s December already! Christmas is almost here and it’s just not the same since my Mom died, none of the holidays are really but I guess that’s just how it is and how it’s going to be from now on..

Oh well, here’s the news and be sure to check out the many contests and giveaways going on down in the Assorted section..

Kingston 64GB microSDXC Class 10 Flash Card Review


Link: http://blog.testfreaks.com/review/review-of-kingston-64gb-microsdxc-class-10-flash-card/

"Up for review today I’ve got another microSD card, well actually it’s technically a microSDXC card. The card is the newest 64gb from Kingston which is a class 10 card offering minimum speeds of 10 mb/s, which should be fine for any HD recording that you might need or want to do. I’ve put it up for comparison against several other microSD cards I’ve got on hand and this new card from Kingston performs well overall. It’s not the fastest of the bunch, but it sure is the biggest, so if you need storage space, then Kingston has got you covered.  "