A smart home automation system can save you time and money and allow you to run your life more efficiently all while keeping your home and family safe. Home automation allows access to control many aspects of your home, such as security, climate, and even appliances from a remote location. With easy access through your smartphone or tablet, it doesn’t get much easier to control your home, monitor your children and conserve energy. Here are three ways that home automation can make your life more convenient.
Tag Archive for life
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
Have You Ever Noticed…
by Kristofer Brozio •
I’ve been around for while and I’ve noticed things in life that just aren’t right and shouldn’t be. So I was bored and compiled a little list of them…
-nothing seems to work as it should, nothing is easy-to-assemble really, that ‘some assembly required’ means you’ll be there all day
-nothing is ever as good as it sounds –Slushie Magic is a prime example, my kids just have to have it and it’s just horrible. I review product’s and oftentimes things just aren’t as good as they are hyped to be. I can recall numerous times I’ve went and bought something and it just wasn’t at all what I expected and it was nothing as good as the hype surrounding it.
-the doorbell always rings when you’re in the bathroom, doing dishes, taking a nap or any other time other than when you’re just sitting there doing nothing?! I don’t get it, I can sit here and know a delivery is coming and it won’t come until I decide to get in the shower.. it’s amazing really…
-every project that should be easy seems to end up taking more time than it should – seriously the simplest project always seems to take more time than it should. I usually end up having to do two or three other things to get the original thing done.
-no matter how prepared you think you are, you never have the right tool, size washer, nut etc or thing you need to get the job done. You always have to go looking for it?! I was working on my gate and fence, trying to fix it and I must have had to make twenty trips back into the house to get things, it always seemed like I just didn’t have what I needed.
-the phone will always ring when you walk away from it – this annoys me to no end, I’ll be waiting for a call and the phone won’t ring until I walk away from it, it makes no sense…
-you lose your cellphone signal just when you want to make a call – I have a cellphone of course, but I don’t use it often but it seems 9 out of 10 times when I do decide to actually need to use it the signal is horrible…
-parenting is not as easy as it seems – this one is just amazing, I never realized what my mother went through. No matter what I try with my kids nothing seems to work and they just don’t appreciate anything. No matter what they want more, they’re never satisfied with anything you do or give them, they always have to have more. The months preceding this past Christmas I watched for sales on video games and I ended up getting them 48 games for Christmas and that still wasn’t enough, they still wanted more a few days later. They still haven’t played all of them yet, and they want more games. They have a 3DS, DSi XL and DS Lite and an iPod Touch and an Android tablet for portable gaming but that’s not enough, no mater what they always want to use the same thing. they always end up fighting over one of them.
-life is nothing like that book or movie -people should really stop expecting it to be. I can’t stand this, all these movies and books about romance and life and it’s not like that in real life, I wish people would stop expecting it to be…
-you never have enough money no mater what you do - this is self-explanatory I think
-people have become horrible over the year- I remember when we could leave doors and windows open, and walk down the street safely, but you can’t do that anymore. You need bars on your windows, security systems, cameras and all that and it’s because people have become horrible. Society has just fallen from what it used to be, I’ve watched society just decay over the years… once great and friendly neighborhoods and now considered ghettos with gangs and drugs all of the place…
-people just don’t really seem to care about laws… right through red lights and stop signs – police are really good with this as well, no turn signals, don’t stop etc. We now have the no texting and driving law here and people don’t give a crap, I still see them doing it, weaving back and forth into the other lane while they’re texting. They just don’t care about anything but themselves…
-no matter what you have you always want more – I think this has always been true, no matter what you have you want more
-life in general just sucks overall – maybe it’s just me, but I think life just sucks in general overall. I’m sick of all the politically correct crap, I’m sick of having to watch everything I say and do because I might offend someone and be sued or put in jail for it. it’s just ridiculous….
-The nanny state – I’m so sick of the government sticking their noses into everything and every part of daily life. Prime example: If I want to buy a large drink then I should be allowed, its shouldn’t be a law and be illegal to buy a large drink… just goofy all of it…
20 Types of People or Things I Hate in Life
by Kristofer Brozio •
I guess you could call this a rant, but I just needed to vent a bit. The list is by no means complete, it’s just off the top of my head…
So it’s just a list of 20 things or types of people I hate in life…
1. Liars – this is self-explanatory
2. People who only judge by hearing one side of the story – there are always two sides of the story, but yet most people make their judgments without hearing the whole story
3. People who think they’re more important than everyone else – Get over it, you’re not that important
4. People who talk on the phone so loud I can hear them from across the street with traffic – this is self-explanatory, it’s just annoying and I don’t what you did last night or with who, really I don’t
5. People who say things and then either conveniently forget they said it or deny they ever said it. – I could go on and on about this one, but I think it’s self-explanatory as well
6. People who share too much or things they just shouldn’t– Some things just shouldn’t be said, please think before you speak or think before you share personal things on social networks. Did you ever think that people you know might not want you to share certain things you know about them with the entire internet?!
7. Texting and driving – rather self-explanatory, and you’re just stupid if you do it
8. People who judge without ever having a first hand experience and only go by what others have said or what the media has fed them about something or someone
9. Politics and Politicians – You’re all a bunch of crooks, just out to serve yourselves and not the actual public who you supposedly represent, and I’m sick of you people calling me non-stop
10. Hackers – the bad hackers anyway I hate. I logged over 300 attempts yesterday on one of my sites before I stopped them from trying to gain access to my site. What’s the point really? What do you want? Just die already, please.
11. Spammers and phishers – rather self-explanatory really but I know you’re not going to just give me millions of dollars so just stop emailing me please
12. People who think red lights and stop signs and other traffics laws aren’t meant for them – every day I see people just blatantly going through red lights, not even slowing down, just cruising right through the red light
13. Cops who turn their lights on to just to go through red lights – I’ve watched them do it many times, it’s a red light, they turn their lights on and go though then turn them off again. Really, you’re in that much of a hurry to go get lunch or coffee?
14. Cops who don’t obey traffic laws either, no turn signals, don’t stop for stop signs, chatting and texting while driving etc etc – Great example you set there for the public, thanks!
15. People who double park or illegally park at Starbucks! I haven’t been to Starbucks in years, but the one near me shares a parking lot with Fedex, a place I do go often but there’s never a parking spot because of Starbucks. Sometimes you can’t even get in the parking lot because people just leave their car blocking the entrance while they run in and get their coffee. What exactly makes you so important?
16. People who think they’re better than everyone else just because they have money – so what?! You have money, big deal, that doesn’t mean you’re better than everyone else or that you’re entitled to special treatment
17. People who think they know everything – There are people out there who think they are all knowing, they have an answer for everything and they think they know better than you even though they’ve had no experience at all with the subject matter or just aren’t even old enough to know better.
18. Over-talkers – or at least that’s what I call them, it’s those people that just keep talking and won’t let you get a word in. You try and say something and they just keep talking, totally ignoring you and what you’re trying to say. They’ll just interrupt what you’re saying and continue on not letting you finish what you were saying. I hate people like that, they just annoy me, when I run into them I try and avoid them the next time.
19. People who try and push their views and beliefs on me – I believe what I believe, I know what I know. Just because you believe it doesn’t mean it’s right and what makes you think that I actually care what you believe?!
20. Fanboys – Wow, I could go on and on about this one. I don’t think it needs much of an explanation really. You like what you like, I like what I like. Just because I like something you don’t, doesn’t mean I’m wrong or that there’s something wrong with me. I have what I have because I like it, and it works for me, plain and simple really. If I wanted what you have, I’d get what you have, but I don’t so leave me alone.
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
by Kristofer Brozio •
I meant to post about this a couple days ago but just basically didn’t want to a the time…
July 5th was the 2nd anniversary of my cousins suicide and to this day, and probably never will I be able to figure out why he did it…
not only did he leave behind questions unanswered but he left guilt as well with most of his family and friends, I personally have to ask is there something I could have done? is there something I missed?
We were cousins but we were friends as well, the closest thing to a best friend I’ve ever had really…
I look back and well I wasn’t always there, I mean I think I should have been there, but as we got older our interests differed and we grew apart, we went our separate ways with our familes and friends, and things we liked to do, I guess I can’t blame myself or feel guilty about it but I can’t help it really… I just think back and have to wonder what more could I have done?
The last communication I had with him was an argument, and well there’s guilt there as well, but we’ve fought many times before and always ‘made up’, time went by and things cooled off and things were back to normal, but not this time…
He ended it with a bullet to his head, he left behind three small children and a wife, well the wife really wasn’t a wife at that point, she was cheating on him at the time, and I’m sure that was a big part of why he did it, but it’s not worth taking your life over something like that, so obviously there had to be more to it that that, then again we all handle things differently and that could have been his reason, but I find it hard to believe as I know he loved his children and would do anything for them that he could…
I don’t know, and I guess I never will…
Articles/Editorials, Rants!
Christmas and the coming New Year
by Kristofer Brozio •
If you read my earlier post a couple days ago you’ll know I’ve got the flu.. well I got it from my middle son Nick who was sick and throwing up the 24th and 25th, great Christmas for him eh? Then my oldest Kristofer, got sick as well, he was throwing up also, just one day though.. and of course now I feel like a truck ran me over and all i want to do is sleep.. my wife is sick to but it’s nowhere near as bad, just stuffy nose and slight cough… luckily the baby hasn’t got sick…
So that’s how we spent Christmas…
now I just found out how I’m going to be spending my New Year apparently as well… they’ve just taken my mom to the hospital with Kidney and Liver failure, and a possible infection on top of that… and I can’t go to the hospital to see her because I am sick….
this does not bode well for my New Year does it……..?
Life just sucks sometimes doesn’t it?!
Happy Fucking New Year eh?!