Tag Archive for Pain

Having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sucks

So I’ve had carpal tunnel syndrome for years in left and right wrists, had symptoms etc but it finally got really bad late last year I guess on the right. I was in so much pain that I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night, no joke here, no exaggeration, I had to find funky sleeping positions just to be able to get a couple to maybe a few hours sleep because of the pain and sometimes I wouldn’t sleep at all.

Arrow to the Knee

Yep I took and arrow to the knee..  not really but at times it feels like it.

It sucks really, I’ve got excruciating pain in my knees at times.. most of the time actually, but bending them, like going up steps, causes me pain like I’ve never felt before and I don’t like it. Then again I don’t know who would like it.. oh whatever…

Pain Pain Pain

My back is killing me… well not killing me literally I guess, but it hurts and I can’t stand it.. it hurts to do anything really, sitting, standing, walking, sleeping..

I don’t know.. just felt the need to complain and I’m allowed…