Tag Archive for lie

I Just Want to Be Left Alone


I really just want to be left alone.

I don’t bother anyone. I don’t talk to anyone. I don’t leave my house unless I absolutely have to. I don’t speak to my neighbors, I tried that and it ended up bad and it still hasn’t stopped. Then the upstairs neighbor has started stuff with me as well.

If You Believe it Then It Is Not A Lie


Huh, What? WTF?

So my kid says that if you believe something to be true then it’s not a lie. I say WTF kind of reasoning is that?

I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff. He says he’s read papers and research and talked to all kinds of people about it and it’s true they all say that if you believe something to be true then it’s not a lie.

I don’t understand the reasoning or logic behind that at all.

For example: According to him if you go around accusing or calling someone a murderer that as long as you believe it then it’s not lying about them. It doesn’t matter that the person is innocent, as long as you believe it, then you’re not lying about them.

He says it should be that way, and he says it is that way according to his friends and the research he’s done, that’s the way it really is and I’m wrong. He says it doesn’t matter about the facts, just as long as you believe it.

He just can’t grasp the concept of opinions and facts apparently.

I don’t know what world he lives in, but I don’t think I want to live in it… if this is the way kids are being brought up today, then something is wrong.

I’ve tried to raise my children with values, no lying, have the facts before you make a judgment etc but it doesn’t seem that it worked very well sadly.

MyLife.com Sucks!

No, I don’t mean my actual life I mean the website MyLife.com

I’ve never joined them, never knew about them until I found myself listed on their site four times.

Since 2009 I’ve been asking them to remove me from their website and they refuse to. I never joined the site. They added me without asking and emailed me about confirming my membership. I never confirmed it, I ignored it. Forgot about it actually. I’ve emailed them four times now since September of last year asking to be removed and they won’t respond.


In their TOS it says, and I quote:

To request that a Member Profile or Public Profile be deleted, please contact Customer Care at 1-888-704-1900 or contact us by email at privacy@mylife.com. Upon receipt of these requests, and confirmation that you are requesting that your own profile be removed, please allow MyLife 10 business days to complete this removal. It may be necessary to contact you to validate that you are the profile owner requesting the removal. This is to ensure the correct identity and profile ownership before completing these requests, and is for the protection of our users and their privacy.

But apparently they don’t care to abide by their own terms or service.

I want removed from their site and I also want my deceased mother removed as well but they refuse to respond to my emails at all.

Stay away from MyLife.com as all they care about is collecting data on people and using it for whatever purposes they deem fit.

They don’t respond to emails even though it says right there to email them about being removed. it says it takes 10 days, but I’m at 8 months now since the first email with no response. So they’re liars in my book, and I hate liars.

Global Warming is a bunch of BS!!

Exactly what I just said, it’s all a bunch of bull-poop!!

It’s May 28th and I’ve got to have my furnace on, it’s going to be in the 30s tonight.. the Fracking 30’s!!! That’s just a few degrees above freezing and it’s a few days before JUNE!!!!!!!

I thought Global Warming meant that it was getting warmer not COLDER!

But wait I could bet that if you mentioned something like this to one of those experts they’d tell you it’s cold BECAUSE of Global Warming, and I could also bet that if it was going to be 100 degrees tonight they would also say it’s because of global warming….

the average low according to the almanac is 53F, and the record low was 35F in 1971

May 28th and the upper 30’s for tonight… there’s something wrong with the science there, if it’s actually getting warmer then it shouldn’t be in the 30’s a few days before June

This sucks, yesterday I was sweating, today I’m freezing.. let me guess, that’s because of global warming right?