Yeah It’s time for the news again…. read and enjoy…
Been a while since I’ve posted anything… sorry about that, just busy with stuff… but here’s the news…
Yep, it’s time for the reviews and news once again.. so read on and be sure to check for some great giveaways and contests down in the assorted section..
Yep, time once again for the news, read and enjoy and check out all of the contests going on as well, maybe you’ll win something!..
It’s about 1am on Monday morning, yes I’m up and I shouldn’t be as my alarm is set for 6:45am. I’ve been working on my roof, I think I will finally be done this week if the weather holds out. It’s hard doing stuff by yourself, especially something like a roof, but I managed. I’ve got a lot of stuff I want to post here, a few more how-to’s and just a lot of stuff. So check back later in the week and I’ll get some more stuff posted. For now I need to go to bed, get up take my kids to school, then get back on the roof. Read the news for now..
Hello all! I’m back with the news and review from tech sites around the world, read and enjoy…
Time for the news yet again, so read and enjoy….