Tag Archive for Molly

RIP Molly Cat 2001 to 2014


So my cat Molly has been missing for the last few days and we found her today, dead and frozen under the porch. She was almost home, I guess she just didn’t make it up onto  the porch. She was old in cat years I  guess, about 13 in our years, so I guess she lived long, still I’ll miss her as she was a cool cat. She was a pretty cat I think, we used to call her Molly Bear, why I don’t know, or I don’t remember.

When she was little she used to sleep on my head, or on the pillow above my head and she was the only cat I’ve ever known that could open doors. We used to have those I guess French style handles, just like a curly bar that you pushed down or pulled up to open the doors on the bedrooms and Molly figured out she could grab the handle and pull down to come in when we closed the door.molly2

My youngest son, Vinnie, he’s nine, really liked her, he fed her and gave her water everyday, and he was sad of course.

We all loved her,  and we’re all sad.